2 years ago
7.5 kB
@Override public String CN_GetData(CustomerGetDTO getDTO) { try { int ipage = Integer.parseInt(getDTO.getPage()); int ilimit = Integer.parseInt(getDTO.getLimit()); String Start = String.valueOf((ipage - 1) * ilimit + 1); String End = String.valueOf(ipage * ilimit); int count = 0; SqlRowSet rs; int iTotalPage; String where = " where 1=1 "; String from = " from custreg a "; int num = 0; String brn = getDTO.getBrcode();//getDTO.getCurrentUser().get_BrCode(); /*if (brn.equals("071") || brn.equals("990")) { brn = getDTO.getBrcode(); }*/ if (brn != null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(brn.trim())) { where += " and a.brcode = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getIdnumber() != null && !getDTO.getIdnumber().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.idnumber = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getFullname() != null && !getDTO.getFullname().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and upper(a.fullname) like '%' || upper(?) || '%' "; num++; } if (getDTO.getCif() != null && !getDTO.getCif().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.cif = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getCellphone() != null && !getDTO.getCellphone().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.cellphone = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getStatus() != null && !getDTO.getStatus().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if (getDTO.getStatus().equals("7")) // Trang thai xoa from = " from custreg_del a "; where += " and a.status = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getCustype() != null && !getDTO.getCustype().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.custype = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getSmostatus() != null && !getDTO.getSmostatus().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.smostatus = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getChannel() != null && !getDTO.getChannel().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.channel = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getSystem() != null && !getDTO.getSystem().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.servid = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getRequest() != null && !getDTO.getRequest().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.reqid = ? "; num++; } if (getDTO.getFromdate() != null && !getDTO.getFromdate().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.registertime >= to_date(?,'dd/mm/yyyy') "; num++; } if (getDTO.getTodate() != null && !getDTO.getTodate().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { where += " and a.registertime <= to_date(?,'dd/mm/yyyy') "; num++; } Object[] args1 = new Object[num]; Object[] args2 = new Object[num + 2]; if (num > 0) { int i = 0; if (brn != null && !brn.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = brn; args2[i] = brn; i++; } if (getDTO.getIdnumber() != null && !getDTO.getIdnumber().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getIdnumber(); args2[i] = getDTO.getIdnumber(); i ++; } if (getDTO.getFullname() != null && !getDTO.getFullname().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getFullname(); args2[i] = getDTO.getFullname(); i++; } if (getDTO.getCif() != null && !getDTO.getCif().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getCif(); args2[i] = getDTO.getCif(); i ++; } if (getDTO.getCellphone() != null && !getDTO.getCellphone().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getCellphone(); args2[i] = getDTO.getCellphone(); i++; } if (getDTO.getStatus() != null && !getDTO.getStatus().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getStatus(); args2[i] = getDTO.getStatus(); i++; } if (getDTO.getCustype() != null && !getDTO.getCustype().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getCustype(); args2[i] = getDTO.getCustype(); i++; } if (getDTO.getSmostatus() != null && !getDTO.getSmostatus().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getSmostatus(); args2[i] = getDTO.getSmostatus(); i++; } if (getDTO.getChannel() != null && !getDTO.getChannel().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getChannel(); args2[i] = getDTO.getChannel(); i++; } if (getDTO.getSystem() != null && !getDTO.getSystem().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getSystem(); args2[i] = getDTO.getSystem(); i++; } if (getDTO.getRequest() != null && !getDTO.getRequest().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getRequest(); args2[i] = getDTO.getRequest(); i++; } if (getDTO.getFromdate() != null && !getDTO.getFromdate().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getFromdate(); args2[i] = getDTO.getFromdate(); i++; } if (getDTO.getTodate() != null && !getDTO.getTodate().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { args1[i] = getDTO.getTodate(); args2[i] = getDTO.getTodate(); i++; } } args2[num] = Start; args2[num + 1] = End; String query = "select a.id, a.fullname, a.cif, a.account, a.idnumber, a.cellphone, a.email, a.service, " + "a.staffcode, a.verifyuser, a.approveuser, a.brcode, a.status,a.status statusdsp, a.remark, " + "to_char(a.birthday, 'dd/mm/yyyy') birthday, " + "to_char(a.issuedate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') issuedate, " + "to_char(a.registertime, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') registertime, " + "to_char(a.verifytime, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') verifytime, " + "to_char(a.approvetime, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') approvetime, " + "a.auto, a.servid, b.servname, a.authname, a.reqid, c.reqname, " + "a.authid, d.authdesc ,a.bsbacct, a.bopkg, a.channel, a.registertime as regtime ,a.password," + "a.registeruser, a.appcode, a.appname,a.authname as userid, a.custype,a.smostatus,a.authpass " + from + "left join prm_dgbkserv b on a.servid = b.servid " + "left join prm_servreq c on a.reqid = c.reqid " + "left join prm_servauth d on a.authid = d.authid " + where; count = DB.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from (" + query + ") x", args1); iTotalPage = count / ilimit; int acCount = iTotalPage * ilimit; if (acCount < count) iTotalPage++; if (getDTO.getSidx().toLowerCase().equals("registertime")) getDTO.setSidx("regtime"); String order = " order by " + " " + getDTO.getSidx() + " " + getDTO.getSord(); String getData = "select * from (select rownum as stt, x.* from " + "( " + query + order + " ) x ) y where stt between ? and ?"; System.out.println("Select User:" + getData); rs = DB.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(getData, args2); return "{"+ "\"total\": \""+String.valueOf(iTotalPage)+"\","+ "\"page\": \""+getDTO.getPage()+"\","+ "\"records\": \""+String.valueOf(count)+"\","+ "\"rows\" :"+ sqlRowSetMetaData2JSON(rs)+ "}"; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); return ex.toString(); } }