a year ago
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<template> <div class="form__control form__input--slider" :class="{ 'form__input--slider__electricity': type === 'electricity' }" > <!-- ... (rest of the template is unchanged) ... --> </div> </template> <script> import { ref, watch, onMounted, toRefs } from 'vue'; import VueSlider from 'vue-slider-component'; import 'vue-slider-component/theme/default.css'; const GAS_MARKS = { // ... (unchanged) }; const ENERGY_MARKS = { // ... (unchanged) }; export default { components: { VueSlider }, props: { // ... (unchanged props definitions) ... }, setup(props, { emit }) { const { consumption, defaultValue, fieldName, type, gasFactor, showHouseIcons } = toRefs(props); const value = ref(defaultValue.value || 20); const factor = ref(gasFactor.value || 150); const gasLabelValue = ref('0m²'); const options = ref({ // ... (initial options definition, unchanged) ... marks: type.value === 'gas' ? { ...GAS_MARKS } : { ...ENERGY_MARKS } }); const setSlider = newVal => { let val = 0; const slider = sliderRef.value; const marks = slider.marks; // ... (rest of the setSlider code, unchanged) ... }; const setGasLabel = val => { const calculatedValue = Math.floor(parseInt(val) / factor.value); gasLabelValue.value = `${isNaN(calculatedValue) ? 0 : calculatedValue}m²`; }; const sendConsumption = val => { // ... (rest of the sendConsumption code, unchanged) ... }; const getSliderMarks = type => { // ... (unchanged) }; const initSlider = type => { Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('vue-slider-mark-label')).forEach( element => { element.innerHTML = ''; } ); setSlider(consumption.value); if (type === 'gas') { setGasLabel(consumption.value); } }; const sliderRef = ref(null); watch(consumption, (newVal) => { // ... (rest of the consumption watcher code, unchanged) ... }); watch(type, newVal => { getSliderMarks(newVal); nextTick(() => { initSlider(newVal); }); }); onMounted(() => { initSlider(type.value); }); return { options, value, gasLabelValue, sendConsumption, showHouseIcons, sliderRef }; } }; </script> <style src="./style/consumptionSlider.less" lang="less"></style>