import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { InputText } from 'primereact/inputtext'; import PrimeWrapper from '../primeWrapper/primewrapper'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classNames from 'classnames'; const PrimeInputText = (props) => { const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(props.value || ''); // Initialize state for input value const getPrefixLabel = () => { if (typeof props.prefixLabel !== 'undefined') { return props.evalLangText(props); } else if (typeof props.prefixLabelText !== 'undefined') { return props.prefixLabelText; } else { return ''; } }; const getSuffixLabel = () => { if (typeof props.suffixLabel !== 'undefined') { return props.evalLangText(props); } else if (typeof props.suffixLabelText !== 'undefined') { return props.suffixLabelText; } else { return ''; } }; const getHelperTextLabel = () => { if (typeof props.helperTextLabelKey !== 'undefined') { return props.evalLangText(props); } else if (typeof props.helperText !== 'undefined') { return props.helperText; } else { return ''; } }; const handleInputChange = (event) => { // If autoCapitalize is true, convert input to uppercase const value = props.autoCapitalize ? event.target.value.toUpperCase() : event.target.value; setInputValue(value); // Update local state to re-render input with the new value // Call parent's onChange handler if provided props.onChange && props.onChange({ ...event, target: { ...event.target, value } }); }; return ( (props.showif !== undefined ? props.showif : true) && ( <span className="prime-input-text-wrapper"> <div> <label className={props.labelClassName}> {props.evalLangText(props)} </label> </div> <span className="prime-input-text-container"> {(props.prefixLabelText || props.prefixLabel) && ( <span className={classNames( 'prime-input-text-prefix', props.prefixLabelClass, )}> <span>{getPrefixLabel()}</span> </span> )} <InputText id={props.id} className={props.className} value={inputValue} // Bind state to the value onChange={handleInputChange} // Handle input change onInput={props.onInput} keyfilter={props.keyfilter} placeholder={props.placeholder} variant={props.variant} tooltip={props.tooltip || null} tooltipOptions={props.tooltipOptions} validateOnly={props.validateOnly} invalid={props.invalid} disabled={props.disabled || false} unstyled={props.unstyled || false} readOnly={props.readOnly} maxLength={props.maxLength} size={props.size || null} type={props.type} style={props.style} autoFocus={props.autofocus} autoComplete={props.autoComplete} tabIndex={props.tabIndex} arialabel={props.arialabel} required={props.required} onBlur={props.onBlur} onFocus={props.onFocus} {...props}> {props.children} </InputText> {(props.suffixLabelText || props.suffixLabel) && ( <span className={classNames( 'prime-input-text-suffix', props.suffixLabelClass, )}> <span>{getSuffixLabel()}</span> </span> )} {props.helperTextShowIf && (props.helperText || props.helperTextLabelKey) && ( <div> <small className={classNames( 'ux-input-helper-text', props.helperTextClassName, )}> {getHelperTextLabel()} </small> </div> )} </span> </span> ) ); }; PrimeInputText.propTypes = { // ... (keep the existing PropTypes unchanged) }; PrimeInputText.defaultProps = { value: null, validateOnly: false, invalid: false, variant: 'outlined', tooltip: null, tooltipOptions: null, unstyled: false, size: null, type: 'text', autofocus: false, autoComplete: 'on', keyfilter: null, }; export default PrimeWrapper(PrimeInputText);
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