package com.example.demo.util; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class FacebookUrlValidation { private static final String FB_VIDEO_PATTERN = "^https?://(?:www\\.)?facebook\\.com/" + "(?:" + // Standard video formats with username "(?:[^/?]+/)?videos/(?:short/|vb\\.[0-9]+/)?[0-9]+/?|" + // Video formats with username and variations "(?:[^/?]+/)?video/[0-9]+/?|" + "(?:[^/?]+/)?media/[0-9]+/?|" + // Share formats (including posts, videos, and reels) "share/[prvw]/[A-Za-z0-9]+/?|" + // Reel formats "(?:[^/?]+/)?reel(?:s)?/[0-9]+/?|" + // Watch formats "watch/(?:\\?v=[^/&]+|[^/?]+/?)|" + // Video.php format "video\\.php\\?v=[^/&]+|" + // Embedded video format "video/embed\\?video_id=[0-9]+|" + // Playlist and album formats "(?:[^/?]+/)?videos/playlist/[0-9]+/?|" + "(?:[^/?]+/)?album/[0-9]+/videos/?|" + // Post formats that might contain videos "(?:[^/?]+/)?posts/[0-9]+/?|" + "permalink\\.php\\?story_fbid=[0-9]+|" + // Additional video formats "(?:[^/?]+/)?videos/[^/]+/[0-9]+/?|" + "(?:[^/?]+/)?video/[^/]+/[0-9]+/?" + ")$"; /** * Validates if the given URL is a valid Facebook video URL. * This method checks for all possible Facebook video URL formats including: * - Regular video URLs (with or without username) * - Short video URLs * - Video URLs with vb.ID format * - Share URLs (p for posts, r for reels, v for videos, w for watch) * - Reel URLs (all variations) * - Watch URLs * - Video.php URLs * - Embedded video URLs * - Playlist URLs * - Album video URLs * - Media URLs * - Post URLs (since posts can contain videos) * * @param url The URL to validate * @return true if the URL is a valid Facebook video URL, false otherwise */ public static boolean isValidFacebookVideoUrl(String url) { if (url == null || url.trim().isEmpty()) { return false; } return Pattern.compile(FB_VIDEO_PATTERN, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(url.trim()).matches(); } }
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