#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#pragma once
struct BMPFileHeader {
uint16_t file_type{0x4D42}; // File type always BM which is 0x4D42
uint32_t file_size{0}; // Size of the file (in bytes)
uint16_t reserved1{0}; // Reserved, always 0
uint16_t reserved2{0}; // Reserved, always 0
uint32_t offset_data{0}; // Start position of pixel data (bytes from the beginning of the file)
struct BMPInfoHeader {
uint32_t header_size{0}; // Size of this header (in bytes)
int32_t width{0}; // width of bitmap in pixels
int32_t height{0}; // width of bitmap in pixels
// (if positive, bottom-up, with origin in lower left corner)
// (if negative, top-down, with origin in upper left corner)
uint16_t planes{1}; // No. of planes for the target device, this is always 1
uint16_t bits_per_pixel{4}; // No. of bits per pixel
uint32_t compression{0};
uint32_t size_image{0}; // 0 - for uncompressed images
int32_t x_pixels_per_meter{0};
int32_t y_pixels_per_meter{0};
uint32_t colors_used{5};
// No. color indexes in the color table. Use 0 for the max number of colors allowed by bit_count
uint32_t colors_important{0};
// No. of colors used for displaying the bitmap. If 0 all colors are required
struct BMPColorTable {
uint8_t white[3] = {255, 255, 255};
uint8_t green[3] = {0, 128, 0};
uint8_t yellow[3] = {0, 255, 255};
uint8_t purple[3] = {128, 0, 128};
uint8_t black[3] = {0, 0, 0};
struct BMP {
BMPFileHeader file_header;
BMPInfoHeader bmp_info_header;
BMPColorTable bmp_color_table;
std::vector <uint8_t> data;