3 months ago
8.2 kB
import { Component, EventEmitter, Injector, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, } from '@angular/core'; import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { ErrorComponent } from '@ziwig/ng-core'; import { IErrorSignal, IErrorSub } from '@ziwig/types'; import { AuthenticationService } from '../../authentication.service'; import { SignalKeysAuthenticationService } from '../../authentication.enum'; import { LayoutToastsService } from '@ziwig/ng-layout'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { TokenStorageService } from 'projects/libs/_shared/src/lib/services/token-storage.service'; import { KeycloakLoginFlowService } from '../../keycloak-login-flow.service'; @Component({ selector: 'zg-app-reset-password-controller', template: ` <zg-app-edit-password [data]="data" (EditPasswordevent)="editPassword($event)" (credentialsTokenEmitter)="handleToken($event)" > </zg-app-edit-password> `, }) export class EditNewPasswordControllerComponent extends ErrorComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { private $authRefService!: Subscription; token: any; @Input() SessionIdData!: any; @Output() EditPasswordevent: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>(); accessToken!: string | null; data!: any; componentMode!: string; selectedDomain!: any; sessionId!: string | null; lang: string = 'en'; private tokenSubject = new Subject<string | null>(); constructor( private authenticationService: AuthenticationService, private layoutToastService: LayoutToastsService, injector: Injector, private route: Router, private translate: TranslateService, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private tokenStorageService: TokenStorageService, private KeycloakLoginFlowService: KeycloakLoginFlowService ) { super(injector); this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe(() => { this.lang = this.translate.currentLang; }); } ngOnInit(): void { this.listenToAuthEvents(); this.selectedDomain = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get('domain'); this.sessionId = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get('sessionId'); this.componentMode = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.data['operation']; this.getPasswordPolicy(); this.tokenSubject.subscribe((token) => { console.log('Received token:', token); console.log('Selected domain (realm):', this.selectedDomain); if (token) { this.authenticationService.checkToken(this.selectedDomain, token); } else { console.log('Token is not available.'); } }); } handleToken(event: any) { this.token = event; this.tokenSubject.next(this.token); } getPasswordPolicy() { this.authenticationService.getPasswordPolicy(this.selectedDomain).subscribe( (data: any) => { const minLengthMatch = /length\((\d+)\)/.exec(data); const maxLengthMatch = /maxLength\((\d+)\)/.exec(data); const lowerCaseMatch = /lowerCase\((\d+)\)/.exec(data); const upperCaseMatch = /upperCase\((\d+)\)/.exec(data); const specialCharsMatch = /specialChars\((\d+)\)/.exec(data); this.data = { minLength: minLengthMatch ? parseInt(minLengthMatch[1], 10) : null, maxLength: maxLengthMatch ? parseInt(maxLengthMatch[1], 10) : null, lowerCaseCount: lowerCaseMatch ? parseInt(lowerCaseMatch[1], 10) : null, upperCaseCount: upperCaseMatch ? parseInt(upperCaseMatch[1], 10) : null, specialCharsCount: specialCharsMatch ? parseInt(specialCharsMatch[1], 10) : null, }; }, (error: any) => { console.error('Error fetching password policy:', error); } ); } // edit password for the Forgot password flow or for the update password required action flow. editPassword(event: any) { if (this.selectedDomain) { if (this.componentMode && this.componentMode === 'required-action') { const cguRequiredAction = this.tokenStorageService.getRequiredAction(); if ( cguRequiredAction.execution && cguRequiredAction.formAction && cguRequiredAction.cookie && cguRequiredAction.username ) { this.authenticationService.RequiredAction( { newPassword: event.newPassword, confirmPassword: event.newPassword, execution: cguRequiredAction.execution, formAction: cguRequiredAction.formAction, cookie: cguRequiredAction.cookie, username: cguRequiredAction.username, }, this.selectedDomain ); } } else { let params: any = { userSessionId: this.sessionId as string, newPassword: event.newPassword, }; if (this.componentMode && this.componentMode === 'init-password') { params = { ...params, initPassword: true, lang: this.lang, token: event.token, }; } this.authenticationService.ResetPassword(params, this.selectedDomain); } } } private listenToAuthEvents() { this.$authRefService = this.authenticationService .getUpdateListener([ SignalKeysAuthenticationService.RESET_PASSWORD, SignalKeysAuthenticationService.REQUIRED_ACTION, SignalKeysAuthenticationService.CHECK_TOKEN_PASSWORD, ]) .subscribe((dataEvent: any) => { const { key, data } = dataEvent; switch (key) { // case SignalKeysAuthenticationService.CHECK_TOKEN_PASSWORD: { // if (data.check === 'true') { // const successMessage = this.translate.instant( // 'Your session is still active.' // ); // this.layoutToastService.showSuccess(successMessage); // } // // else { // // const errorMessage = this.translate.instant( // // 'Your session has expired. Please start the process from the beginning.' // // ); // // this.layoutToastService.showError(errorMessage); // // this.route.navigate([ // // `/${this.selectedDomain}/auth/update-credential/verify-user`, // // ]); // // } // break; // } case SignalKeysAuthenticationService.RESET_PASSWORD: { if (data.message === 'password updated successfully') { const successMessage = this.translate.instant( 'Password updated successfully.' ); this.layoutToastService.showSuccess(successMessage); this.route.navigate([`/${this.selectedDomain}/auth/login-sat`]); } else { const errorMessage = this.translate.instant( 'Your session has expired. Please start the process from the beginning.' ); this.layoutToastService.showError(errorMessage); this.route.navigate([ `/${this.selectedDomain}/auth/update-credential/verify-user`, ]); } break; } case SignalKeysAuthenticationService.REQUIRED_ACTION: { if (this.selectedDomain) { this.KeycloakLoginFlowService.getAuthFlow( data, this.selectedDomain ); } break; } } }); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.$authRefService.unsubscribe(); } protected gettingError = (errData: IErrorSignal<IErrorSub, string>) => { const { err } = errData; this.data = { errStatus: err.err.status, message_error: err.err?.error?.message, }; }; }
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