3 months ago
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SRIKANTH INACTIVE OWNER DELIVERY CODE global class InactiveDelivertOwnerAlertBatch implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Schedulable { public string query = ''; public Set<Id> ids = new Set<Id>(); global InactiveDelivertOwnerAlertBatch(){ } global InactiveDelivertOwnerAlertBatch(String querys,Set<Id> id){ this.query = querys; this.ids = id; } global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Business__c, Delivery_Owner__c, Delivery_Owner__r.Name, Delivery_Owner__r.email, Group_SBU__c, Name,Opportunity_ID__c, OwnerId, Owner.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Delivery_Owner__c != null AND stagename != 'Lost' AND CloseDate > TODAY ORDER BY Group_SBU__c ]); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> scope) { List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); Map<String, Group_SBU__c> students = Group_SBU__c.getAll(); Map<String,String> nameVsEmail = new Map<String,String>(); Set<String> activeUserEmail = new Set<String>(); Set<String> activeEmplEmail = new Set<String>(); Set<String> userName = new Set<String>(); Set<String> emailsSet = new Set<String>(); Map<String,List<Opportunity>> gbVsOpps = new Map<String,List<Opportunity>>(); for(Opportunity opp : scope) { emailsSet.add(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email); } if(emailsSet.size() > 0){ List<User> userList = [select id,email from user where isactive = true AND email IN :emailsSet]; List<Employee_Number__c> employeeList = [select id,Email_Address__c from Employee_Number__c where Status__c = 'ACTIVE' AND Email_Address__c IN :emailsSet ]; for(User userRec : userList){ activeUserEmail.add(userRec.email); } for(Employee_Number__c empl : employeeList){ activeEmplEmail.add(empl.Email_Address__c); } } for(Group_SBU__c csetting : students.values()){ if(String.isNotBlank(csetting.Users__c)) userName.addAll(csetting.Users__c.split(',')); } if(userName.size() > 0){ List<User> userList = [SELECT Id,Email,Name FROM User WHERE Name In :userName]; for(User userRecord : userList){ nameVsEmail.put(userRecord.Name,userRecord.Email); } } for(Opportunity opp : scope) { if(!activeUserEmail.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email) || !activeEmplEmail.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email)){ if(gbVsOpps.containsKey(opp.Group_SBU__c)){ gbVsOpps.get(opp.Group_SBU__c).add(opp); }else{ gbVsOpps.put(opp.Group_SBU__c,new List<Opportunity>{opp}); } } } for(String key : gbVsOpps.keySet()) { Integer count = 1; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); List<String> toAddresses = getToAddress(key,nameVsEmail,students); email.setToAddresses(toAddresses); email.setCCAddresses(new List<String>{'asrikanthreddy@virtusa.com'}); //email.setToAddresses(new List<String>{'asrikanthreddy@virtusa.com'}); email.setSubject('Delivery owner status notification'); String emailBody = 'Hi Team, Please find the below opt record where delivery owner is inactive. Kindly take action'; emailBody += '<table border="1"><tr><th>Sr. No.</th><th>Opportunity</th><th>Opportunity_ID__c</th><th>Owner</th><th>Delivery Owner</th><th>Employee Status</th><th>User Status</th></tr>'; for(Opportunity opp : gbVsOpps.get(key)){ String isActiveEmployee = activeEmplEmail.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email) ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; String isActiveUser = activeUserEmail.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email) ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; emailBody += '<tr><td>' + count + '</td><td>' + opp.Name + '</td><td>' + opp.Opportunity_ID__c + '</td><td>' + opp.Owner.Name + '</td><td>' + opp.Delivery_Owner__r.Name + '</td><td>' + isActiveUser + '</td><td>' + isActiveEmployee + '</td> </tr>'; count++; } emailBody += '</table>'; email.setHtmlBody(emailBody); emails.add(email); } if(emails.size () > 0){ Messaging.sendEmail(emails); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } private static List<String> getToAddress(String groupSBU,Map<String,String> nameVsEmail,Map<String, Group_SBU__c> students){ Group_SBU__c cSetting = students.get(groupSBU); List<String> users = cSetting != null ? cSetting.Users__c.split(',') : new List<string>(); List<String> emailAddresses = new List<String>(); for(String userName : users){ if(nameVsEmail.get(userName) != null) emailAddresses.add(nameVsEmail.get(userName)); } return emailAddresses; } global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) { Database.executeBatch(new InactiveDelivertOwnerAlertBatch(),2000); } } ----------------------------------- public class OpportunityTriggerUtility { public static void validateDeliveryOwner(List<Opportunity> newOppList) { validateDeliveryOwner(newOppList, null); } public static void validateDeliveryOwner(List<Opportunity> newOppList, Map<Id, Opportunity> oldOppMap) { Set<String> userIds = new Set<String>(); Set<String> employeeIds = new Set<String>(); Set<String> contactEmails = new Set<String>(); Map<String, String> employeeIdVsUserId = new Map<String, String>(); for(Opportunity opp : newOppList) { if (opp.Delivery_Owner__c != null) { contactEmails.add(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email); } } // Storing inactive employees List<Employee_Number__c> employeeList = [SELECT Id, Email_Address__c FROM Employee_Number__c WHERE Email_Address__c IN :contactEmails AND Status__c = 'INACTIVE']; for (Employee_Number__c emp : employeeList) { employeeIds.add(emp.Email_Address__c); employeeIdVsUserId.put(emp.Id, emp.Email_Address__c); } // Storing inactive users List<User> userList = [SELECT Id, email FROM User WHERE email IN :contactEmails AND IsActive = false]; for (User emp : userList) { userIds.add(emp.email); } // Iterate through the new Opportunity records to check conditions and send emails for (Opportunity opp : newOppList) { // Check if the email address of the delivery owner is in the set of inactive users if (employeeIds.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email) || userIds.contains(opp.Delivery_Owner__r.email)) { // The delivery owner is inactive // Check conditions related to business unit and SBU on the Opportunity record List<String> userNames = new List<String>(); if (opp.Business__c == 'GROWTH MARKETS') { if (opp.Group_SBU__c == 'GM APAC') { userNames.add('Hari Naga Sai Pavan Kumar Tavva'); sendingEmail(userNames, opp); userNames.clear(); } } // Need to check this with else if condition else if (opp.Business__c == 'PLATINUM ACCOUNTS') { if (opp.Group_SBU__c == 'PLATINUM AC-CITI') { // Handle this case } else if (opp.Group_SBU__c == 'PLATINUM AC-JPMC') { // Handle this case } } else if(opp.Business__c == 'GROWTH MARKETS') { if (opp.Group_SBU__c == 'GM APAC') { userNames.add('Hari Naga Sai Pavan Kumar Tavva'); sendingEmail(userNames, opp); userNames.clear(); } } // Handle other business units similarly } } } // Method to send an email private static void sendingEmail(List<String> userNames, Opportunity opp) { for (String userName : userNames) { User specificUser = [SELECT Id, Email, IsActive FROM User WHERE Name = :userName LIMIT 1]; if (specificUser != null) { // Email body with field values String emailBody = 'Opportunity Name: ' + opp.Name + '\n' + 'Opportunity ID: ' + opp.Opportunity_ID__c + '\n' + 'Delivery Owner: ' + opp.Delivery_Owner__r.name + '\n' + 'Employee Status: ' + 'INACTIVE'; // Create an instance of SingleEmailMessage Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); // Set recipient email address mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{specificUser.Email}); // Set email subject mail.setSubject('Delivery owner whose status is inactive'); // Set the email body mail.setPlainTextBody(emailBody); // Send the email Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } // new task code trigger MyApprovalTrigger on ProcessInstanceChangeEvent (after insert) { // Iterate through the new ProcessInstanceChangeEvent records for (ProcessInstanceChangeEvent event : Trigger.new) { // Check if the event represents a change in an approval record if (event.TargetObjectId.getSObjectType() == sbaa__Approval__c.SObjectType) { // Query the related Approval record sbaa__Approval__c relatedApproval = [SELECT Id, sbaa__AssignedTo__c FROM sbaa__Approval__c WHERE Id = :event.TargetObjectId]; // Find the user assigned to the approval Id assignedUserId = relatedApproval.sbaa__AssignedTo__c; // Query the user's profile ID User assignedUser = [SELECT ProfileId FROM User WHERE Id = :assignedUserId]; Id assignedUserProfileId = assignedUser.ProfileId; // Query users by profile List<User> usersInProfile = [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE ProfileId = :assignedUserProfileId]; // Send emails to users in the profile for (User user : usersInProfile) { // Construct and send email notification Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{user.Email}); mail.setSubject('Approval Assignment Notification'); mail.setPlainTextBody('An approval record has been assigned to a user in your profile.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } /* trigger MyApprovalTrigger on ProcessInstanceChangeEvent (after insert) { // Get the list of approval records List<sbaa__Approval__c> approvalsToUpdate = new List<sbaa__Approval__c>(); for (ProcessInstanceChangeEvent event : Trigger.new) { if (event.TargetObjectId.getSObjectType() == SBQQ__Quote__c.SObjectType) { // Query the related Quote record SBQQ__Quote__c relatedQuote = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM SBQQ__Quote__c WHERE Id = :event.TargetObjectId]; // Find the user profile of the assigned user Id assignedUserId = relatedQuote.OwnerId; User assignedUser = [SELECT Id, ProfileId FROM User WHERE Id = :assignedUserId]; Id assignedUserProfileId = assignedUser.ProfileId; // Query users by profile List<User> usersInProfile = [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE ProfileId = :assignedUserProfileId]; // Send emails to users in the profile for (User user : usersInProfile) { // Construct and send email notification Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{user.Email}); mail.setSubject('Quote Approval Notification'); mail.setPlainTextBody('A quote has been assigned for approval.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } */ --------------------------------------------- // only on after insert trigger MyApprovalTrigger on ProcessInstanceChangeEvent (after insert) { // Iterate through the new ProcessInstanceChangeEvent records for (ProcessInstanceChangeEvent event : Trigger.new) { // Check if the event represents a change in an approval record if (event.TargetObjectId.getSObjectType() == sbaa__Approval__c.SObjectType) { // Query the related Approval record sbaa__Approval__c relatedApproval = [SELECT Id, sbaa__AssignedTo__c FROM sbaa__Approval__c WHERE Id = :event.TargetObjectId]; // Find the user assigned to the approval Id assignedUserId = relatedApproval.sbaa__AssignedTo__c; // Query the assigned user's details User assignedUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Email, ProfileId FROM User WHERE Id = :assignedUserId]; // Query users by profile List<User> usersInProfile = [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE ProfileId = :assignedUser.ProfileId]; // Send emails to users in the profile for (User user : usersInProfile) { // Construct and send email notification Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{user.Email}); mail.setSubject('Approval Assignment Notification'); mail.setPlainTextBody('An approval record has been assigned to ' + assignedUser.Name + '.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } /* // works on after insert and after update(not supports for after update) trigger MyApprovalTrigger on ProcessInstanceChangeEvent (after insert, after update) { // Create a set to store the IDs of related approval records Set<Id> approvalIds = new Set<Id>(); // Iterate through the new ProcessInstanceChangeEvent records for (ProcessInstanceChangeEvent event : Trigger.new) { // Check if the event represents a change in an approval record if (event.TargetObjectId.getSObjectType() == sbaa__Approval__c.SObjectType) { approvalIds.add(event.TargetObjectId); } } // Query the related Approval records List<sbaa__Approval__c> relatedApprovals = [SELECT Id, sbaa__AssignedTo__c FROM sbaa__Approval__c WHERE Id IN :approvalIds]; // Iterate through the related Approval records for (sbaa__Approval__c relatedApproval : relatedApprovals) { // Find the user assigned to the approval Id assignedUserId = relatedApproval.sbaa__AssignedTo__c; // Query the assigned user's details User assignedUser = [SELECT Id, Name, Email, ProfileId FROM User WHERE Id = :assignedUserId]; // Query users by profile List<User> usersInProfile = [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE ProfileId = :assignedUser.ProfileId]; // Send emails to users in the profile for (User user : usersInProfile) { // Construct and send email notification Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{user.Email}); mail.setSubject('Approval Assignment Notification'); mail.setPlainTextBody('An approval record has been assigned to ' + assignedUser.Name + '.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } */ /* trigger MyApprovalTrigger on ProcessInstanceChangeEvent (after insert) { // Get the list of approval records List<sbaa__Approval__c> approvalsToUpdate = new List<sbaa__Approval__c>(); for (ProcessInstanceChangeEvent event : Trigger.new) { if (event.TargetObjectId.getSObjectType() == SBQQ__Quote__c.SObjectType) { // Query the related Quote record SBQQ__Quote__c relatedQuote = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM SBQQ__Quote__c WHERE Id = :event.TargetObjectId]; // Find the user profile of the assigned user Id assignedUserId = relatedQuote.OwnerId; User assignedUser = [SELECT Id, ProfileId FROM User WHERE Id = :assignedUserId]; Id assignedUserProfileId = assignedUser.ProfileId; // Query users by profile List<User> usersInProfile = [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE ProfileId = :assignedUserProfileId]; // Send emails to users in the profile for (User user : usersInProfile) { // Construct and send email notification Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[]{user.Email}); mail.setSubject('Quote Approval Notification'); mail.setPlainTextBody('A quote has been assigned for approval.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } */ --------------------------------------
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