#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<pair<regex, string>> rules = {
{regex("hi.*|hell.*o.*", regex_constants::icase), "Hey there! How can I assist you?"},
{regex(".*name.*|who.*are.*you", regex_constants::icase), "My name is Chatbot."},
{regex("how.*are.*you.*", regex_constants::icase), "I am a chatbot. I help you with problems you are facing with your mobile."},
{regex(".*created.*|.*creator.*", regex_constants::icase), "I was created by Akash Kalme."},
{regex(".*screen.*|.*broken.*", regex_constants::icase), "Please bring your device for inspection, we will assess the damage and repair it."},
{regex(".*software.*issue.*|.*hang.*", regex_constants::icase), "Please try resetting or updating your device. If still not resolved then visit store."},
{regex("exit|.*bye.*", regex_constants::icase), "Goodye!"}};
string generateResponse(string &userInput)
for (const auto &rule : rules)
if (regex_search(userInput, rule.first))
return rule.second;
return "I am sorry. I couldn't understand.";
int main()
string userInput;
while (true)
cout << "User: ";
getline(cin, userInput);
string response = generateResponse(userInput);
cout << "Chatbot: " << response << "\n";
if (regex_search(userInput, regex("exit|.*bye.*", regex_constants::icase)))
return 0;