24 days ago
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#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<climits> #include<cstring> using namespace std; #define MAX 9999999 int calculateTime(int, int); vector <pair<int, int>> graph[305][35]; int distMatrix[905][905]; int gv_N; int gv_K; int res[4][4]; bool isGroupUpdated = false; // Custom comparator for the priority queue struct CompareDistance { bool operator()(pair<int, int> const& p1, pair<int, int> const& p2) { // Compare based on distance (first element of the pair) return p1.first > p2.first; } }; int getDistance(int groupId, int src, int dest) { int minTime[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) minTime[i] = INT_MAX; priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, CompareDistance> pq; pq.push(make_pair(0, src)); minTime[src] = 0; while (!pq.empty()) { pair<int, int> temp = pq.top(); pq.pop(); int dist = temp.first; int node = temp.second; if (node == dest) return dist; for (int i = 0; i < graph[groupId][node].size(); i++) { int newNode = graph[groupId][node][i].second; int newDist = graph[groupId][node][i].first + dist; if (newDist < minTime[newNode]) { minTime[newNode] = newDist; pq.push(make_pair(newDist, newNode)); } } } return -1; } // ... (rest of the code remains the same until calculateTime function) int calculateTime(int nodeA, int nodeB) { int ans = -1; priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, CompareDistance> pq; int minTime[905]; for (int i = 0; i < 905; i++) minTime[i] = MAX; pq.push(make_pair(0, nodeA)); minTime[nodeA] = 0; while (!pq.empty()) { int cur_node = pq.top().second; int cur_time = pq.top().first; pq.pop(); if (cur_node == nodeB) { ans = cur_time; return ans; } for (int i = 0; i < 905; i++) { if (distMatrix[cur_node][i] != 0) { int tot_time = cur_time + distMatrix[cur_node][i]; if (tot_time < minTime[i]) { minTime[i] = tot_time; pq.push(make_pair(tot_time, i)); } } } } return ans; } // ... (rest of the code remains the same)
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