2 months ago
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//@version=5 indicator("Momentum Ghost Machine [ChartPrime]", overlay = false, explicit_plot_zorder = true) method is_even(simple int n)=> n % 2 == 0 sinc(float x)=> x == 0 ? 1 : math.sin(math.pi * x) / (math.pi * x) blackman(float n, int length)=> 0.42 - 0.5 * math.cos((2 * math.pi * n) / (length - 1)) + 0.08 * math.cos((4 * math.pi * n) / (length - 1)) mid_point(int x)=> (x - 1) / 2 offset(simple int length)=> (length - 1) / 2 get_data(float source, simple int length)=> var float[] data = array.new<float>() if data.size() < length data.unshift(source) data else data.unshift(source) data.pop() data sinc_coefficients(simple int length, float fc)=> float[] coefficients = array.new<float>() int mid = mid_point(length) float cutoff = 1 / fc for i = 0 to length - 1 int n = i - mid int k = i int M = length if length.is_even() float coefficient = sinc(2 * cutoff * n) * blackman(k + 0.5, M) coefficients.push(coefficient) else float coefficient = sinc(2 * cutoff * n) * blackman(k, M) coefficients.push(coefficient) coefficients toeplitz_matrix_valid(float[] coefficients, int M)=> int N = coefficients.size() int rows = M - N + 1 matrix<float> toeplitz = matrix.new<float>(rows, M, 0) for r = 0 to rows - 1 for c = 0 to N - 1 if (c + r) < M toeplitz.set(r, c + r, coefficients.get(c)) else break toeplitz convolution(float[] data, float[] coefficients)=> var float normalize = coefficients.sum() var matrix<float> toeplitz_matrix = toeplitz_matrix_valid(coefficients, data.size()) float convolved = matrix.mult(toeplitz_matrix, data).first() convolved / normalize lti_sinc(series float source, simple int length, simple float fc = 100)=> float[] data = get_data(source, length) var float[] coefficients = sinc_coefficients(length, fc) if bar_index > length convolved = convolution(data, coefficients) else float(na) ema(series float source, simple float length)=> float alpha = 2.0 / (length + 1) var float smoothed = na smoothed := alpha * source + (1.0 - alpha) * nz(smoothed[1], source) dema(series float source, simple float length)=> float ema1 = ema(source, length) float ema2 = ema(ema1, length) 2.0 * ema1 - ema2 tema(series float source, simple float length)=> float ema1 = ema(source, length) float ema2 = ema(ema1, length) float ema3 = ema(ema2, length) (ema1 - ema2) * 3.0 + ema3 wma(series float source, simple int length)=> var float weight_sum = length * 0.5 * (length + 1) float sum = 0.0 for int i=0 to length - 1 sum += source[i] * (length - i) sum / weight_sum sma(series float source, simple int length)=> float sum = ta.cum(source) if bar_index < length - 1 sum / (bar_index + 1) else (sum - sum[length]) / length filter(series float source, simple int length, simple string style)=> if length > 1 switch style "EMA" => ema(source, length) "DEMA" => dema(source, length) "TEMA" => tema(source, length) "WMA" => wma(source, length) => sma(source, length) else source color_changer(color source, bool direction)=> float r = color.r(source) float g = color.g(source) float b = color.b(source) if direction color.rgb((255 - r) / 3 + r, (255 - g) / 3 + g, (255 - b) / 3 + b) else color.rgb(r / 1.5, g / 1.5, b / 1.5) // Default values to replace inputs float source = close int momentum_length = 50 float momentum_smoothing = 50 int post_smoothing = 4 string post_smoothing_style = "WMA" int ma_length = 24 string ma_style = "SMA" bool enable_projection = true int cd_alpha = 25 string candle_color_style = "Both" color momentum_color = #ffffff color ma_color = #f7a000 color cd_up_over = #2ac075 color cd_up_under = #d5fce9 color cd_down_under = #f82934 color cd_down_over = #ffc8cb bool glow = true // Rest of the code remains unchanged int length_correction = momentum_length * 2 float sinc = lti_sinc(source, length_correction, momentum_smoothing) int offset = offset(length_correction) float delta = filter((source - sinc) / offset, post_smoothing, post_smoothing_style) float projection = math.avg(delta - delta[1], (delta - delta[2]) / 2) float ma = filter(filter(delta, 2, ma_style), ma_length, ma_style) float ma_project = math.avg(ma - ma[1], (ma - ma[2]) / 2) float momo = delta - ma var color momo_color = na if momo > 0 if momo > momo[1] momo_color := cd_up_over else momo_color := cd_up_under else if momo < momo[1] momo_color := cd_down_under else momo_color := cd_down_over var color direct_color = na if candle_color_style == "Both" if delta > 0 if momo < 0 direct_color := color_changer(momo_color, true) else direct_color := momo_color else if momo > 0 direct_color := color_changer(momo_color, false) else direct_color := momo_color else if delta > 0 if delta > delta[1] direct_color := cd_up_over else direct_color := cd_up_under else if delta < delta[1] direct_color := cd_down_under else direct_color := cd_down_over hline(0) plot(momo, "Convergance Divergence", color.new(momo_color, cd_alpha), 5, glow ? plot.style_histogram : plot.style_columns) plot(glow ? momo : na, "Convergance Divergence Glow", color.new(momo_color, cd_alpha + (100 - cd_alpha) / 2), 1, plot.style_columns, display = display.pane) plot(ma, "MA", ma_color) a = plot(glow ? ma : na, "MA Glow", color.new(ma_color, 80), 4, display = display.pane) plot(delta, "Momentum", momentum_color) b = plot(glow ? delta : na, "Momentum Glow", color.new(momentum_color, 80), 4, display = display.pane) fill(a, b, color.new(delta > ma ? momentum_color : ma_color, 90), "Momentum Fill", editable = true) var float p_ma1 = na var float p_ma2 = na var float p_m1 = na var float p_m2 = na if enable_projection p_ma1 := ma + ma_project p_m1 := delta + projection p_ma2 := ma + ma_project * 2 p_m2 := delta + projection * 2 var line project_delta = line.new(na, na, na, na, color = momentum_color, style = line.style_dotted) var line project_ma = line.new(na, na, na, na, color = ma_color, style = line.style_dotted) project_ma.set_xy1(bar_index, ma) project_ma.set_xy2(bar_index + 2, p_ma2) project_delta.set_xy1(bar_index, delta) project_delta.set_xy2(bar_index + 2, p_m2) linefill.new(project_delta, project_ma, color.new(p_ma2 > p_m2 ? ma_color : momentum_color, 90)) float d1 = p_m1 - p_ma1 float d2 = p_m2 - p_ma2 color dc1 = na color dc2 = na if d1 > 0 if d1 > momo dc1 := cd_up_over else dc1 := cd_up_under else if d1 < momo dc1 := cd_down_under else dc1 := cd_down_over if d2 > 0 if d2 > d1 dc2 := cd_up_over else dc2 := cd_up_under else if d2 < d1 dc2 := cd_down_under else dc2 := cd_down_over plot(d1, "Projected Delta", color.new(dc1, 60), 1, plot.style_columns, offset = 1, show_last = 1) plot(d2, "Projected Delta", color.new(dc2, 60), 1, plot.style_columns, offset = 2, show_last = 1) // Momentum SMA'yı yukarı doğru kesiyor mu? bool is_buy_signal = ta.crossover(delta, ma) // delta (Momentum) ve ma (SMA) karşılaştırılıyor.
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