7 months ago
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class HabitTracker: def __init__(self): # Initialize an empty dictionary to store habits for each day self.habits = { 'Monday': [], 'Tuesday': [], 'Wednesday': [], 'Thursday': [], 'Friday': [], 'Saturday': [], 'Sunday': [] } def add_habit(self, day, habit): # Add a habit to the specified day self.habits[day].append(habit) print(f"{habit} added to {day}'s habits.") def remove_habit(self, day, habit): # Remove a habit from the specified day if habit in self.habits[day]: self.habits[day].remove(habit) print(f"{habit} removed from {day}'s habits.") else: print(f"{habit} not found in {day}'s habits.") def view_habits(self, day): # View habits for the specified day print(f"Habits for {day}:") if self.habits[day]: for habit in self.habits[day]: print(f"- {habit}") else: print("No habits for this day.") # Example usage habit_tracker = HabitTracker() while True: print("\nHabit Tracker Menu:") print("1. Add Habit") print("2. Remove Habit") print("3. View Habits") print("4. Quit") choice = input("Enter your choice (1-4): ") if choice == '1': day = input("Enter the day of the week: ").capitalize() habit = input("Enter the habit to add: ") habit_tracker.add_habit(day, habit) elif choice == '2': day = input("Enter the day of the week: ").capitalize() habit = input("Enter the habit to remove: ") habit_tracker.remove_habit(day, habit) elif choice == '3': day = input("Enter the day of the week: ").capitalize() habit_tracker.view_habits(day) elif choice == '4': print("Exiting Habit Tracker. Goodbye!") break else: print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 4.")
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