8 months ago
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#pragma once #include "cstring" #include "sstream" #include "string" #include "exception" #include "vector" #include "queue" namespace cs251 { typedef int handle; class invalid_handle : public std::runtime_error { public: invalid_handle() : std::runtime_error("Invalid handle!") {} }; class recycled_node : public std::runtime_error { public: recycled_node() : std::runtime_error("Node is recycled!") {} }; template<typename tree_node_data> class tree_node { //Friend class grant private access to another class. template<typename tnd> friend class tree; //TODO: You may add private members/methods here. /** * The handle of current node, should be the index of current node within the vector array in tree. */ handle m_handle = -1; /** * Whether the node is recycled. */ bool m_recycled = true; /** * The content of the node. */ tree_node_data m_data = {}; /** * The handle of the parent node. */ handle m_parentHandle = -1; /** * List of handles to all children. */ std::vector<handle> m_childrenHandles{}; public: /** * \brief Retrieve the data for this node. * \return The modifiable reference to the node's data. */ tree_node_data& ref_data(); /** * \brief Check if the node is recycled. * \return Whether this node is recycled or not. */ bool is_recycled() const; /** * \brief Get the handle of this node. * \return The handle of this node. */ handle get_handle() const; /** * \brief Get the handle of this node's parent. * \return The handle of this node's parent. */ handle get_parent_handle() const; /** * \brief Get the list of handles of this node's children. * \return The list of handles of this node's children. */ const std::vector<handle>& peek_children_handles() const; }; template<typename tree_node_data> class tree { public: /** * \brief The constructor of the tree class. You should allocate the root node here. */ tree(); /** * \brief Allocate a new node as root from pool or creating a new one. * \return The handle of the new node. */ handle allocate(handle parentHandle); /** * \brief Remove (recycle) a node. Remove all descendent nodes. * \param handle The handle of the target node to be removed. */ void remove(handle handle); /** * \brief Attach a node to another node as its child. * \param targetHandle The handle of the target node as child. * \param parentHandle The handle of the parent node. */ void set_parent(handle targetHandle, handle parentHandle); /** * \brief Return the constant reference to the list of nodes. * \return Constant reference to the list of nodes. */ const std::vector<tree_node<tree_node_data>>& peek_nodes() const; /** * \brief Retrieve the node with its handle. * \param handle The handle of the target node. * \return The reference to the node. */ tree_node<tree_node_data>& ref_node(handle handle); private: //TODO: You may add private members/methods here. /** * The storage for all nodes. */ std::vector<tree_node<tree_node_data>> m_nodes {}; /** * The pool that keep track of the recycled nodes. */ std::queue<handle> m_node_pool {}; }; template <typename tree_node_data> tree_node_data& tree_node<tree_node_data>::ref_data() { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (m_recycled) { throw recycled_node(); } return m_data; } template <typename tree_node_data> bool tree_node<tree_node_data>::is_recycled() const { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. return m_recycled; } template <typename tree_node_data> handle tree_node<tree_node_data>::get_handle() const { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. return m_handle; } template <typename tree_node_data> handle tree_node<tree_node_data>::get_parent_handle() const { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (m_recycled) throw recycled_node(); return m_parentHandle; } template <typename tree_node_data> const std::vector<handle>& tree_node<tree_node_data>::peek_children_handles() const { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (m_recycled) throw recycled_node(); return m_childrenHandles; } template <typename tree_node_data> tree<tree_node_data>::tree() { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. tree_node<tree_node_data> root_node; root_node.m_handle = 0; root_node.m_recycled = false; root_node.m_parentHandle = -1; m_nodes.emplace_back(root_node); } template <typename tree_node_data> handle tree<tree_node_data>::allocate(handle parentHandle) { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (parentHandle >= m_nodes.size() ) { throw invalid_handle(); } if (m_nodes[parentHandle].m_recycled) { throw recycled_node(); } handle newNodeHandle; if (!m_node_pool.empty()) { newNodeHandle = m_node_pool.front(); m_node_pool.pop(); m_nodes[newNodeHandle].m_recycled = false; } else { newNodeHandle = m_nodes.size(); tree_node<tree_node_data> node_new; node_new.m_handle = newNodeHandle; node_new.m_recycled = false; node_new.m_parentHandle = parentHandle; m_nodes.emplace_back(node_new); } auto& newNode = m_nodes[newNodeHandle]; newNode.m_handle = newNodeHandle; newNode.m_parentHandle = parentHandle; m_nodes[parentHandle].m_childrenHandles.emplace_back(newNodeHandle); return newNodeHandle; } template <typename tree_node_data> void tree<tree_node_data>::remove(const handle handle) { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (handle < 0 || handle >= m_nodes.size()) throw invalid_handle(); if (m_nodes[handle].m_recycled) throw recycled_node(); auto child_handle = m_nodes[handle].m_childrenHandles; for (int i=0; i < child_handle.size(); i++) { remove(m_nodes[handle].m_childrenHandles[0]); } if (m_nodes[handle].m_parentHandle >= 0 || m_nodes[handle].m_parentHandle < m_nodes.size()) { // Check if not root auto& parent = m_nodes[m_nodes[handle].m_parentHandle]; auto& children = parent.m_childrenHandles; if(parent.m_recycled) { throw recycled_node(); } // Find and remove the handle from parent's children array for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children[i] == handle) { children.erase(children.begin() + i); break; // Stop searching once handle is found and removed } } } m_nodes[handle].m_recycled = true; m_node_pool.push(handle); m_nodes[handle].m_parentHandle = -1; // No parent } template <typename tree_node_data> void tree<tree_node_data>::set_parent(const handle targetHandle, const handle parentHandle) { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (targetHandle >= m_nodes.size() || parentHandle >= m_nodes.size()) { throw invalid_handle(); } if (m_nodes[targetHandle].m_recycled || m_nodes[parentHandle].m_recycled) { throw recycled_node(); } if (m_nodes[targetHandle].m_parentHandle == parentHandle) { return; } auto& parentChildren = m_nodes[m_nodes[targetHandle].m_parentHandle].m_childrenHandles; bool found = false; if (m_nodes[targetHandle].m_parentHandle != -1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < parentChildren.size(); ++i) { if (parentChildren[i] == targetHandle) { parentChildren.erase(parentChildren.begin() + i); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { m_nodes[parentHandle].m_childrenHandles.push_back(targetHandle); } m_nodes[targetHandle].m_parentHandle = parentHandle; //check if parentHandle has targetHandle as kid, if not, then push targethandle to children array of parentHandle } template <typename tree_node_data> const std::vector<tree_node<tree_node_data>>& tree<tree_node_data>::peek_nodes() const { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. return m_nodes; } template <typename tree_node_data> tree_node<tree_node_data>& tree<tree_node_data>::ref_node(handle handle) { //TODO: Remove following line and add your implementation here. if (handle >= m_nodes.size() || m_nodes[handle].m_recycled) throw invalid_handle(); return m_nodes[handle]; } }
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