#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 22.11.2024 @author: haida """ import dae_progfa_lib as pfe from dae_progfa_lib import ShapeMode, MouseButton from dae_progfa_lib import MouseButton import math from dae_progfa_lib.progfa_image import ProgfaImage from pygame.math import Vector2 # Create an instance of ProgfaEngine and set window size (width, height): engine = pfe.ProgfaEngine(800, 600) # Set the frame rate to x frames per second: engine.set_fps(60) list_frames = [] frame_amount = 4 #VARIEBles current_frame = 1 timer = 0 max_timer = 20 def setup(): """ Only executed ONCE (at the start); use to load files and initialize. """ for i in range(frame_amount): list_frames.append(engine.load_image(f"Resources/crewmates/green{i+1}.png")) print(list_frames) pass def render(): """ This function is being executed over and over, as fast as the frame rate. Use to draw (not update). """ engine.background_color = 1,1,1 draw_crewmate(current_frame) pass def draw_crewmate(frame: int = 0): """ Draws a crewmate image based on frame :return: """ list_frames[frame].draw(0,0) img: ProgfaImage = list_frames[frame] img.draw(0,0) #DEBUG engine.set_font_size(20) engine.color = 0,0,0 engine.draw_text(str(frame),20 ,20) def evaluate(): """ This function is being executed over and over, as fast as the frame rate. Use to update (not draw). """ global current_frame,timer, max_timer timer += 1 if timer >= max_timer: current_frame += 1 current_frame %= len(list_frames) timer = 0 pass def mouse_pressed_event(mouse_x: int, mouse_y: int, mouse_button: MouseButton): """ This function is only executed once each time a mouse button was pressed! """ pass def key_up_event(key: str): """ This function is only executed once each time a key was released! Special keys have more than 1 character, for example ESCAPE, BACKSPACE, ENTER, ... """ pass # Engine stuff; best not to mess with this: engine._setup = setup engine._evaluate = evaluate engine._render = render engine._mouse_pressed_event = mouse_pressed_event engine._key_up_event = key_up_event # Start the game loop: engine.play()
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