-- ObjectSpawnerService.lua local ObjectSpawnerService = {} ObjectSpawnerService.__index = ObjectSpawnerService -- Método construtor (new) function local self = setmetatable({}, ObjectSpawnerService) -- Inicializa as propriedades self.SpawnRegion = Workspace.ObjectSpawner.SpawnRegion self.ObjectClone = Workspace.ObjectSpawner.ObjectClone self.ObjectsFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ObjectSpawner") self.SPAWN_INTERVAL = 0.3 self.MAX_OBJECTS = 200 self.MOVE_DIRECTION =, 0, 0) self.MOVE_SPEED = 15 return self end -- Métodos (IsWithinSpawnRegion, SpawnObject, OnStart) function ObjectSpawnerService:IsWithinSpawnRegion(objectPosition: Vector3): boolean local minX = self.SpawnRegion.Position.X - self.SpawnRegion.Size.X / 2 local maxX = self.SpawnRegion.Position.X + self.SpawnRegion.Size.X / 2 local minZ = self.SpawnRegion.Position.Z - self.SpawnRegion.Size.Z / 2 local maxZ = self.SpawnRegion.Position.Z + self.SpawnRegion.Size.Z / 2 return objectPosition.X >= minX and objectPosition.X <= maxX and objectPosition.Z >= minZ and objectPosition.Z <= maxZ end function ObjectSpawnerService:SpawnObject() if #self.ObjectClone:GetChildren() >= self.MAX_OBJECTS then return end local objects = self.ObjectsFolder:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #self.ObjectsFolder:GetChildren())] local newObject = objects:Clone() -- Posição inicial ajustada local spawnPosition = math.random(self.SpawnRegion.Position.X - self.SpawnRegion.Size.X / 2, self.SpawnRegion.Position.X + self.SpawnRegion.Size.X / 2), self.SpawnRegion.Position.Y + 5, math.random(self.SpawnRegion.Position.Z - self.SpawnRegion.Size.Z / 2, self.SpawnRegion.Position.Z + self.SpawnRegion.Size.Z / 2) ) newObject:PivotTo( newObject.Anchored = false newObject.Parent = self.ObjectClone -- Lógica de movimento task.spawn(function() while newObject.Parent == self.ObjectClone do local delta = self.MOVE_DIRECTION * self.MOVE_SPEED * task.wait() -- Multiplica pela espera do `task.wait()` newObject:PivotTo(newObject.CFrame * -- Se o objeto sair da área de spawn, destrua-o if not self:IsWithinSpawnRegion(newObject.Position) then newObject:Destroy() end end end) end -- Método que inicia o spawn function ObjectSpawnerService:OnStart() task.spawn(function() while true do self:SpawnObject() task.wait(self.SPAWN_INTERVAL) end end) end return ObjectSpawnerService
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