2 years ago
16 kB
// Customizable Area Start import { IBlock } from '../../../../framework/src/IBlock' import { Message } from "../../../../framework/src/Message"; import { BlockComponent } from "../../../../framework/src/BlockComponent"; import MessageEnum, { getName } from "../../../../framework/src/Messages/MessageEnum"; import { runEngine } from "../../../../framework/src/RunEngine"; import StorageProvider from '../../../../framework/src/StorageProvider' import { GiftedChat } from 'react-native-gifted-chat'; // Customizable Area Start // import { GiftedChat } from "react-native-gifted-chat"; import { Keyboard, Platform } from "react-native"; import ImagePicker from "react-native-image-crop-picker"; import { CommonContext } from '../../../../components/src/CommonContextProvider' import { ActionCable, Cable, } from '@kesha-antonov/react-native-action-cable' import { getStorageData, } from "../../../../framework/src/Utilities"; import moment from "moment"; // Customizable Area End export const configJSON = require("../../config.json"); export interface Props { navigation: any; id: string; // Customizable Area Start // Customizable Area End } interface S { // Customizable Area Start conversation_sid:any cableCon: any; messages: any; profilePhoto: any; name: string; userId:any; receiver_image:string; likeArray:any; user_name:string; actionCable1:any; handleName:string; // Customizable Area End } let isFound = false; interface SS { id: any; } export default class ChatDetailsController extends BlockComponent< Props, S, SS > { // Customizable Area Start actionCable: any; getChatDetailsApiId: any; static contextType = CommonContext; // Customizable Area End constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.receive = this.receive.bind(this); // Customizable Area Start this.subScribedMessages = [ // Customizable Area Start getName(MessageEnum.NavigationPayLoadMessage), getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceMessage), // Customizable Area End ]; this.state = { conversation_sid: '', cableCon: [], likeArray:[459,461], user_name:'', actionCable1:[], handleName:'', messages: [ // { // _id: 1, // text: 'Hello developer', // iscustom: false, // location: { // latitude: 37.78825, // longitude: -122.4324, // }, // createdAt: new Date(), // user: { // _id: 659, // name: 'React Native', // avatar: 'https://placeimg.com/140/140/any', // }, // }, // { // _id: 1, // text: 'Hello swapnil', // iscustom: true, // location: { // latitude: 37.78825, // longitude: -122.4324, // }, // createdAt: new Date(), // user: { // _id: 1, // name: 'React Native', // avatar: 'https://placeimg.com/140/140/any', // }, // }, ], profilePhoto:'', name:'', userId:'', receiver_image:'', }; // Customizable Area End runEngine.attachBuildingBlock(this as IBlock, this.subScribedMessages); // Customizable Area Start // Customizable Area End } async receive(from: string, message: Message) { // Customizable Area Start // Navigation passed Data if ( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceMessage) === message.id && this.getChatDetailsApiId != null && this.getChatDetailsApiId === message.getData(getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceDataMessage)) ) { let responseJson = message.getData( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceSuccessMessage) ); // console.log("nwenfiewnf", responseJson?.data?.attributes) if (responseJson !== undefined && responseJson?.errors === undefined) { this.setState({messages:responseJson?.data?.attributes?.messages.reverse()}) } else { let errorReponse = message.getData( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceErrorMessage) ); console.log("Error response", errorReponse) console.log(responseJson) } } // Customizable Area End } async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { this.getparama() this._checkActionCableConnect() this.fetchAllMessage() } async componentWillUnmount(): Promise<void> { this._disConnectChat() } getparama = async()=>{ const userId = await StorageProvider.get('USER_ID') let params = await this.props.navigation.state.params this.setState({conversation_sid:params?.item?.conversation_sid, profilePhoto:params?.item?.receiver_image, name:params?.item?.name}) this.setState({ userId:Number(userId) }) this.setState({user_name:params?.item?.user_name}) this.setState({handleName:params?.item?.user_name}) // console.log(params?.item?.user_name, "paramsparamsparamsparamsparams ") } _checkActionCableConnect = async()=>{ const token = await StorageProvider.get('USER_TOKEN') const link = 'vibesocialmusic-82830-ruby.b82830.dev.us-east-1.aws.svc.builder.cafe' // const token = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZXhwIjoxNjg2NDc4NzEwLCJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoibG9naW4ifQ.jNvUSwPYo0nR0TOu0XDTq6QnF9GiMPFQQ6fbfCyxSuGwoBDD2vZP5UpBz80Wjifm-vIPrM6xkJELeOxyDnT_dw' // const link = '17a5-20-207-125-94.in.ngrok.io' let conversation_sid = await this.props.navigation.state.params?.item?.conversation_sid // let conversation_sid = 8 console.log('Checking', token) this.actionCable = ActionCable.createConsumer(`wss://${link}/cable?token=${token}`) const cable = new Cable({ channel: `MessagesChannel`, }) this.setState({ cableCon: cable }); this.setState({actionCable1:this.actionCable}) const channel = cable.setChannel( `MessagesChannel`, // channel name to which we will pass data from Rails app with `stream_from` this.actionCable.subscriptions.create({ channel: `MessagesChannel`, // from Rails app app/channels/chat_channel.rb // chat_id:8 chat_id:conversation_sid }) ); channel .on("received", (e: any) => { this._onRecieved(e) } ) .on("connected", (e: any) => console.log(e, "MessagesChannel from server is connected")) .on("rejected", (e: any) => console.log(e, "rejected")) .on("disconnected", (e) => { console.log("disconnect", e); this.actionCable.disconnect(); }); } // fetchDetails = async () => { // const userId = await StorageProvider.get('USER_ID') // this.setState({ userId }) // const name = await this.props.navigation.state.params. // this.setState({ headerName: name }) // console.log(name, "params.name") // } fetchAllMessage = async () => { const token = await StorageProvider.get('USER_TOKEN') const reciverID = await this.props.navigation.state?.params?.item?.conversation_sid const header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', token } const requestMessage = new Message( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIRequestMessage), ) this.getChatDetailsApiId = requestMessage.messageId requestMessage.addData( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIResponceEndPointMessage), // configJSON.getPostListApiEndPoint, `bx_block_chat/chats/${reciverID}` ) requestMessage.addData( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIRequestHeaderMessage), JSON.stringify(header), ) requestMessage.addData( getName(MessageEnum.RestAPIRequestMethodMessage), 'GET', ) runEngine.sendMessage(requestMessage.id, requestMessage) return true } // Customizable Area Start async componentWillMount() { // this._cableCable(); } _disConnectChat = () => { this.state.actionCable1.disconnect(); console.log("_disConnectChat_disConnectChat_disConnectChat"); }; // Customizable Area End updateMessage = async () => { const message = await this.state.conversationFromSid.getMessages() const parseMessage = await this.parseMessages(message.items) this.setState({ messages: parseMessage }) } _sendMessage = async(newMessages:any) => { console.log("sendMessage from chat", newMessages) this.setState({messages: GiftedChat.append(this.state.messages, newMessages)}) this.state.cableCon.channel(`MessagesChannel`).perform('speak', { text: newMessages[0].text,_id: this.state.userId,createdAt: new Date(), }) // this.state.cableCon.channel('MessagesChannel').perform('appear') } updateLastMsg = async (e: any) => { // var arr = [...this.state.messages] var arr = [...this.state.messages, { "_id": "426", "createdAt": "2022-09-12T08:36:14.947Z", "text": "swapnil", "user": { "_id": "426", "name": "426" } }] } _onSend = (newMessages = []) => { console.log(newMessages,"new messagesssses") this.setState({messages: GiftedChat.append(this.state.messages, newMessages)}) }; _onRecieved = (e:any)=>{ console.log(e,"Recieved") if (e?.message?.user_id != this.state.userId) { let messsage = {_id: Math.random(), createdAt: new Date(), text: e?.message?.message, user: {_id: 1, fullname: e?.message?.name,avatar:this.state.profilePhoto}} let arr = [messsage,...this.state.messages,]; this.setState({messages: arr}); } } _handleLike = (e:number) => { console.log(e) let array = this.state.likeArray if(array.includes(e)){ array.splice(array.indexOf(e),1) this.setState({likeArray:array}) }else { array.push(e) this.setState({likeArray:array}) } console.log(this.state.likeArray) } } // scarp // import RNFS from 'react-native-fs' // import RNFetchBlob from "rn-fetch-blob"; // import SoundPlayer from "react-native-sound-player"; // import { Alert, BackHandler } from 'react-native' // import { spotifyLogout } from '../../../../framework/src/Helpers' // import { AppState } from 'react-native' // keyBoardVisible: boolean; // keyBoardHeight: any; // isEliteUser: boolean; // isTherapist: boolean; // didMountCalled: boolean; // token: any; // channel: any; // chatData: any; // galleryModalVisible: boolean; // isModalVisible: boolean; // modalType: string; // search: string; // chatEnable: boolean; // chatLoading: boolean; // textMessage: string; // inputComment: string // profileData: any; // roomName: string; // searchProductList: any; // selectedProductList: any; // searchBlogList: any; // selectedBlogList: any; // searchVideoList: any; // selectedVideoList: any; // menuEnabled: boolean; // identity: any; // receiverIdentity: any; // receiverImage: any; // sending: boolean; // imageObj: any; // receiverId: number; // nextPageInfo: string; // isProductsLoading: boolean; // isInitialLoading: boolean; // headerName: string // conversationsReady: boolean; // conversations: any; // selectedConversationSid: any; // selectedConversation: any; // isNotification: boolean; // lastMessages: any; // inputMessgae: any; // userId: string; // conversationFromSid: any; // conversation_sid: any; // isLoading: boolean; // showCreatepost: boolean; // sliderValue: number; // progress: number; // isPlayingContext: boolean; // hardwareBackAlert: boolean; // contextData: boolean; // isPlayFinished: boolean; // isHomeFocusState: boolean, // block: boolean, // block_confirmed: boolean, // report: boolean, // report_reason: boolean, // delete: boolean, // getReportList: any; // public_mssg_request: boolean; // following_mssg_request: boolean; // verified_mssg_request: boolean; // pushNotification : boolean; // showreceipt : boolean; // platform: string; // refreshChatDetailsApiId: any; // postSendMessageApiId: any; // postSendImageMessageApiId: any; // getTutorialVideoApiId: any; // getBlogArticalsApiId: any; // getBlogListApiId: any; // corinaBlogId: any; // chatClient: any; // chatChannel: any; // conversationClientNew: any; // conversationChannelNew: any; // selectedProductListId: any = []; // chatRefreshInterval: any; // selectedProductListMsg: any = []; // selectedBlogListId: any = []; // selectedBlogListMsg: any = []; // selectedVideoListId: any = []; // selectedVideoListMsg: any = []; // searchProductApiId: any; // deleteChatApiID: any; // conversationsClient: any; // fetchTokenApi: any; // BackHandler: any; // backHandler: any; // timeOfSeek: any; // _onFinishedPlayingSubscription: any; // focusListener: any; // getReportListApiCallId: any; // updateChatApiID:any; // keyBoardVisible: false, // keyBoardHeight: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 0 : 100, // isEliteUser: false, // isTherapist: false, // didMountCalled: false, // profileData: null, // messages: [ // // { // // _id: 1, // // text: 'Hello developer', // // iscustom: false, // // location: { // // latitude: 37.78825, // // longitude: -122.4324, // // }, // // createdAt: new Date(), // // user: { // // _id: 2, // // name: 'React Native', // // avatar: 'https://placeimg.com/140/140/any', // // }, // // }, // // { // // _id: 1, // // text: 'Hello swapnil', // // iscustom: true, // // location: { // // latitude: 37.78825, // // longitude: -122.4324, // // }, // // createdAt: new Date(), // // user: { // // _id: 1, // // name: 'React Native', // // avatar: 'https://placeimg.com/140/140/any', // // }, // // }, // ], // token: null, // channel: null, // chatEnable: false, // chatLoading: false, // chatData: null, // galleryModalVisible: false, // isModalVisible: false, // modalType: "", // roomName: "", // search: "", // searchProductList: [], // selectedProductList: [], // searchBlogList: null, // selectedBlogList: [], // searchVideoList: null, // selectedVideoList: [], // textMessage: "", // inputComment: "", // menuEnabled: false, // identity: "", // receiverIdentity: "", // receiverImage: null, // sending: false, // imageObj: null, // receiverId: 0, // nextPageInfo: "", // isProductsLoading: false, // isInitialLoading: true, // headerName: '', // conversationsReady: false, // conversations: [], // selectedConversationSid: null, // selectedConversation: null, // isNotification: true, // lastMessages: [], // inputMessgae: [], // userId: '', // conversationFromSid: [], // isLoading: true, // showCreatepost: false, // sliderValue: 0, // progress: 0, // isPlayingContext: false, // hardwareBackAlert: false, // contextData: true, // isPlayFinished: false, // isHomeFocusState: true, // block: false, // block_confirmed: false, // report: false, // report_reason: false, // delete: false, // getReportList: [], // public_mssg_request: false, // following_mssg_request : false, // verified_mssg_request : false, // pushNotification : false, // showreceipt : false, // platform: ''