7 months ago
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#include "Wire.h" const int digitalPin = 3; // Hall sensor digital interface const int MPU_addr = 0x68; // MPU6050 I2C address unsigned long previousMillis = 0; const long interval = 10; // Interval for data read and output in milliseconds /* //COM3 float A_cal[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // naklon horedole,dopravadolava vert, dopravadolava horiz, vracia pohyby alebo ostava v pohybe v danych osiach float G_off[3] = { -44, 13, 24.2}; // +rot hore a dole asi vertikalne doprava dolava +rot dolava,-rot doprava //COM4 float A_cal[6] = { 1500, 500, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // naklon horedole,dopravadolava vert, dopravadolava horiz, vracia pohyby alebo ostava v pohybe v danych osiach float G_off[3] = { 0, 0, 0}; // -0,2 ide do miinusu a -1000 ide este viac do minusu //COM5 float A_cal[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // naklon horedole,dopravadolava vert, dopravadolava horiz, vracia pohyby alebo ostava v pohybe v danych osiach float G_off[3] = { 0, 0, -100}; // -0,2 ide do miinusu a -1000 ide este viac do minusu */ //COM6 float A_cal[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // naklon horedole,dopravadolava vert, dopravadolava horiz, vracia pohyby alebo ostava v pohybe v danych osiach float G_off[3] = { 0, 0, -201}; // -0,2 ide do miinusu a -1000 ide este viac do minusu /* //COM7 float A_cal[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // naklon horedole,dopravadolava vert, dopravadolava horiz, vracia pohyby alebo ostava v pohybe v danych osiach float G_off[3] = { 0, 0, -47}; // -0,2 ide do miinusu a -1000 ide este viac do minusu */ const float gscale = (250.0 / 32768.0) * (PI / 180.0); // Gyro scale to radians/s float q[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // Quaternion for orientation float Kp = 20, Ki = 0; // Mahony filter parameters void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("starting"); Wire.beginTransmission(MPU_addr); Wire.write(0x6B); Wire.write(0); // Wake up MPU6050 Wire.endTransmission(true); } void loop() { if (millis() - previousMillis >= interval) { readAndProcessSensorData(); previousMillis = millis(); } /* readAndProcessSensorData(); delay(10); */ } void readAndProcessSensorData() { int hallSensor = digitalRead(digitalPin); int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz; readMPU6050(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz); float Axyz[3] = {(ax - A_cal[0]) * A_cal[3], (ay - A_cal[1]) * A_cal[4], (az - A_cal[2]) * A_cal[5]}; float Gxyz[3] = {(gx - G_off[0]) * gscale, (gy - G_off[1]) * gscale, (gz - G_off[2]) * gscale}; static float lastUpdate = micros() * 1.0e-6; float now = micros() * 1.0e-6; float deltat = now - lastUpdate; lastUpdate = now; Mahony_update(Axyz[0], Axyz[1], Axyz[2], Gxyz[0], Gxyz[1], Gxyz[2], deltat); outputData(hallSensor); } void readMPU6050(int16_t &ax, int16_t &ay, int16_t &az, int16_t &gx, int16_t &gy, int16_t &gz) { Wire.beginTransmission(MPU_addr); Wire.write(0x3B); // Start with ACCEL_XOUT_H Wire.endTransmission(false); Wire.requestFrom(MPU_addr, 14); // Request 14 registers ax = (Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); ay = -(Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); az = (Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); Wire.read(); Wire.read(); // Skip temperature gx = (Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); gy = (Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); gz = (Wire.read() << 8) | Wire.read(); } void outputData(int hallSensor) { if(hallSensor == HIGH){ q[0] = 1; q[1] = 0; q[2] = 0; q[3] = 0; Serial.print(String(q[0]) + "/" + String(q[1]) + "/" + String(q[2]) + "/" + String(q[3]) + "/" + String(hallSensor) + "/" ); } else{ Serial.print(String(q[0]) + "/" + String(q[1]) + "/" + String(q[2]) + "/" + String(q[3]) + "/" + String(hallSensor) + "/" ); } } // Mahony_update function remains unchanged void Mahony_update(float ax, float ay, float az, float gx, float gy, float gz, float deltat) { float recipNorm; float vx, vy, vz; float ex, ey, ez; //error terms float qa, qb, qc; static float ix = 0.0, iy = 0.0, iz = 0.0; //integral feedback terms float tmp; // Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid (avoids NaN in accelerometer normalisation) tmp = ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az; if (tmp > 0.0) { // Normalise accelerometer (assumed to measure the direction of gravity in body frame) recipNorm = 1.0 / sqrt(tmp); ax *= recipNorm; ay *= recipNorm; az *= recipNorm; // Estimated direction of gravity in the body frame (factor of two divided out) vx = q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]; //to normalize these terms, multiply each by 2.0 vy = q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]; vz = q[0] * q[0] - 0.5f + q[3] * q[3]; // Error is cross product between estimated and measured direction of gravity in body frame // (half the actual magnitude) ex = (ay * vz - az * vy); ey = (az * vx - ax * vz); ez = (ax * vy - ay * vx); // Compute and apply to gyro term the integral feedback, if enabled if (Ki > 0.0f) { ix += Ki * ex * deltat; // integral error scaled by Ki iy += Ki * ey * deltat; iz += Ki * ez * deltat; gx += ix; // apply integral feedback gy += iy; gz += iz; } // Apply proportional feedback to gyro term gx += Kp * ex; gy += Kp * ey; gz += Kp * ez; } // Integrate rate of change of quaternion, q cross gyro term deltat = 0.5 * deltat; gx *= deltat; // pre-multiply common factors gy *= deltat; gz *= deltat; qa = q[0]; qb = q[1]; qc = q[2]; q[0] += (-qb * gx - qc * gy - q[3] * gz); q[1] += (qa * gx + qc * gz - q[3] * gy); q[2] += (qa * gy - qb * gz + q[3] * gx); q[3] += (qa * gz + qb * gy - qc * gx); // renormalise quaternion recipNorm = 1.0 / sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]); q[0] = q[0] * recipNorm; q[1] = q[1] * recipNorm; q[2] = q[2] * recipNorm; q[3] = q[3] * recipNorm; }
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