Advent of Code 2023-17
function solve(input) { return [process(parse(input), 0, 1), process(parse(input), 1, 1)]; } function parse(input) { return input.split("\n").map((l) => l.split("").map(Number)); } function process(grid, part, draw) { class Grid { data = {}; set(val, x, y = 0, z = 0, zz = 0) { if (![zz])[zz] = {}; if (![zz][z])[zz][z] = {}; if (![zz][z][y])[zz][z][y] = {};[zz][z][y][x] = val; this.lastPos = [x, y, z, zz]; return val; } get(x, y = 0, z = 0, zz = 0) { return[zz]?.[z]?.[y]?.[x]; } } const timeSlots = [[]]; function enqueue(time, x, y, dir, dirDist, prev) { if (!timeSlots[time]) timeSlots[time] = []; timeSlots[time].push({x, y, dir, dirDist, prev}); } let curTime = 0; enqueue(curTime, 0, 0, -1, part ? 4 : 0, null); const visited = new Grid(); const d = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]; main: while (true) { while (timeSlots[curTime] && timeSlots[curTime].length) { const cur = timeSlots[curTime].pop(); if (visited.get(cur.x, cur.y, cur.dir, cur.dirDist) !== undefined) continue; visited.set(cur.prev, cur.x, cur.y, cur.dir, cur.dirDist); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const [dx, dy] = d[i]; if (cur.dir === (i + 2) % 4) continue; const turn = i !== cur.dir; if (!turn && cur.dirDist >= (part ? 10 : 3)) continue; if (part && turn && cur.dirDist < 4) continue; if (cur.x === grid[0].length - 1 && cur.y === grid.length - 1) break main; const x = cur.x + dx, y = cur.y + dy; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= grid[0].length || y >= grid.length) continue; const time = curTime + grid[y][x]; enqueue(time, x, y, i, turn ? 1 : cur.dirDist + 1, [cur.x, cur.y, cur.dir, cur.dirDist]); } } curTime++; } const path = getPath(visited, ...visited.lastPos); if (draw)"\n" + drawCanvas(getCanvas(path))); return curTime; } function getPath(visited, x, y, z, zz) { const path = [[x, y, z, zz]]; while (true) { const node = visited.get(x, y, z, zz); if (node === null) break; path.push(node); [x, y, z, zz] = node; } return path.reverse(); } function getCanvas(path) { const dMap = ["<", "^", ">", "v"]; let maxX = -Infinity, maxY = -Infinity; for (const [x, y, _] of path) { if (x > maxX) maxX = x; if (y > maxY) maxY = y; } const canvas = new Array(maxY + 1) .fill() .map(() => new Array(maxX + 1).fill(".")); for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { const [x, y] = path[i]; if (x < 0 || y < 0) continue; const z = path[i + 1]?.[2] ?? "#"; canvas[y][x] = dMap[z] || z; } return canvas; } function drawCanvas(canvas) { return => r.join("")).join("\n"); }
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