
mail@pastecode.io avatar
11 days ago
6.4 kB
on script load:
	delete {Gens::*}

	set {Gens::Blocks::*} to glowing blue wool and glowing prismarine bricks
	set {Gens::Worth::*} to 10 and 50
	set {Gens::UpgradeCosts::*} to 200 and 1200

	## Items - Drops
	add blue wool named "&9&lBLUE WOOL &8[&a$10&8]" with lore "%nl%&e&l$ &8&l➜ &7&oExecute the command &a&l/SELL&7&o to earn money selling this drop!%nl%&r" with nbt from "{SellPrice:10b}" to {Gens::Drops::*}
	add prismarine shard named "<#419292>&lPRISMARINE SHARD &8[&a$50&8]" with lore "%nl%&e&l$ &8&l➜ &7&oExecute the command &a&l/SELL&7&o to earn money selling this drop!%nl%&r" with nbt from "{SellPrice:50b}" to {Gens::Drops::*}

	## Items - Generator
	add glowing blue wool named "&b&lBLUE WOOL GENERATOR &8[&cT1&8]" with lore "%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7&oGenerates a &9&lBLUE WOOL&7&o every 5 seconds.%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7&oDrop worth: &a$10%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7&oUpgrade cost: &a$200%nl%&r" to {Gens::GenItems::*}
	add glowing prismarine bricks named "&b&lPRISMARINE SHARD GENERATOR &8[&cT2&8]" with lore "%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7Generates a <#419292>&lPRISMARINE SHARD&7&o every 5 seconds.%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7&oDrop worth: &a$50%nl%&e&l? &8&l➜ &7&oUpgrade cost: &a$1200%nl%&r" to {Gens::GenItems::*}

on place:
	{Gens::GenItems::*} contains 1 of tool of player:
		set {_i1} to 0
		loop {Gens::GenItems::*}:
			add 1 to {_i1}
			1 of tool of player = loop-value:
				set {_i} to {_i1}
				add 1 to {GensIds}
				exit loop
		set {_loc} to location of event-block
		set {GenId::%{_loc}%} to {GensIds}
		set {GenTypeNum::%{_loc}%} to {_i}
		set {GenOwner::%{_loc}%} to player
		set {GenItem::%{_loc}%} to 1 of tool of player
		set {GenUpCost::%{_loc}%} to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::UpgradeCosts::*}
		set {GenDrop::%{_loc}%} to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::Drops::*}
		add {_loc} to {OwnedGens::%player's uuid%::*}
		play sound "entity.wither.break_block" at volume 5 at pitch 2 to player
		set {_a} to uncolored unformatted 4th line of lore of player's tool
		wait 1 tick
		startDropping(player, {_loc}, {GensIds})
function startDropping(p: player, loc: location, i2: number):
	while {_p} is online:
		wait 10 seconds
		if block at {_loc} is air:
			{GenOwner::%{_loc}%} is set:
				{GenId::%{_loc}%} = {_i2}:
					drop 1 of {GenDrop::%{_loc}%} above location of {_loc} without velocity
					play sound "entity.item.pickup" to {_p} if distance between {_loc} and {_p} <= 6
					draw 2 of smoke at block above {_loc}

command /sell:
		set {_e1} to 0
		loop items in player's inventory where [input is not air]:
			byte tag "SellPrice" of nbt of loop-item is set:
				set {_f} to byte tag "SellPrice" of nbt of loop-item
				set {_e} to amount of loop-item in player's inventory
				remove {_e} of loop-item from player's inventory
				add {_e}*{_f} to player's balance
				add {_e}*{_f} to {_e1}
		send action bar "&8『<#228B22>&l✔&8』 &7Sold all sellable items in your inventory for &2$%{_e1}%" if {_e1} != 0, else "&8『&c&l❗&8』 &7You have no sellable items in your inventory"
		play sound "BLOCK_CHAIN_PLACE" at volume 10 at pitch 5 to player if {_e1} != 0
		play sound "block.anvil.place" at volume 10 at pitch 5 to player if {_e1} = 0

on left click:
	{GenOwner::%location at event-block%} is set:
		cancel event
		{GenOwner::%location at event-block%} = player:
			set event-block to air
			give player {GenItem::%location at event-block%}
			send action bar "&8『&a⛏&8』 &7Picked up generator!"
			clear {GenOwner::%location at event-block%} and {GenItem::%location at event-block%} and {GenUpCost::%location at event-block%} and {GenTypeNum::%{_loc}%} and {GenId::%{_loc}%} and {GenDrop::%{_loc}%}
			remove location at event-block from {OwnedGens::%player's uuid%::*}
			play sound "entity.wither.break_block" at pitch 2 to player
			send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7You do not own this generator!"
			play sound "item.shield.break" to player

on right click:
	player is sneaking:
		{GenOwner::%location at event-block%} is set:
			{GenOwner::%location at event-block%} = player:
				{GenTypeNum::%location at event-block%} != size of {Gens::Blocks::*}:
					player's balance >= {GenUpCost::%location at event-block%}:
						remove {GenUpCost::%location at event-block%} parsed as number from player's balance
						set {_i} to {GenTypeNum::%location at event-block%}+1
						set event-block to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::Blocks::*}
						set {GenItem::%location at event-block%} to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::GenItems::*}
						set {GenTypeNum::%location at event-block%} to {_i}
						set {GenUpCost::%location at event-block%} to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::UpgradeCosts::*}
						set {GenDrop::%location at event-block%} to {_i}nd element out of {Gens::Drops::*}
						play sound "block.anvil.place" to player
						send action bar "&8『<#228B22>&l✔&8』 &7This generator has been upgraded! Next upgrade: &a$%{GenUpCost::%location at event-block%}%" to player
						send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7You do not have enough money to upgrade! You need &a$%{GenUpCost::%location at event-block%}%" to player
						play sound "item.shield.break" to player
					send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7There are no more upgrades!" to player
					play sound "item.shield.break" to player
				send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7You do not own this generator!" to player
				play sound "item.shield.break" to player

on join:
	loop {OwnedGens::%player's uuid%::*}:
		startDropping(player, loop-value, {GenId::%loop-value%})

on break:
	{GenOwner::%location at event-block%} is set:
		cancel event
		send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7You can not break a generator!" to player
		play sound "item.shield.break" to player

command /getgen [<integer=1>]:
	permission: staff.getgen.use
		{Gens::GenItems::%arg-1%} is set:
			give player {Gens::GenItems::%arg-1%}
			send action bar "&8『&4&lSTAFF&8』 &aGenerator has been given!"
			play sound "block.anvil.place" to player
			send action bar "&8『&c&l❌&8』 &7That generator does not exist!" to player
			play sound "item.shield.break" to player

on place:
	if name of event-item is "&b&lBLUE WOOL &8[&a$10&8]":
		cancel event
		send "&cYou can not place gen drops." to player
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