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data-w-id="f4e55c2c-9142-b88e-1211-632113e89694" role="list" class="collection-list w-dyn-items w-row"> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a9f43e12924428fb85130_1636963697702.jpg" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Manaal Khan</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">UAE</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/manaal-khan-761025183/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" 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The projects I worked on gave me the experience I needed in content marketing.</p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a9dbb3333cfed052d4e52_1664171752186%20(1).jpg" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Mehreen Muneer</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">UAE</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehreen-muneer-0a02181bb/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> Qureos is a great platform with real industry projects to get hands-on experience and mentorship. The learning experience was interactive and very clear with a lot of support to be successful with the projects. Things were very concise and the feedback from the mentor improved my work. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a9b41082426b8526d2e47_1606494588716.jpg" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Areeja Muzaffar</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Netherlands</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://nl.linkedin.com/in/areeja-muzaffar-9794681b5" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> Qureos has helped me with my market research skills and allowed me to explore different ways of doing market research. It is very organized and the mentors are extremely responsive. They helped clarify any uncertainties I had just within a few hours and were a great help. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a96d94cdaf6245a19511e_62e29b15ec8fcb7e705caafe_Screenshot%202022-07-27%20at%2012.41.30%20AM%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Salman Razaq</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">UAE</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/selmanrazaq/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> At first, I joined because it seemed like a decent opportunity to learn. I kept coming back because it turned out to be an amazing one! Love the diversity of courses, user friendly website and the community of helpful mentors </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a965504a790d08fd5b2c1_62e29b15ec8fcb7a465cab02_Screenshot%202022-07-27%20at%2012.43.39%20AM%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Sincita Elina Rodrigues</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">UAE</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/sincita-elina-rodrigues/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> The learning experience with Qureos was in-depth, self-paced, and mentor-led on a variety of essential topics and skills that are valuable in the business world. I especially like the fact that the activities are set at a higher standard of work, and you are constantly being pushed to refine your skills further </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a9632be0bad1210d5c785_62e29b15ec8fcb0ae95cab00_Screenshot%202022-07-27%20at%203.56.22%20PM%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Augustine Chukwunta</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Nigeria</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/augustine-chukwunta-702523b8/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> For me, this platform has provided me with valuable digital marketing insights from professionals from all walks of life in the marketing industry, as well as broadened my horizons. I'm now ready to launch a marketing campaign. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a960ff75e0128e6fdbb18_62e29b15ec8fcb280b5cab04_Screenshot%202022-07-27%20at%203.58.39%20PM%20(1)%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Taiwo Alawiye</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">United Kingdom</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/taiwo-alawiye/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> I like the fact that the learning resources were really in depth and easy to recap in the course learned. I also like the fact that I was not only paired with a mentor but the mentor kept checking on me to find out if I have issues. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a956cb9b61cc88ae8983d_62e941c4a3f15e36c648a02e_Screenshot%202022-08-02%20at%208.24.31%20PM.png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Muhammad Mamoon</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Pakistan</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mamoonkhan7771/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black">Love the Qureos approach to practicality and scenario based learning which is easily accessible.</p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a95417dd061918cfdcf9a_62e93ff4322a5ca3f49c70bd_Screenshot%202022-08-02%20at%208.16.54%20PM%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Okoli Benjamin</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Nigeria</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-okoli/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> I needed a platform where I can practice and improve my skills in content creation and marketing strategies at large. On my quest to achieve this, I came across Qureos. With little consideration, I knew it was the perfect community that I needed. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a9510f75e0157a5fcdae3_62e94235ea2fabb10ceb7eea_Screenshot%202022-08-02%20at%208.26.28%20PM%20(1)%20(1)%20(1)%20(1)%20(1)%20(1)%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Ather Rasool</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Pakistan</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ather-rasool/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> From live sessions to toolkits and projects, the material is well-organized to maximize the learning experience. Overall, I would give it five stars for the quality of courses and mentors. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a94ca23890d05d5f05936_62e9415f1af79e21eb69147d_Screenshot%202022-08-02%20at%208.22.43%20PM%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Noor Alhammadi</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">UAE 🇦🇪</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/noor-alhammadi-1630621a1/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> Thanks to Qureos, I have a good perspective on how to approach work and manage my time. I was able to learn Machine Learning and work on projects with guidance from my mentor. I was also able to learn how to effectively present my work to a non-technical audience. </p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="testimonial-cms-item w-dyn-item w-col w-col-4"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item is-v2"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_grid-item-header"> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap"> <img loading="lazy" src="https://global-uploads.webflow.com/632462c7dd8a9705db7948c2/633a948036a31d960abc96de_abu-bakar-ghana%20(1)%20(1)%20(1).png" alt="" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-avatar" /> <div class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-wrap-info"> <p class="garnet-body2 text-color-black">Abubakar Gana</p> <p class="inter-body2-medium is-profile-wrap-info">Ghana</p> </div> </div> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/abubakar-gana-b27b25168/" target="_blank" class="home-accelerating-careers_profile-soc-link w-inline-block"> <div class="embed_svg is-profile-wrap-linkedin w-embed"> <svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.701 18.8618H9.6206V9.6206H12.701V11.1608C13.3576 10.3254 14.3533 9.82743 15.4156 9.80311C17.3259 9.81372 18.8673 11.3682 18.8618 13.2786V18.8618H15.7814V13.6636C15.6582 12.8031 14.9202 12.1647 14.051 12.1665C13.6708 12.1786 13.3119 12.345 13.0571 12.6275C12.8024 12.9101 12.6738 13.2842 12.701 13.6636V18.8618ZM8.0804 18.8618H5V9.6206H8.0804V18.8618ZM6.5402 8.0804C5.68957 8.0804 5 7.39083 5 6.5402C5 5.68957 5.68957 5 6.5402 5C7.39083 5 8.0804 5.68957 8.0804 6.5402C8.0804 6.94869 7.91813 7.34044 7.62928 7.62928C7.34044 7.91813 6.94869 8.0804 6.5402 8.0804Z" fill="currentcolor" /> </svg> </div> <div class="hide">LinkedIn</div> </a> </div> <p class="text-color-black"> The learning experience with Qureos is great. The masterclasses are delivered with great quality as the topics are completely relevant and explained properly. 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grid-row-gap: .5rem; flex-direction: column } .hero-illustration-wrapper { align-items: center; display: flex; position: relative } .section-steps.section-padding-normal { padding-top: 7.5rem; padding-bottom: 7.5rem } .content-warpper.grid { grid-column-gap: 4rem; grid-row-gap: 16px; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; grid-auto-columns: 1fr; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; display: grid } .content-warpper.grid._2 { align-items: start } .steps-container { grid-column-gap: 2rem; margin-top: 5rem; display: flex } .steps-inner-item { grid-row-gap: 2.5rem; flex-direction: column; flex: 1; display: flex } .steps-img-wrapper { height: 10.1rem; background-color: #f5f5f5; border-radius: 1rem; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end; padding: 16px 16px 0; display: flex } .steps-descript { grid-row-gap: .5rem; flex-direction: column; display: flex } .hero-img-absolute { height: 400px; position: absolute; top: -20%; bottom: 0%; left: 69%; right: auto } .bg-color-pane { width: 300px; 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