using Celeste.Mod.UI; using FMOD.Studio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Monocle; using Celeste; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Celeste.Mod.Example { public class ExampleModule : EverestModule { // Only one alive module instance can exist at any given time. public static ExampleModule Instance; public ExampleModule() { Instance = this; } // Check the next section for more information about mod settings, save data and session. // Those are optional: if you don't need one of those, you can remove it from the module. // If you need to store settings: public override Type SettingsType => typeof(ExampleModuleSettings); public static ExampleModuleSettings Settings => (ExampleModuleSettings) Instance._Settings; // If you need to store save data: public override Type SaveDataType => typeof(ExampleModuleSaveData); public static ExampleModuleSaveData SaveData => (ExampleModuleSaveData) Instance._SaveData; // If you need to store session data: public override Type SessionType => typeof(ExampleModuleSession); public static ExampleModuleSession Session => (ExampleModuleSession) Instance._Session; // Set up any hooks, event handlers and your mod in general here. // Load runs before Celeste itself has initialized properly. public override void Load() { On.Celeste.Player.Jump += modPlayerJump; } private void modPlayerJump(On.Celeste.Player.orig_Jump orig, Player self, bool particles = true, bool playSfx = true) { return } // Optional, initialize anything after Celeste has initialized itself properly. public override void Initialize() { } // Optional, do anything requiring either the Celeste or mod content here. public override void LoadContent(bool firstLoad) { } // Unload the entirety of your mod's content. Free up any native resources. public override void Unload() { On.Celeste.Player.Jump -= modPlayerJump; } } }
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