a year ago
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from tabulate import tabulate from email_message import send_email from pandas import read_sql as pd_read_sql import cx_Oracle import configparser from json import loads as json_loads import logging from datetime import datetime import gc import numpy as np # For windows os # cx_Oracle.init_oracle_client(lib_dir=r"C:\Users\1772569.INDIA\Desktop\Notification CR\instantclient_21_6") # cx_Oracle.init_oracle_client(lib_dir=r"C:\ETPI\Deployments\Notificationalert\instantclient_21_6") class LossyMergerError(Exception): # print("The merge resulted in loss of rows from data frame") def __init__(self, message="The merge resulted in loss of rows from data frame. Please check query's output"): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message) def df_to_pdf(df, filename): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4)) ax.axis('tight') ax.axis('off') the_table = ax.table(cellText=df.values, colLabels=df.columns, loc='center') pp = PdfPages(filename) pp.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') pp.close() try: configProperties = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) # configProperties.read(r'C:\Users\1772569.INDIA\Desktop\DevOps\OM_Monitoring\om_monitoring.config') # configProperties.read(r'C:\ETPI\Deployments\Notificationalert\falloutnotification.config') configProperties.read(r'falloutnotification.config') username = configProperties['config']['username'] password = configProperties['config']['password'] connectstring = configProperties['config']['connectstring'] # __dup_corelation_id_query=configProperties['config']['dup_corelation_id_query'] # assigned_gp_query=configProperties['config']['assigned_gp_query'] # csa_intra_query=configProperties['config']['csa_intra_query'] # normal_order_query=configProperties['config']['normal_order_query'] # crms_query=configProperties['config']['crms_query'] # crms_query_completed=configProperties['config']['crms_query_completed'] # crms_query_inprogress=configProperties['config']['crms_query_inprogress'] __BILLING_FALLOUT_DETAILS = configProperties['config']['BILLING_FALLOUT_DETAILS'] __NETWORK_FALLOUT = configProperties['config']['NETWORK_FALLOUT'] __RESOURCE_FALLOUT = configProperties['config']['RESOURCE_FALLOUT'] __BIN_Movement_Halt_Identification = configProperties['config']['BIN_Movement_Halt_Identification'] _CSA_Intra_ERROR = configProperties['config']['CSA_Intra_ERROR'] mailMap = json_loads(configProperties['config']['mailMap']) path = r"{}".format(configProperties['config']['pdf_path']) # Deafault logging level level = logging.INFO # need raw string for input file path logfilename = r"{}".format(configProperties['logging']['logfilename']) get_log_level = configProperties['logging']['level'] if get_log_level == "INFO": level = level = logging.INFO elif get_log_level == "DEBUG": level = level = logging.DEBUG elif get_log_level == "ERROR": level = level = logging.ERROR logging.basicConfig(filename=logfilename, filemode='a', level=level, format='%(levelname)s :: %(asctime)s :: %(message)s') # connectstring_uat="" # conn_uat = cx_Oracle.connect(username,password,connectstring_uat) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(username, password, connectstring) __df_BILLING_FALLOUT = pd_read_sql(__BILLING_FALLOUT_DETAILS, con=conn) __df_NETWORK_FALLOUT = pd_read_sql(__NETWORK_FALLOUT, con=conn) __df_RESOURCE_FALLOUT = pd_read_sql(__RESOURCE_FALLOUT, con=conn) __df_BIN_Movement_Halt = pd_read_sql(__BIN_Movement_Halt_Identification, con=conn) _df_CSA_Intra_ERROR = pd_read_sql(_CSA_Intra_ERROR, con=conn) # __df_dup_corelation_id=pd_read_sql(__dup_corelation_id_query,con = conn) # __df_assigned_gp=pd_read_sql(assigned_gp_query,con = conn) # __df_normal_order=pd_read_sql(normal_order_query,con = conn) # __df_csa_intra=pd_read_sql(csa_intra_query,con = conn) # __df_crms_comp=pd_read_sql(crms_query_completed,con = conn) # __df_crms_inprog=pd_read_sql(crms_query_inprogress,con = conn) # __df_crms=__df_crms_comp.append(__df_crms_inprog).drop_duplicates() # __df_BILLING_FALLOUT=__df_BILLING_FALLOUT.drop_duplicates() # __df_NETWORK_FALLOUT=__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT.drop_duplicates() # for Problem ticket 4812 '''if len(__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT)>0 or len(__df_BILLING_FALLOUT)>0: result=__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT.append(__df_BILLING_FALLOUT) result=result.drop_duplicates() result.index = np.arange(1, len(result)+1) print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Problem ticket 4812 monitoring found "+str(len(result))+" orders . Proceeding for Execution ") #print(result) now = datetime.now() curr_date=now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Fallout orders") sub="Please find fallout orders "+str(curr_date) content="Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of orders"+str(curr_date)+"<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format(table=result.to_html())##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) to=mailMap["to"] cc=mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is "+str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is "+str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is "+str(to)) send_email(content,sub,to,cc,body_type='html') logging.info("fallout orders monitoring email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("fallout orders monitoring email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info(" fallout orders monitoring Query gave 0 rows") print("fallout orders monitoring Query gave 0 rows")''' # NETWORK FALLOUT monitoring if len(__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT) > 0: print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Assigned gp found " + str( len(__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT)) + " itemIds . Proceeding for Execution ") # For generalised report now = datetime.now() curr_date = now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for network fallout") sub = "Fallout orders ERROR In UAT " + str(curr_date) content = "Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of Fallout orders ERROR In UAT " + str( curr_date) + "<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format( table=__df_NETWORK_FALLOUT.to_html()) ##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) to = mailMap["to"] cc = mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is " + str(to)) send_email(content, sub, to, cc, body_type='html') logging.info("NETWORK FALLOUT orders email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("NETWORK FALLOUT orders email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("NETWORK FALLOUT orders Query gave 0 rows") print("NETWORK FALLOUT orders Query gave 0 rows") # Correlation gp monitoring if len(__df_BILLING_FALLOUT) > 0: print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Duplicate corelation_id found " + str( len(__df_BILLING_FALLOUT)) + " orderIds . Proceeding for Execution ") # For BILLING FALLOUT now = datetime.now() curr_date = now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for billing fallout") sub = "BILLING FALLOUT" + str(curr_date) content = "Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order for BILLING FALLOUT " + str( curr_date) + "<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format( table=__df_BILLING_FALLOUT.to_html()) ##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) to = mailMap["to"] cc = mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is " + str(to)) send_email(content, sub, to, cc, body_type='html') logging.info("BILLING FALLOUT email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("BILLING FALLOUT email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("BILLING FALLOUT Query gave 0 rows") print("BILLING FALLOUT Query gave 0 rows") # RESOURCE FALLOUT monitoring if len(__df_RESOURCE_FALLOUT) > 0: print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Duplicate corelation_id found " + str( len(__df_RESOURCE_FALLOUT)) + " orderIds . Proceeding for Execution ") # For generalised report now = datetime.now() curr_date = now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for RESOURCE FALLOUT") sub = "RESOURCE FALLOUT" + str(curr_date) content = "Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order for RESOURCE FALLOUT " + str( curr_date) + "<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format( table=__df_RESOURCE_FALLOUT.to_html()) ##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) to = mailMap["to"] cc = mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is " + str(to)) send_email(content, sub, to, cc, body_type='html') logging.info("RESOURCE FALLOUT email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("RESOURCE FALLOUT email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("RESOURCE FALLOUT Query gave 0 rows") print("RESOURCE FALLOUT Query gave 0 rows") if len(__df_BIN_Movement_Halt) > 0: print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Duplicate corelation_id found " + str( len(__df_BIN_Movement_Halt)) + " orderIds . Proceeding for Execution ") # For generalised report now = datetime.now() curr_date = now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for BIN_Movement_Halt") sub = "BIN_Movement_Halt" + str(curr_date) content = "Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order for BIN_Movement_Halt " + str( curr_date) + "<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format( table=__df_BIN_Movement_Halt.to_html()) ##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) to = mailMap["to"] cc = mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is " + str(to)) send_email(content, sub, to, cc, body_type='html') logging.info("BIN_Movement_Halt email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("BIN_Movement_Halt email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("BIN_Movement_Halt Query gave 0 rows") print("BIN_Movement_Halt Query gave 0 rows") if len(_df_CSA_Intra_ERROR) > 0: print("Query gave more than 0 rows . Duplicate corelation_id found " + str( len(_df_CSA_Intra_ERROR)) + " orderIds . Proceeding for Execution ") # For generalised report now = datetime.now() curr_date = now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for CSA_Intra_ERROR") sub = "CSA_Intra_ERROR" + str(curr_date) # content="Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order are ERRORED In CSA Intra "+str(curr_date)+"<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format(table=_df_CSA_Intra_ERROR.to_html())##tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid')) #content = "<html><head><style>table {width: 100%;border-collapse: collapse;}th, td {padding: 10px; text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid ;word-wrap:break-word;#ddd;}</style></head><body>Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order are ERRORED In CSA Intra {curr_date}<br><table>{table}</table><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br></body></html>".format(curr_date=curr_date, table=_df_CSA_Intra_ERROR.to_html()) content ="<html><head><style>table {width: 100%;border-collapse: collapse;}th, td {padding: 10px;text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;max-width: 300px; white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis; }</style></head><body>Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of Fallout orders ERROR In UAT {curr_date}<br><table>{__df_CSA_Intra_ERROR}</table><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br></body></html>" to = mailMap["to"] cc = mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is " + str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is " + str(to)) send_email(content, sub, to, cc, body_type='html') logging.info("CSA_Intra_ERROR email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("CSA_Intra_ERROR email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("CSA_Intra_ERROR Query gave 0 rows") print("CSA_Intra_ERROR Query gave 0 rows") # crms monitoring '''if len(__df_crms)>0: __df_crms.index = np.arange(1, len(__df_crms)+1) print("CRMS Query gave more than 0 rows . CRMS issue found for "+str(len(__df_crms))+" . Proceeding for Execution for email notification ") #For generalised report now = datetime.now() curr_date=now.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %I:%M %p') logging.info("Procedind for sending email for CRMS issue") sub="CRMS monitoring issue found in Prod "+str(curr_date) content="Hi All,<br><br>Please see below for list of order for for CRMS "+str(curr_date)+"<br>{table}<br><br>Regards<br>DevOps<br><br>".format(table=__df_crms.to_html()) to=mailMap["crms_to"] cc=mailMap['cc_id'] logging.debug("Subject is "+str(sub)) logging.debug("Content is "+str(sub)) logging.debug("Recipient is "+str(to)) send_email(content,sub,to,cc,body_type='html') logging.info("CRMS issue monitoring email Execution Completed sucessfully") print("CRMS issue monitoring email Execution Completed sucessfully") else: logging.info("CRMS issue monitoring query gave 0 rows") print("CRMS issue monitoring Query gave 0 rows") conn.close() conn_uat.close() #print('comp'+str(len(__df_crms_comp))) #print('inprogress'+str(len(__df_crms_inprog))) #print('main'+str(len(__df_crms)))''' except Exception as e: print("ERROR in Execution" + str(e)) logging.error("ERROR in Execution" + str(e)) # invoke garbage collector for cleanup gc.collect()