i don't want to come up with one
local pumpOnline = false local onlineAmount = 0 local damageAmount = 0 local isSet = false if script.Parent:WaitForChild("1", 5) == nil then error("bruh") end local lights = { script.Parent["1"], script.Parent["2"], script.Parent["3"] } local fadeCurrentTime = 0 local prevFadeState = nil -- configuration local timeToStart = 30 local timeToStop = 30 local soundMaxPitch = 1 local faultColourBlink = Color3.new(1, 1, 0) local faultColourBlinkOff = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) local faultBlinkTime = 1 local startColour = Color3.new(0, 1, 0) local stopColour = Color3.new(1, 0.5, 0) local fadeTime = 2 local onlineColour = Color3.new(0, 1, 0) local offlineColour = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) local lightOnMaterial = Enum.Material.Neon local lightOffMaterial = Enum.Material.Neon local damageBlinkStartTime = 0 game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function(deltaTime: number) if not isSet then return end local attemptToSet = onlineAmount + (deltaTime / (pumpOnline and timeToStart or -timeToStop)) onlineAmount = math.clamp(attemptToSet, 0, 1) local effectiveOnlineAmount = onlineAmount * (1 - damageAmount) script.Parent.Speaker.Sound.PlaybackSpeed = effectiveOnlineAmount * soundMaxPitch if onlineAmount % 1 ~= 0 then damageBlinkStartTime = 0 local baseColor = pumpOnline and startColour or stopColour if prevFadeState ~= pumpOnline then prevFadeState = pumpOnline if prevFadeState == nil then fadeCurrentTime = 0 end end fadeCurrentTime += deltaTime * effectiveOnlineAmount for i,v in lights do local lightAmount = (math.cos(((fadeCurrentTime / fadeTime) + 1/#lights * (#lights - i - 1)) * math.pi * 2) + 1) / 2 local cMut = onlineAmount * lightAmount v.Color = Color3.new(baseColor.R * cMut, baseColor.G * cMut, baseColor.B * cMut) end else prevFadeState = nil if pumpOnline == true then if damageAmount ~= 0 then if damageBlinkStartTime == 0 then damageBlinkStartTime = time() end local timeOffseted = time() - damageBlinkStartTime local moduloTimeOffseted = (timeOffseted / 2) % 1 local blinkColour = moduloTimeOffseted <= damageAmount and faultColourBlink or faultColourBlinkOff print(moduloTimeOffseted) for i,v in lights do v.Color = blinkColour end else damageBlinkStartTime = 0 for _,v in lights do v.Color = onlineColour end end else for _,v in lights do v.Color = offlineColour end end end for _,v in lights do if v.Color == offlineColour then v.Material = lightOffMaterial else v.Material = lightOnMaterial end end script.Parent.Speaker.Sound.PlaybackSpeed = effectiveOnlineAmount * soundMaxPitch script.Parent.Speaker.Sound.Playing = effectiveOnlineAmount ~= 0 end) local pumpDetails = script.Parent.GrabPumpDetails:InvokeServer() online = pumpDetails.online onlineAmount = online and 1 or 0 script.Parent.OnlineUpdate.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(newOnlineSignal) pumpOnline = newOnlineSignal print("success1") end) script.Parent.DamageUpdate.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(newDamageAmount) damageAmount = newDamageAmount print("success2") end) isSet = true
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