a month ago
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import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, FlatList } from 'react-native'; import { MaterialIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; interface TodoItem { id: string; title: string; completed: boolean; } const HomeScreen = () => { const [todo, setTodo] = useState(""); const [todolist, setTodolist] = useState<TodoItem[]>([]); const [edittodo, setEdittodo] = useState<TodoItem | null>(null); const handleAddTodo = () => { if (todo.trim() === "") return; if (edittodo) { // Edit mode: Update the existing todo const updatedTodoList = todolist.map((item) => item.id === edittodo.id ? { ...item, title: todo } : item ); setTodolist(updatedTodoList); setEdittodo(null); // Exit edit mode } else { // Add mode: Add a new todo setTodolist([...todolist, { id: Date.now().toString(), title: todo, completed: false }]); } setTodo(""); // Clear the input field }; const handledeletetodo = (id: string) => { const updatedTodoList = todolist.filter((item) => item.id !== id); setTodolist(updatedTodoList); }; const handleedittodo = (todo: TodoItem) => { setEdittodo(todo); setTodo(todo.title); }; const todocompletion = (id: string) => { const updatedTodoList = todolist.map((item) => item.id === id ? { ...item, completed: !item.completed } : item ); setTodolist(updatedTodoList); }; const renderTodos = ({ item, index }: { item: TodoItem; index: number }) => { return ( <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#1e90ff", borderRadius: 6, paddingHorizontal: 6, paddingVertical: 12, marginBottom: 12, flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }}> <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => todocompletion(item.id)} style={{ flex: 1 }}> <Text style={{ color: "#fff", fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "800", flex: 1, textDecorationLine: item.completed ? "line-through" : "none", }}>{item.title}</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <MaterialIcons name="edit" size={24} color="blue" onPress={() => handleedittodo(item)} /> <MaterialIcons name="delete" size={24} color="red" onPress={() => handledeletetodo(item.id)} /> </View> ); }; return ( <View> <TextInput style={{ borderWidth: 2, borderColor: "blue", borderRadius: 6, paddingVertical: 6, paddingHorizontal: 16 }} placeholder='add task' value={todo} onChangeText={(userText) => setTodo(userText)} /> <TouchableOpacity style={{ backgroundColor: "#000", borderRadius: 6, paddingVertical: 12, marginTop: 24, alignItems: "center" }} onPress={handleAddTodo} > <Text style={{ color: "#fff", fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 20 }}> {edittodo ? "Update" : "Add"} </Text> </TouchableOpacity> <FlatList data={todolist} renderItem={renderTodos} keyExtractor={(item) => item.id} style={{ marginTop: 20 }} /> </View> ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({}); export default HomeScreen;
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