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#include <DFRobot_SIM808.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define MESSAGE_LENGTH 160 char message[MESSAGE_LENGTH]; int messageIndex = 0; char MESSAGE[300]; char lat[12]; char lon[12]; char wspeed[12]; char phone[16]; char datetime[24]; #define PIN_TX 10 #define PIN_RX 11 SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_TX,PIN_RX); DFRobot_SIM808 sim808(&mySerial);//Connect RX,TX,PWR, void sendSMS(); void getGPS(); void readSMS(); void setup() { mySerial.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600); //******** Initialize sim808 module *********** while(!sim808.init()) { Serial.print("Sim808 init error\r\n"); delay(1000); } delay(3000); Serial.println("SIM Init success"); Serial.println("Init Success, please send SMS message to me!"); } void loop() { //*********** Detecting unread SMS ********************** messageIndex = sim808.isSMSunread(); //*********** At least, there is one UNREAD SMS ********* if (messageIndex > 0) { readSMS(); getGPS(); sendSMS(); //************* Turn off the GPS power ********** sim808.detachGPS(); Serial.println("Please send SMS message to me!"); } } void readSMS() { Serial.print("messageIndex: "); Serial.println(messageIndex); sim808.readSMS(messageIndex, message, MESSAGE_LENGTH, phone, datetime); //***********In order not to full SIM Memory, is better to delete it********** sim808.deleteSMS(messageIndex); Serial.print("From number: "); Serial.println(phone); Serial.print("Datetime: "); Serial.println(datetime); Serial.print("Recieved Message: "); Serial.println(message); } void getGPS() { while(!sim808.attachGPS()) { Serial.println("Open the GPS power failure"); delay(1000); } delay(3000); Serial.println("Open the GPS power success"); while(!sim808.getGPS()) { } Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.year); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.month); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.day); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.hour); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.minute); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(sim808.GPSdata.second); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(sim808.GPSdata.centisecond); Serial.print("latitude :"); Serial.println(sim808.GPSdata.lat); Serial.print("longitude :"); Serial.println(sim808.GPSdata.lon); Serial.print("speed_kph :"); Serial.println(sim808.GPSdata.speed_kph); Serial.print("heading :"); Serial.println(sim808.GPSdata.heading); Serial.println(); float la = sim808.GPSdata.lat; float lo = sim808.GPSdata.lon; float ws = sim808.GPSdata.speed_kph; dtostrf(la, 4, 6, lat); //put float value of la into char array of lat. 4 = number of digits before decimal sign. 6 = number of digits after the decimal sign. dtostrf(lo, 4, 6, lon); //put float value of lo into char array of lon dtostrf(ws, 6, 2, wspeed); //put float value of ws into char array of wspeed sprintf(MESSAGE, "Latitude : %s\nLongitude : %s\nWind Speed : %s kph\nMy Module Is Working. Mewan Indula Pathirage. Try With This Link.\nhttp://www.latlong.net/Show-Latitude-Longitude.html\nhttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s,%s\n", lat, lon, wspeed, lat, lon); } void sendSMS() { Serial.println("Start to send message ..."); Serial.println(MESSAGE); Serial.println(phone); sim808.sendSMS(phone,MESSAGE); }
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