a month ago
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using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CreateAndUpdateCderPlugin { public class UpdateCreateNeuCderPlugin : IPlugin { public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { // Obtain the execution context from the service provider IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext)); IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory)); IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId); var configData = new[] { new { fieldname = "neu_eval2walking", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval3usingwheelchair", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval4takingprescriptionmedication", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval5eating", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval6toileting", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval7bladderandbowelcontrol", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval8personalcare", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval9dressing", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_safetyawareness", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval14socialinteraction", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_disruptivesocialbehaviour", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval16aggressivesocialbehaviour", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval17selfinjuriousbehaviour", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval18destructionofproperty", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_runningorwanderingaway", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002, 288500003 } }, new { fieldname = "neu_eval20emotionaloutbursts", values = new[] { 288500000, 288500001, 288500002 } } }; if (context.InputParameters.Contains(Constants.Target) && context.InputParameters[Constants.Target] is Entity) { Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters[Constants.Target]; if (entity.LogicalName != Constants.JsonObjects.Cder.EntityLogicalName) return; Entity postImage = context.PostEntityImages.FirstOrDefault().Value; // Check if the Consumer (Contact) lookup field is present if (postImage.Attributes.Contains(Constants.JsonObjects.Cder.Consumer)) { var consumerRef = postImage.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>(Constants.JsonObjects.Cder.Consumer); Entity consumer = service.Retrieve(consumerRef.LogicalName, consumerRef.Id, new ColumnSet(Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.MedicalWaiver, Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.CurrentCder)); if (consumer.Contains(Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.MedicalWaiver) && consumer.GetAttributeValue<bool>(Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.MedicalWaiver)) return; var consumerCurrentCdr = consumer.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>(Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.CurrentCder); if(entity.Id!= consumerCurrentCdr.Id) return; var isMedicalNeedtoUpdate = configData.Any(it => postImage.Contains(it.fieldname) && it.values.Contains(postImage.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>(it.fieldname).Value)); if (isMedicalNeedtoUpdate) { var consumerToUpdate = new Entity(consumer.LogicalName, consumer.Id); consumerToUpdate[Constants.JsonObjects.Contact.MedicalWaiver] = true; service.Update(consumerToUpdate); } } } } } }
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