a year ago
15 kB
// ==UserScript== // @name [Working] linkvertise and krnl bypasser // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 10.5 // @description just waits 15 seconds for krnl and works fine with the other stuff 2 (it waits no time for other stuff) :) // @author Discord: varram#6209 // @supportURL https://discord.com/invite/uMEtrpRvAf // @match *://*.linkvertise.com/* // @match *://*.linkvertise.net/* // @match *://*.link-to.net/* // @exclude *://publisher.linkvertise.com/* // @exclude *://linkvertise.com // @exclude *://linkvertise.com/search* // @exclude *://blog.linkvertise.com // @exclude *://blog.linkvertise.com/* // @exclude https://linkvertise.com/assets/vendor/thinksuggest.html // @exclude https://linkvertise.com/assets/vendor/* // @exclude https://publisher.linkvertise.com/* // @exclude https://linkvertise.com/ // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-notify@0.5.5/dist/simple-notify.min.js // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // @connect cdn.jsdelivr.net // @connect publisher.linkvertise.com // @connect api.bypass.city // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=linkvertise.com // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== /* additional copyright/license info: © All Rights Reserved Linkvertise Bypass © 2023 by varram#6209 */ (async function () { var redirectCoolDown = 0; // change 0 to any number and the script will wait that much time in seconds before redirecting await sleep(redirectCoolDown * 1000) // change false to true if you want notifications var notification = false try { notification = !!Notify } catch (e) { } 'use strict'; if(notification) { const cssUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-notify/dist/simple-notify.min.css"; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: cssUrl, onload: function(response) { if (response.status === 200) { // Add CSS to the document GM_addStyle(response.responseText); } } }); } var url = "https://api.bypass.city/v9?" + window.location.href; var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); async function serverRequestFailed() { console.log("alerted") if(url.startsWith("https://api.bypass.city")) { url = "https://main-bypass-server.tk/v9?" + window.location.href; return makeReqq(); } alert('failed to contact backend bypass server. Please make sure an app (antivirus) is not blocking https://api.bypass.city and if it is let us know in our discord server. If you are still facing problems the server could be DOWN or something else please report this to us in our discord server and get help: https://discord.gg/uMEtrpRvAf') if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'warning', title: 'Redirecting to discord server in 10 seconds', text: 'If you dont get redirected then go to this link: https://discord.gg/uMEtrpRvAf', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } await sleep(10000) window.location.replace("https://discord.gg/uMEtrpRvAf") } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function httpGet(theUrl) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); return xmlHttp.responseText; } function setCookie(name,value,days) { var expires = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } if(getCookie("useManualfa") == 'yes') { if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'success', title: 'Local Bypass Loaded. Bypassing!', text: '', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) new Notify ({ status: 'warning', title: 'Please solve any captcha that shows up!', text: '', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } setCookie("useManualfa", 'no', 30) let response, target_token, ut, linkvertise_link, link_id, key = getCookie("BPtoke"); setCookie("BPtoke", "", 1) let GAI = false let mBP = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () { this.addEventListener('load', async (data) => { if (data.currentTarget.responseText.includes('tokens')) { response = JSON.parse(data.currentTarget.responseText); target_token = response.data.tokens['TARGET']; ut = localStorage.getItem("X-LINKVERTISE-UT"); linkvertise_link = location.pathname.replace(/\/[0-9]$/, ""); if(!getCookie('permssssss')) { alert('You will be asked to allow the script to make requests to the linkvertise api (to bypass linkvertise links). Please hit "always allow" it or the script wont work') GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: `https://publisher.linkvertise.com/api/v1/redirect/link/static${linkvertise_link}?X-Linkvertise-UT=${ut}`, onload: function(response) { setCookie('permssssss', "yes", 3365) window.location.reload() } }) } const uagt = await httpGet('https://api.bypass.city/ua') GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: `https://publisher.linkvertise.com/api/v1/redirect/link/static${linkvertise_link}?X-Linkvertise-UT=${ut}`, headers: { "User-Agent": uagt }, onload: function (response) { var json = JSON.parse(response.responseText) var target_type = json.data.link.target_type link_id = json.data.link.id; const json_body = { serial: btoa(JSON.stringify({ timestamp: new Date().getTime(), random: "6548307", link_id: link_id })), token: target_token }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: `https://publisher.linkvertise.com/api/v1/redirect/link${linkvertise_link}${target_type == "PASTE" ? '/paste': "/target"}?X-Linkvertise-UT=${ut}`, data: JSON.stringify(json_body), headers: { "Accept": 'application/json', "Content-Type": 'application/json', "User-Agent": uagt }, onload: function(response) { var json = JSON.parse(response.responseText) httpGet(`https://api.bypass.city/manual?targetToken=${encodeURIComponent(target_token)}&linkId=${encodeURIComponent(link_id)}&lvLink=${encodeURIComponent(linkvertise_link)}&ut=${encodeURIComponent(ut)}&url=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}&key=${encodeURIComponent(key)}&tType=${encodeURIComponent(target_type)}&Fts=${encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify(json)))}`) .then((w) => { window.location.replace(JSON.parse(w).destination) }) } }); GAI = true; } }) } }); mBP.apply(this, arguments); }; // alert('Please solve the captcha (if it shows up)') } else { makeReqq() } function makeReqq() { if (window.location.href.includes('linkvertise.com/48193/')) { console.log("loading the specific version for krnl :)"); if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'warning', title: 'KRNL detected', text: 'waiting 15 seconds before bypassing (to avoid getting blacklisted)', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } function reqListener() { var a = this.responseText; var b = JSON.parse(a); setTimeout(function () { window.location.replace(b.destination) }, 17100); } oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener); oReq.addEventListener("error", serverRequestFailed); oReq.open("GET", url); oReq.send(); } else { if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'success', title: 'Bypassing!', text: '', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } async function reqListener() { var a = this.responseText; var b = JSON.parse(a); if(b.destination.includes("https://errorr.ml/?")) { var key = b.destination.substring(19) // alert(key) if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'warning', title: 'Server Bypass Failed! ', text: 'Trying local bypass. Your page will refresh in 5 seconds', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } await sleep(5000) setCookie("useManualfa","yes",1); setCookie("BPtoke", key, 1) window.location.reload() } else { if(notification) { new Notify ({ status: 'success', title: 'Done! Redirecting . . .', text: '', effect: 'slide', speed: 300, customClass: '', customIcon: '', showIcon: true, showCloseButton: true, autoclose: false, autotimeout: 10000, gap: 20, distance: 20, type: 2, position: 'right top' }) } window.location.replace(b.destination) } } oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener); oReq.addEventListener("error", serverRequestFailed); oReq.open("GET", url); oReq.send(); } } })();