a year ago
37 kB
import os import textwrap from datetime import datetime, timedelta from itertools import cycle from typing import List, Tuple from uuid import uuid4 import psycopg2 import structlog from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from jinja2 import Template from matplotlib import font_manager as fm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch from pkg_resources import resource_filename from nydus.client.chat_service import ChatService from nydus.client.google_drive import DriveService from nydus.client.impala import ImpalaClient from nydus.data import Partition from nydus.storage import Connection from nydus.util import is_weekend, transaction log = structlog.get_logger(__name__) WEEKEND_COLOR = "#97130F" class TextBlock: def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def serialize(self): return {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": self.text}} class ImageBlock: def __init__(self, image_url, title): self.image_url = image_url self.title = title def serialize(self): return { "type": "image", "title": {"type": "plain_text", "text": self.title, "emoji": True}, "image_url": self.image_url, "alt_text": self.title, } def build_popular_directions_block(impala, params): impala.execute( f""" WITH searches as ( SELECT origin, destination, count(distinct search_id) as searches FROM avia.searches WHERE pdate = to_date(date_sub(now(), 1)) GROUP BY origin, destination ), bookings as ( SELECT origin, destination, count(distinct booking_id) as bookings FROM avia.bookings WHERE to_date(booked_at) = to_date(date_sub(now(), 1)) AND state = 'paid' GROUP BY origin, destination ) SELECT coalesce(co.ru_name, co.iata) as origin, coalesce(cd.ru_name, cd.iata) as destination, searches, bookings AS paid_bookings FROM searches AS s JOIN bookings AS b ON b.origin = s.origin AND b.destination = s.destination JOIN dictionary.cities AS co ON co.iata = s.origin JOIN dictionary.cities AS cd ON cd.iata = s.destination ORDER BY bookings DESC LIMIT 5 """ ) with open( resource_filename("nydus", "resources/templates/general_bot/directions.txt") ) as f: template = Template(f.read()) text = template.render( booking_name=booking_name, search_name=search_name, directions=impala.fetchall(), direction_type="", pretty_int=pretty_int, ) return TextBlock(text) def build_popular_international_directions_block(impala, params): """Popular international directions by searches and bookings.""" impala.execute( f""" WITH searches as ( SELECT origin, destination, count(distinct search_id) as searches FROM avia.searches WHERE pdate = '{params['date']}' AND if(origin_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', origin_country_iata) != if(destination_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', destination_country_iata) GROUP BY origin, destination ), bookings as ( SELECT origin, destination, count(distinct booking_id) as bookings FROM avia.bookings WHERE to_date(booked_at) = '{params['date']}' AND state = 'paid' AND if(origin_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', origin_country_iata) != if(destination_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', destination_country_iata) GROUP BY origin, destination ) SELECT coalesce(co.ru_name, co.iata) as origin, coalesce(cd.ru_name, cd.iata) as destination, searches, bookings AS paid_bookings FROM searches AS s JOIN bookings AS b ON b.origin = s.origin AND b.destination = s.destination JOIN dictionary.cities AS co ON co.iata = s.origin JOIN dictionary.cities AS cd ON cd.iata = s.destination ORDER BY bookings DESC LIMIT 5 """ ) with open( resource_filename("nydus", "resources/templates/general_bot/directions.txt") ) as f: template = Template(f.read()) text = template.render( booking_name=booking_name, search_name=search_name, directions=impala.fetchall(), direction_type="международные ", pretty_int=pretty_int, ) return TextBlock(text) def pretty_int(n: int) -> str: return f"{n:,.0f}".replace(",", " ") def build_bookings_by_market_block(impala, yesterday_pt): impala.execute( rf""" SELECT CASE WHEN market in ("ru", "kz", "ua", "uz", "by", "az", "kg", "us", "ge", "tj") THEN upper(market) ELSE "OTHER" END AS market, coalesce(count(booking_id), 0) AS paid_bookings, coalesce(sum(cast(profit*cur.rate AS INT)), 0) AS profit_usd FROM avia.bookings LEFT JOIN ( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where src = 'RUB' and dst = 'USD' ) cur ON cur.pdate = to_date(booked_at) WHERE to_date(booked_at) = '{yesterday_pt.pdate}' AND state = 'paid' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC """ ) markets = ["RU", "KZ", "UA", "UZ", "BY", "AZ", "KG", "US", "GE", "TJ", "OTHER"] bookings_by_market = { market: {"paid_bookings": 0, "profit_usd": 0} for market in markets } bookings_by_market.update( {json_obj["market"]: json_obj for json_obj in impala.fetchall()} ) with open( resource_filename( "nydus", "resources/templates/general_bot/bookings_by_market.txt" ) ) as f: template = Template(f.read()) text = template.render( booking_name=booking_name, pretty_int=pretty_int, bookings_by_market=bookings_by_market, flag_by_market=flag_by_market, ) return TextBlock(text) def send_general_bot_report( impala: ImpalaClient, partition: Partition, conn: Connection, chat_service: ChatService, drive: DriveService, channels: List[str], ): impala.cursor_options = {"dictify": True} def diff(value1, value2): try: return "%.2f" % round( (float(value2) - float(value1)) * 100 / float(value1), 2 ) except: return "?" today = partition.to_timestamp().date() yesterday_pt = partition.day_before() params = { "today": today, "date": today - timedelta(days=1), "date_prev": today - timedelta(days=8), "date_prev_comparison": today - timedelta(days=7), "date_start_chart": today - timedelta(days=14), "last_year_week_start": today - timedelta(days=7) - relativedelta(years=1), "last_year_week_end": today - timedelta(days=1) - relativedelta(years=1), "before_last_year_week_start": today - timedelta(days=7) - relativedelta(years=2), "before_last_year_week_end": today - timedelta(days=1) - relativedelta(years=2), "this_year": (today - timedelta(days=1)).year, "last_year": (today - timedelta(days=1) - relativedelta(years=1)).year, "before_last_year": (today - timedelta(days=1) - relativedelta(years=2)).year, } def save_stats(data): """Save current values to calculate the difference properly.""" log.info("Save stats") with transaction(conn, as_dict=True) as cursor: cursor.execute( """ INSERT INTO search_source_statistic_history (date, searches, bookings, profit, profit_usd, turnover, turnover_usd, cpc_clicks, cpc_profit, cpc_profit_usd, bookings_domestic, bookings_international) VALUES (%(date)s, %(searches)s, %(paid_bookings)s, %(profit)s, %(profit_usd)s, %(turnover)s, %(turnover_usd)s, %(cpc_clicks)s, %(cpc_profit)s, %(cpc_profit_usd)s, %(bookings_domestic)s, %(bookings_international)s) """, data, ) def get_data(): data = {"date": params["date"]} impala.execute( f""" SELECT count(*) AS searches FROM avia.searches WHERE pdate = '{params['date']}' """ ) data.update(impala.fetchall()[0]) impala.execute( f""" with b_raw as ( select booking_id, ifnull(if(origin_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', origin_country_iata), '') as origin_country_iata, ifnull(if(destination_country_iata in ('KX', 'RU'), 'RU', destination_country_iata), '') as destination_country_iata, profit, price from avia.bookings where to_date(booked_at) = '{params['date']}' and to_date(booked_at) < '{params['today']}' and state = 'paid' ), b as ( select count(*) AS paid_bookings, sum(if(origin_country_iata = destination_country_iata, 1, 0)) as bookings_domestic, sum(if(origin_country_iata != destination_country_iata, 1, 0)) as bookings_international, cast(sum(profit) as int) as profit, sum(price) as turnover from b_raw ), sc as ( select click_id, sum(if(is_bot, 1, 0)) as bot_suspicions from avia.scaleo_clicks where pdate = '{params['date']}' group by 1 ), c as ( select count(distinct cc.click_id) cpc_clicks, sum(cpc_profit) as cpc_profit from avia.clicks as cc inner join sc on cc.click_id = sc.click_id where cc.pdate = '{params['date']}' and cc.cpc_profit is not null and sc.bot_suspicions = 0 ) select paid_bookings , bookings_domestic , bookings_international , profit , turnover , cast(profit * rate as int) as profit_usd , cast(turnover * rate as int) as turnover_usd , cpc_clicks , cpc_profit , cpc_profit * rate as cpc_profit_usd from b inner join c inner join dictionary.currency_rates as r on r.pdate = '{params['date']}' and r.src = 'RUB' and r.dst = 'USD' """ ) data.update(impala.fetchall()[0]) try: save_stats(data) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: pass with transaction(conn, as_dict=True) as cursor: cursor.execute( """ SELECT searches, bookings, profit, profit_usd, turnover, turnover_usd, cpc_clicks, cpc_profit, cpc_profit_usd FROM search_source_statistic_history WHERE date = %(date_prev)s """, params, ) prev_stats = cursor.fetchone() impala.execute( f""" SELECT count(distinct booking_id) bookings, coalesce(cast(sum(profit*cur.rate) as INT), 0) profit FROM avia.bookings left join (select * from dictionary.currency_rates where src = 'RUB' and dst = 'USD') as cur on cur.pdate = to_date(booked_at) WHERE date_trunc('day', booked_at) between '{params['date_prev_comparison']}' and '{params['date']}' and state = 'paid' """ ) this_year_stats = impala.fetchall()[0] # расчет отельных бронирований и полученного с них профита с учетом ожидаемых отмен impala.execute( f"""with bookings_by_day as ( -- все бронирования за указанную дату, с делением на аффилятов и не аффлятов для более точного расчтеа прогноза select to_date(b.sale_date) as pdate, case when b.affiliate_marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' or c.marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' then 'AF' else 'Not AF' end as af, count(distinct b.order_id) as bookings, sum(commission) as profit from hotel.stat_sales b left join ( select id, marker from hotel.clicks where to_date(created_at) = cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) ) as c on cast(c.id as string) = b.marker left join ( -- для всех броней возьмем последние статусы и максимальный расмер комиссии, который мы могли бы получить -- в случае отсутствия отмен select order_id, max(coalesce(b.comission_summ * cur1.rate, 0)) AS commission from hotel.stat_sales b left join ( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur1 ON cur1.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur1.src = b.comission_currency left join( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur2 ON cur2.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur2.src = b.total_currency where to_date(b.sale_date) = cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) -- для избежания ошибок, связанных с указанием гейтами валюты бронирования and comission_summ * cur1.rate < total_summ * cur2.rate group by 1 ) as bb on bb.order_id = b.order_id where to_date(b.sale_date) = cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) -- последний статус брони and flags & 1 = 1 group by 1, 2 ), total_bookings_last_year as ( -- все бронирования, сделанные год назад в том же месяце что и bookings_by_day select case when b.affiliate_marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' or c.marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' then 'AF' else 'Not AF' end as af, count(distinct b.order_id) as total_bookings, sum(commission) as total_profit from hotel.stat_sales b left join ( select id, marker from hotel.clicks where to_date(created_at) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(created_at) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) ) as c on cast(c.id as string) = b.marker left join ( select order_id, max(coalesce(b.comission_summ * cur1.rate, 0)) AS commission from hotel.stat_sales b left join( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur1 ON cur1.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur1.src = b.comission_currency left join( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur2 ON cur2.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur2.src = b.total_currency where to_date(b.sale_date) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(b.sale_date) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and comission_summ * cur1.rate < total_summ * cur2.rate group by 1 ) as bb on bb.order_id = b.order_id where to_date(b.sale_date) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(b.sale_date) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and flags & 1 = 1 group by 1 ), paid_bookings_last_year as ( -- только оплаченные бронирования, сделанные год назад в том же месяце что и bookings_by_day select case when b.affiliate_marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' or c.marker regexp '^[0-9]{{5,6}}.*' then 'AF' else 'Not AF' end as af, count(distinct b.order_id) as paid_bookings, sum(commission) as paid_profit from hotel.stat_sales b left join ( select id, host, utm_campaign, marker from hotel.clicks where to_date(created_at) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(created_at) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) ) as c on cast(c.id as string) = b.marker left join ( select order_id, max(coalesce(b.comission_summ * cur1.rate, 0)) AS commission from hotel.stat_sales b left join( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur1 ON cur1.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur1.src = b.comission_currency left join( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where dst = 'USD' ) cur2 ON cur2.pdate = to_date(b.sale_date) and cur2.src = b.total_currency where to_date(b.sale_date) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(b.sale_date) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and comission_summ * cur1.rate < total_summ * cur2.rate group by 1 ) as bb on bb.order_id = b.order_id where to_date(b.sale_date) >= to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and to_date(b.sale_date) < to_date( case when year('{params['date']}') = 2021 and month('{params['date']}') < 8 then concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 2 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') else concat(from_timestamp(cast('{params['date']}' as TIMESTAMP) - interval 1 years + interval 1 month, 'yyyy-MM'), '-01') end) and flags & 1 = 1 -- статус 3 означает опалченное бронирование and status = 3 group by 1 ), booking_share as ( -- отношение оплаченных бронирований к общему кол-ву броней, на который мы умножим данные за конкретный день -- чтобы получить примерное ожидаемое кол-во бронирований и профита select t.af, if(t.total_bookings != 0, p.paid_bookings/t.total_bookings, 0) as bookings_share, if(t.total_profit != 0, p.paid_profit/t.total_profit, 0) as profit_share from total_bookings_last_year as t left join paid_bookings_last_year as p on t.af = p.af ), agg as ( -- расчет ожиддаемого количества бронирований и профита с делением на фааилятов/не аффилятов select b.pdate, b.af, b.bookings, b.bookings*s.bookings_share as corr_bookings, b.profit*s.profit_share as corr_profit from bookings_by_day as b left join booking_share as s on s.af = b.af ) -- расчет итогового количества бронирований и профита select pdate, sum(corr_bookings) as bookings, sum(corr_profit) as profit from agg group by 1 """ ) hotels = impala.fetchone() or {} impala.execute( f""" SELECT count(distinct booking_id) bookings, coalesce(cast(sum(profit*cur.rate) as INT), 0) profit FROM avia.bookings left join ( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where src = 'RUB' and dst = 'USD' ) cur on cur.pdate = to_date(booked_at) WHERE date_trunc('day', booked_at) between '{params['last_year_week_start']}' and '{params['last_year_week_end']}' and state = 'paid' """ ) prev_year_stats = impala.fetchall()[0] impala.execute( f""" SELECT count(distinct booking_id) bookings, coalesce(cast(sum(profit*cur.rate) as INT), 0) profit FROM avia.bookings left join ( select * from dictionary.currency_rates where src = 'RUB' and dst = 'USD' ) cur on cur.pdate = to_date(booked_at) WHERE date_trunc('day', booked_at) between '{params['before_last_year_week_start']}' and '{params['before_last_year_week_end']}' and state = 'paid' """ ) before_prev_year_stats = impala.fetchall()[0] data["searches_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["searches"], data["searches"]) data["paid_bookings_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["bookings"], data["paid_bookings"]) data["profit_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["profit"], data["profit"]) data["turnover_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["turnover"], data["turnover"]) data["profit_usd_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["profit_usd"], data["profit_usd"]) data["turnover_usd_diff"] = diff( prev_stats["turnover_usd"], data["turnover_usd"] ) data["cpc_clicks_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["cpc_clicks"], data["cpc_clicks"]) data["cpc_profit_diff"] = diff(prev_stats["cpc_profit"], data["cpc_profit"]) data["cpc_profit_usd_diff"] = diff( prev_stats["cpc_profit_usd"], data["cpc_profit_usd"] ) data["prev_year_bookings_diff"] = diff( prev_year_stats["bookings"], this_year_stats["bookings"] ) data["prev_year_profit_diff"] = diff( prev_year_stats["profit"], this_year_stats["profit"] ) data["hotel_bookings"] = hotels.get("bookings", 0) data["hotel_profit"] = hotels.get("profit", 0) data["this_year_bookings"] = this_year_stats["bookings"] data["this_year_profit"] = this_year_stats["profit"] data["before_prev_year_bookings_diff"] = diff( before_prev_year_stats["bookings"], this_year_stats["bookings"] ) data["before_prev_year_profit_diff"] = diff( before_prev_year_stats["profit"], this_year_stats["profit"] ) with transaction(conn, as_dict=True) as cursor: cursor.execute( f""" SELECT bookings, bookings_domestic, bookings_international FROM search_source_statistic_history WHERE date >= %(date_start_chart)s AND date < %(today)s ORDER BY date """, params, ) chart_values = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( f""" SELECT date FROM search_source_statistic_history WHERE date >= %(date_start_chart)s AND date < %(today)s ORDER BY date """, params, ) chart_labels = cursor.fetchall() data["chart_values"] = [ (v["bookings_domestic"], v["bookings_international"]) for v in chart_values ] data["chart_labels"] = [v["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for v in chart_labels] for field in [ "searches", "paid_bookings", "bookings_international", "bookings_domestic", "turnover", "turnover_usd", "profit", "profit_usd", "cpc_clicks", "cpc_profit", "cpc_profit_usd", "hotel_bookings", "hotel_profit", "this_year_bookings", "this_year_profit", ]: try: data[field] = "{:,.0f}".format(data[field]).replace(",", " ") except TypeError: pass return data data = get_data() TEXT = f""" Вчера *{data['date']}* было сделано *{data['searches']}* поисков *({data['searches_diff']}%)* *{data['paid_bookings']}* букингов *({data['paid_bookings_diff']}%)* на сумму *{data['turnover']} ₽* *({data['turnover_diff']}%)* или *${data['turnover_usd']}* *({data['turnover_usd_diff']}%)* полученный профит – *{data['profit']} ₽* *({data['profit_diff']}%)* или *${data['profit_usd']}* *({data['profit_usd_diff']}%)* полученный CPC профит – *{data['cpc_profit']} ₽* *({data['cpc_profit_diff']}%)* или *${data['cpc_profit_usd']}* *({data['cpc_profit_usd_diff']}%)* Отельных бронирований – *{data['hotel_bookings']}* на сумму *${data['hotel_profit']}* с учетом ожидаемых отмен Букингов за прошедшую неделю *{data['this_year_bookings']}*, *{data['prev_year_bookings_diff']}%* к {params['last_year']}, *{data['before_prev_year_bookings_diff']}%* к {params['before_last_year']} году Денег за прошедшую неделю *${data['this_year_profit']}*, *{data['prev_year_profit_diff']}%* к {params['last_year']}, *{data['before_prev_year_profit_diff']}%* к {params['before_last_year']} году """ filename = draw_picture(data["chart_labels"], data["chart_values"]) image_url = drive.upload(filename) os.remove(filename) blocks = [ TextBlock(textwrap.dedent(TEXT)), build_bookings_by_market_block(impala, yesterday_pt), build_popular_directions_block(impala, params), build_popular_international_directions_block(impala, params), ImageBlock(image_url, title="Paid Bookings"), ] for channel in channels: chat_service.send_msg( channel=channel, blocks=[block.serialize() for block in blocks] ) def flag_by_market(market): if market == "RU": return ":ru:" elif market == "KZ": return ":flag-kz:" elif market == "UA": return ":flag-ua:" elif market == "UZ": return ":flag-uz:" elif market == "BY": return ":flag-by:" elif market == "AZ": return ":flag-az:" elif market == "KG": return ":flag-kg:" elif market == "US": return ":flag-us:" elif market == "GE": return ":flag-ge:" elif market == "TJ": return ":flag-tj:" else: return ":earth_americas:" def booking_name(bookings_cnt): if bookings_cnt % 100 in [11, 12, 13, 14]: return "букингов" elif bookings_cnt % 10 == 1: return "букинг" elif bookings_cnt % 10 in [2, 3, 4]: return "букингa" else: return "букингов" def search_name(search_cnt): if search_cnt % 10 == 1: return "поиск" elif search_cnt % 10 in [2, 3, 4]: return "поиска" else: return "поисков" def draw_picture(dates: List[str], bookings: List[Tuple[int]]) -> str: prop = fm.FontProperties( fname=resource_filename("nydus", "resources/Rubik/Rubik-Regular.ttf"), size=15 ) prop_bold = fm.FontProperties( fname=resource_filename("nydus", "resources/Rubik/Rubik-Bold.ttf"), size=15 ) assert len(dates) == len(bookings), "dates and bookings should have same length" def label(xy, text, color="black", above=False): shift = 1.0 if above else -3 y = xy[1] + shift p = prop_bold if above else prop plt.text(xy[0], y, text, ha="center", color=color, fontproperties=p) scale = 50 / (max(sum(b) for b in bookings) * 1.2) width = 7 labels = [ { "text_below": datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d %b"), "text_above": f"{sum(b):,}".replace(",", " "), "color": WEEKEND_COLOR if is_weekend(dt) else "black", } for dt, b in zip(dates, bookings) ] col_cnt = len(dates) xs = [1.5 * width * a for a in range(col_cnt)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 5)) def patch_factory(xy, height, width, color): if height < 1: height = max(height, 0.5) return FancyBboxPatch( xy, width=width, height=height, boxstyle="round,rounding_size=0.2,pad=-0.2", facecolor=color, edgecolor="none", ) else: return FancyBboxPatch( xy, width=width, height=height, boxstyle=f"round,rounding_size=0.6,pad=-0.2", facecolor=color, edgecolor="none", ) def get_patches(xs, ys, labels=None): labels = labels or [] patches = [] for x_, y_stacked in zip(xs, ys): from itertools import accumulate colors = ["#FF7238", "#0971D8"] for bottom_y, y_, color in zip( accumulate([0, *y_stacked[:-1]]), y_stacked, cycle(colors) ): patches.append( patch_factory( xy=(x_ - width / 2, bottom_y * scale), width=width, height=y_ * scale, color=color, ) ) if labels: for x_, y_stacked, lbl in zip(xs, ys, labels): y_ = sum(y_stacked) label((x_, 0), lbl["text_below"], color=lbl["color"]) label((x_, y_ * scale), lbl["text_above"], above=True) return patches patches = get_patches(xs, bookings, labels) for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(patch) plt.axis("equal") plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout() filename = f"{uuid4().hex}.png" fig.savefig(filename) plt.close(fig) return filename