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<p>Use strategy to complete the levels in these tower defense type games.</p>

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<img src="/fungames/inc/img/bloonstowerdefense2.jpg" width="100" height="100" /></a>
<div class="skillleft"><a href="/fungames/bloonstowerdefense2.html">Bloons Tower Defense 2</a></div>
<p>Don't let any bloons escape - buy monkeys, tack shooters, cannons and boomerang throwers to help you. The sequel to the original Bloons Tower Defense game.</p>

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<a href="/fungames/magicdefenderlevelpack.html">
<img src="http://maximg.mathnook.netdna-cdn.com/magicdefender.jpg" width="100" height="100" /></a>
<div class="skillleft"><a href="/fungames/magicdefenderlevelpack.html">Magic Defender Level Pack</a></div>
<p>The Gummy enemies are back and they are stronger than ever!&nbsp; Destroy the Gummies with big towers and great upgrades in this tower defense game.&nbsp; 16 brand new levels to complete and 48 stars to earn.</p>

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<a href="/fungames/spacepirates.html">
<img src="http://maximg.mathnook.netdna-cdn.com/spacepirates.png" width="100" height="100" /></a>
<div class="skillleft"><a href="/fungames/spacepirates.html">Space Pirates</a></div>
<p>Tower defense game with lots of upgrades and bonuses to help you get through all of the levels.&nbsp; Choose to play Space Pirates on one of 4 levels: Easy, Normal, Hard or Impossible.</p>

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<img src="http://maximg.mathnook.netdna-cdn.com/worldsguard.png" width="100" height="100" /></a>
<div class="skillleft"><a href="/fungames/worldsguard.html">Worlds Guard</a></div>
<p>Protect four different worlds in this fun tower-defense games.&nbsp; See if you can get a gold star on each level.</p>

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<div class="skillleft"><a href="/fun-games-2/worlds-guard-2.html">Worlds Guard 2</a></div>
<p>Protect 4 new worlds in this sequel to Worlds Guard.&nbsp; Use your skill, logic and tactics to save the worlds you are assigned to protect.&nbsp; Be sure and upgrade via the Upgrades button found on the level selection screen or you won't make it past level 3.</p>


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