Moo type-checking problemunknown
24 days ago
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As you can see below, the check if the value passed to the "sizing" attribute in the "PerfAnalysisDocument" module if it is an object of class "PerfAnalysisSizing" fails on one system, but not on another. The versions: Failing system: perl 5.32, Type::Tiny 2.004000, Moo 2.005005 Not failing system: perl 5.38, Type::Tiny 2.004000, Moo 2.005005 I inserted a debug print into Method/Generate/ just before the "eval { \&$value; 1 }" (line 716) and the value looks perfectly normal: value=[InstanceOf["PerfAnalysisSizing"]] #============================================================================ # stack trace #============================================================================ $ perl -MCarp=verbose ./cperfutil -help Invalid isa 'Type::Tiny::Class=HASH(0x5572678566b8)' for PerfAnalysisDocument->sizing could not be converted to a coderef: Can't use string ("PerfAnalysisSizing") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at (eval 251) line 46. at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/local/lib/perl5/Method/Generate/ line 728. Method::Generate::Accessor::_validate_codulatable(Method::Generate::Accessor=HASH(0x557269f61d00), "isa", Type::Tiny::Class=HASH(0x5572678566b8), "PerfAnalysisDocument->sizing") called at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/local/lib/perl5/Method/Generate/ line 121 Method::Generate::Accessor::generate_method(Method::Generate::Accessor=HASH(0x557269f61d00), "PerfAnalysisDocument", "sizing", HASH(0x557269f821f8)) called at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/local/lib/perl5/ line 121 Moo::has("sizing", "is", "ro", "isa", Type::Tiny::Class=HASH(0x5572678566b8)) called at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/lib/ line 102 require called at ./cperfutil line 29 main::BEGIN() called at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/lib/ line 0 eval {...} called at /opt/CPerfTools-2.1.0/lib/ line 0 Compilation failed in require at ./cperfutil line 29. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./cperfutil line 29. #============================================================================ # simplified (extremely) structure #============================================================================ ################## cperfutil (main) ################# #!/usr/bin/perl use PerfAnalysisSizing; use PerfAnalysisDocument; my $config = PerfAnalysisConfig->new(version => $version); my $sizing = PerfAnalysisSizing->new(config => $config); my $doc = PerfAnalysisDocument->new(config => $config, sizing => $sizing); # do some work... ################## PerfAnalysisSizing ################# package PerfAnalysisSizing; use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str Num Bool CodeRef Undef Int InstanceOf HashRef ); use namespace::clean; has config => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['PerfAnalysisConfig'], ); # various methods... 1; ################## PerfAnalysisDocument ################# package PerfAnalysisDocument; use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str Num Bool CodeRef Undef Int InstanceOf HashRef ); use namespace::clean; has config => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['PerfAnalysisConfig'], ); # line 101 has sizing => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['PerfAnalysisSizing'], ); # methods... 1;
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