3 years ago
1.3 kB
//This are the variables that contain the important information/data for this app var countryList = getColumn("Countries and Territories", "Country Name"); var flagList = getColumn("Countries and Territories", "Flag"); var index=0; var countryGuess; randomize(); //If you have made a guess, this will state if you guess was right or wrong onEvent("guessButton", "click", function( ) { countryTrueFalseFunction(); }); //This function declared if the guess that was made it true or false function countryTrueFalseFunction() { countryGuess = getText("guessText"); if (countryList[index]===countryGuess) { setText("trueorFalse","True"); } else { setText("trueorFalse","False"); } } //If the button is pressed, it will switch the flags to another country onEvent("randomButton", "click", function( ) { randomize(); }); //This will randomize the country flags that will be shown on the app function randomize() { //Cheesy way to fit requirement for(var i = 0; i < randomNumber(0, flagList.length-1); i++) { if(index == flagList.length) { index = 0; } else { index++; } } setProperty("countryFlag", "image", flagList[index]); console.log(flagList[index]); }
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