3 years ago
64 kB
<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); class Fx extends CI_Model { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } public function input($request, $parameter, $type = 'text') { switch ($request) { case 'get':$value = $this->input->get($parameter); break; case 'post':$value = $this->input->post($parameter); break; case 'file':$value = !empty($_FILES[$parameter]['name']) ? $_FILES[$parameter]['name'] : null; break; case 'check':$value = $parameter; break; default:return null; } if (!is_array($value)) { $value = trim($value); $value = xss_clean($value); if (is_null($value) || ($value == "")) { return null; } switch ($type) { case 'text': $breaks = array("<br /> ", "<br> ", "<br/> ", "<br />", "<br>", "<br/>"); $special = array("\""); $value = nl2br($value); $value = addslashes($value); $value = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $value); $value = str_ireplace($breaks, "\r\n", $value); $value = str_ireplace($special, "”", $value); $value = stripslashes($value); break; case 'wysiwyg': $value = nl2br($value); break; case 'number': preg_match_all('!\d+!', $value, $matches); $value = !is_null($matches) ? join($matches[0], "") : 0; break; case 'name': $value = addslashes($value); $value = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $value); $value = ucwords($value); $value = stripslashes($value); break; case 'username': $value = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $value); $value = strtolower($value); break; case 'password': $options = [ 'cost' => 10, ]; $value = password_hash($value, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options); break; case 'date': if (strtotime($value) === false) { $value = null; } else { $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)); $value = $date; } break; case 'datetime': if (strtotime($value) === false) { $value = null; } else { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($value)); $value = $date; } break; } } else { foreach ($value as $key => $item) { $value[$key] = trim($item); $value[$key] = xss_clean($item); } } return $value; } public function alertSet($alert) { $this->session->set_flashdata('alert', $alert); } public function alertGet() { $alert = $this->session->flashdata('alert'); if (!is_null($alert)) { $alerts = explode("-", $alert); $subject = join(" ", explode("_", $alerts[0])); $custom = !empty($alerts[2]) ? $alerts[2] : ""; switch ($alerts[1]) { case 'invalid':$type = "warning"; $message = ucwords($subject) . " is invalid"; break; case 'invalid_custom':$type = "warning"; $message = $subject; break; case 'created':$type = "success"; $message = "A new " . ucwords($subject) . " has been successfully created"; break; case 'updated':$type = "info"; $message = "The " . ucwords($subject) . " has been successfully updated"; break; case 'deleted':$type = "danger"; $message = "The " . ucwords($subject) . " has been successfully deleted"; break; case 'sent':$type = "primary"; $message = "The " . ucwords($subject) . " has been successfully sent"; break; default: switch ($alerts[0]) { case 'info': $type = "info"; $message = $alerts[1]; break; case 'success': $type = "success"; $message = $alerts[1]; break; case 'warning': $type = "warning"; $message = $alerts[1]; break; case 'danger': $type = "danger"; $message = $alerts[1]; break; default: break; } break; } echo "<div class='alert alert-" . $type . "' role='alert'>"; echo "<strong>" . ucfirst($type) . "!</strong> " . $message; echo "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'>"; echo "<span aria-hidden='true'>×</span>"; echo "</button>"; echo "</div>"; } } public function getCurrentUrl() { $CI = &get_instance(); $url = $CI->config->site_url($CI->uri->uri_string()); return $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? $url . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $url; } public function pusherSend($channel, $event, $data_pusher) { $app_id = $this->data->get('config', "WHERE name = 'pusher_app_id'"); $app_key = $this->data->get('config', "WHERE name = 'pusher_key'"); $app_secret = $this->data->get('config', "WHERE name = 'pusher_secret'"); $options = array( 'cluster' => 'ap1', 'useTLS' => true, ); $pusher = new Pusher\Pusher( $app_key->value, $app_secret->value, $app_id->value, $options ); $pusher->trigger($channel, $event, $data_pusher); } public function send_api($url, $param_send) { // echo $url; $header = array( 'Content-Type: application/json', ); $params_post = json_encode($param_send, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $post = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params_post); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($post); // $curl_errno = curl_error($post); // echo "Curl Errno returned $curl_errno <br/>"; curl_close($post); return $response; } public function upload($input, $phone, $type = 'all'){ $origin = $_FILES[$input]['tmp_name']; $names = explode('.', $_FILES[$input]['name']); $extension = $names[count($names) - 1]; $extension = strtolower($extension); $name = time() . '-' . $phone . '.' . $extension; switch ($extension) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'png': $path = 'assets/uploads/img'; $content_type = 'img'; break; case 'mp4': $path = 'assets/uploads/video'; $content_type = 'video'; break; case 'ogg': case 'opus': case 'mp3': $path = 'assets/uploads/audio'; $content_type = 'audio'; break; default: $path = 'assets/uploads/document'; $content_type = 'document'; break; } $config = array( 'upload_path' => FCPATH . $path, 'overwrite' => true, 'file_name' => $name, ); if ($type == 'all') { $config['allowed_types'] = 'bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|zip|rar|7z|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx|csv|pdf|txt|avi|mpeg|mp3|mp4'; } elseif ($type == 'image') { $config['allowed_types'] = 'bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png'; } elseif ($type == 'document') { $config['allowed_types'] = 'doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx|csv|txt|sql'; } elseif ($type == 'files') { $config['allowed_types'] = 'zip|rar|7z|exe'; } $this->upload->initialize($config); if ($this->upload->do_upload($input)) { $data = array( 'status' => 'ok', 'path' => $path, 'type' => $content_type, 'file_type' => $this->upload->data('file_type'), 'attachment' => $name, 'url' => base_url($path . '/' . $name), ); return $data; }else { // $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); // print_r($error); } return null; } public function user_check($session) { $session = $this->session->userdata($session); if (is_null($session)) { $this->alertSet('warning-Login required'); redirect(base_url('login')); } return $session; } public function fix_phone($phone) { $phone = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phone); $phone = trim(str_replace("'", "", $phone)); $phonex = substr($phone, 0, 1); if ($phonex == "0") { $phone = '62' . substr($phone, 1); } else if ($phonex == "8") { $phone = '62' . $phone; } else if ($phonex == "+") { $phone = substr($phone, 1); } return $phone; } public function process($text) { return preg_replace_callback( '/\{(((?>[^\{\}]+)|(?R))*?)\}/x', array($this, 'replace'), $text ); } public function replace($text) { $text = $this->process($text[1]); $parts = explode('|', $text); return $parts[array_rand($parts)]; } public function check_message($text) { // to link while ($text != stripslashes($text)) {$text = stripslashes($text);} $text = strip_tags($text, "<b><i><u><br>"); $text = preg_replace("/((http|ftp)+(s)?:\/\/[^<>\s]+)/i", "<a href=\"\\0\" target=\"_blank\">\\0</a>", $text); // replace * $pattern = '/\*(.*?)\*/'; $replacement = '<strong>$1</strong>'; $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text); // replace _ $pattern = '/\_(.*?)\_/'; $replacement = '<em>$1</em>'; $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text); // replace ~ $pattern = '/\~(.*?)\~/'; $replacement = '<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">$1</span>'; $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text); // replace <i> & </i> $text = str_replace("<i>", "_", $text); $text = str_replace("</i>", "_", $text); // // replace <strong> & </strong> // $text = str_replace("<strong>", "*", $text); // $text = str_replace("</strong>", "*", $text); $text = trim($text); $text = nl2br($text); return $text; } public function saveMedia($b64, $media_name) { switch (substr($b64, 0, 4)) { case '/9j/': $filename = "img/" . $media_name . ".jpg"; break; case 'iVBO': $filename = "img/" . $media_name . ".png"; break; case 'UklG': $filename = "sticker/" . $media_name . ".webp"; break; case 'T2dn': $filename = "audio/" . $media_name . ".opus"; break; case 'AAAA': $filename = "video/" . $media_name . ".mp4"; break; case 'JVBE': $filename = "document/" . $media_name . ".pdf"; break; default: $filename = $media_name; break; } $data = base64_decode($b64); // $test = file_put_contents(APPPATH.'../assets/uploads/' . $filename, $data); work on linux $test = file_put_contents(realpath(FCPATH.'/assets/uploads/').'/'.$filename, $data); // work on windows return $filename; } public function randomg_string($length = 8) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } public function randomg_angka($length = 8){ $characters = '0123456789'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } public function create_user($phone, $server_url) { $password = $this->randomg_string(); $options = [ 'cost' => 10, ]; $data = array( 'phone' => $phone, 'password' => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options), 'is_active' => 1, 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ); $set_user = $this->data->set('user', $data); $data_device = array( 'user_id' => $set_user->id, 'name' => $phone, 'scan' => 'on', 'scan_request' => 'on', 'status' => 'pending', 'url_server' => '', 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ); $this->data->set('device', $data_device); $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'type' => 'text', 'to' => $phone, 'message' => "Thank you for registering\n\nAccount Info\nUsername: $phone\nPassword: $password\n\nLogin URL: https://wetalk.masmasit.com/login\nChange password: https://wetalk.masmasit.com/profile", 'client' => 'admin', ]; $this->send_api($server_url, $param_send); return true; } public function price($number, $idr = true) { if (is_numeric($number)) { if ($idr == true) { $return = "Rp " . number_format($number, 0, ',', '.'); } else { if ($number == 0) { $return = 0; } else { $return = number_format($number, 0, ',', '.'); } } } else { $return = $number; } return $return; } public function param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, $replace_header = null, $replace_message = null, $inbound_id, $keyword){ $message_header = $check_message->message_header; if(isset($replace_header)) $message_header = preg_replace_callback('/{{(\w+)}}/', function($match) use($replace_header) { return $replace_header[$match[1]]; }, $message_header ); $message = $check_message->message; if(isset($replace_message)) $message = preg_replace_callback('/{{(\w+)}}/', function($match) use($replace_message) { return $replace_message[$match[1]]; }, $message ); $button_list = ""; $button_list_db = $check_message->button_list != null || $check_message->button_list != "" ? $check_message->button_list : ""; if($button_list_db != ""){ $button_list_temp = json_decode($button_list_db, true); $data = array("title" => "Kembali ke menu utama"); array_push($button_list_temp, $data); $button_list = json_encode($button_list_temp); } if($keyword == "yakesma_greeting" || $keyword == "kembali ke menu utama" ){ $button_list = $button_list_db; } $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => $message_header, 'message' => $message, 'message_footer' => $check_message->message_footer, 'button_1' => $check_message->button_1, 'button_2' => $check_message->button_2, 'button_3' => $check_message->button_3, 'button_name' => $check_message->button_name, 'button_list' => $button_list, 'menu_title' => $check_message->menu_title, 'url' => $check_message->content, 'type' => $check_message->type, 'client' => $client, 'inbound_id' => $inbound_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; // echo ">>>> param send start \n"; // print_r($param_send); // echo ">>>> param send end \n"; // die(); return $param_send; } public function send_bot_notify($keyword, $device, $phone, $inbound_id, $client, $replace_message){ $check_message = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' LIMIT 1"); if ( !is_null($check_message) && ($check_message->device_id == 'All' || $device->id == $check_message->device_id) && (($device->is_business == 1 && $check_message->type != 'list') || ($device->is_business == 0))) { $param_send = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, null, $replace_message, $inbound_id, $keyword); $response = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $json = json_decode($response, true); $data_msg_bot = [ 'phone' => $phone, 'user_id' => $check_message->user_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; $chat = $this->data->set("bot_message_use", $data_msg_bot); // $bot_message = true; } } public function send_greeting($keyword, $device, $phone, $inbound_id, $client, $replace_header){ $keyword = "yakesma_greeting"; $check_message = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' LIMIT 1"); if ( !is_null($check_message) && ($check_message->device_id == 'All' || $device->id == $check_message->device_id) && (($device->is_business == 1 && $check_message->type != 'list') || ($device->is_business == 0))) { $url_content = $check_message->content; $param_send = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, $replace_header, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $jsonz = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($jsonz['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message2 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 2"); if (!is_null($check_message2)) { $param_send2 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message2, $replace_header, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send2); $json2 = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($json2['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message3 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 3"); if (!is_null($check_message3)) { $param_send3 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message3, $replace_header, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send3); } } } } $data_msg_bot = [ 'phone' => $phone, 'user_id' => $check_message->user_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; $chat = $this->data->set("bot_message_use", $data_msg_bot); $bot_message = true; } } public function bot_message($client, $phone, $type, $message, $customer_name, $inbound_id) { $bot_message = false; $device = $this->data->get('device', "WHERE name = '$client'"); if ($type == 'text' || $type == 'list_response') { $keyword = strtolower($message); $keywordQris = explode(" ", $keyword); $keywordQrisCount = count($keywordQris); $keyword = explode("\n", $keyword)[0]; $keyword = str_replace("'", "", $keyword); } if ($type == 'text') { $check_message = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' LIMIT 1"); $responsex = ""; if ( !is_null($check_message) && ($check_message->device_id == 'All' || $device->id == $check_message->device_id) && (($device->is_business == 1 && $check_message->type != 'list') || ($device->is_business == 0))) { $url_content = $check_message->content; $param_send = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $jsonz = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($jsonz['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message2 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 2"); if (!is_null($check_message2)) { $param_send2 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message2, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send2); $json2 = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($json2['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message3 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 3"); if (!is_null($check_message3)) { $param_send3 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message3, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send3); } } } } $data_msg_bot = [ 'phone' => $phone, 'user_id' => $check_message->user_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; $chat = $this->data->set("bot_message_use", $data_msg_bot); $bot_message = true; }else{ //cek previous step/message di inbound $today = date('Y-m-d'); // die(); $last_inbound_list_response = $this->data->gets('message_inbound', "WHERE sender = '$phone' and status = 'receiver' and DATE_FORMAT(created, '%Y-%m-%d') = '$today' order by id desc limit 2"); // print_r($this->db->last_query()); // print_r($last_inbound_list_response); // die(); foreach ($last_inbound_list_response as $row){ $type = $row->type; if($type == "list_response"){ $last_inbound_list_response_id = isset($row->id) ? $row->id : 0; $last_inbound_list_response_selected_row_id = isset($row->list_selected_row_id) ? $row->list_selected_row_id : "x"; $last_inbound_list_response_related_message_id = isset($row->related_message_id) ? $row->related_message_id : 0; if($last_inbound_list_response_id > 0 && $last_inbound_list_response_selected_row_id != "" && $last_inbound_list_response_related_message_id){ $last_inbound_text = $this->data->get('message_inbound', "WHERE type = 'text' and sender = '$phone' and status = 'receiver' and DATE_FORMAT(created, '%Y-%m-%d') = '$today' order by id desc limit 1"); if(isset($last_inbound_text)){ //klo ada input nominal, check! $last_inbound_text_inbound_id = isset($last_inbound_text->id) ? $last_inbound_text->id : 0; $last_inbound_text_message = isset($last_inbound_text->message) ? $last_inbound_text->message : 0; $last_outbound = $this->data->get('message_outbound', "WHERE message_id = '$last_inbound_list_response_related_message_id'"); $list_sections = json_decode($last_outbound->list_sections, true); $match = false; print_r($last_outbound); if(isset($last_outbound)){ if(isset($list_sections[0]['rows'])){ foreach ($list_sections[0]['rows'] as $item) { // print_r($item); if (isset($item['rowId']) == $last_inbound_list_response_selected_row_id) { echo $item['title']; $match = true; break; }else { echo "ga ada X"; return "ga ada"; } } } if($match){ if(is_numeric($last_inbound_text_message)){ $order_id = rand(); $amount = $last_inbound_text_message; $data_transaction = array( 'order_id' => $order_id, 'inbound_id' => $last_inbound_text_inbound_id, 'customer_name' => $customer_name, 'amount' => $amount, 'is_new' => true ); $init_order = $this->data->set("transactions", $data_transaction); $data_payment = $this->fx->get_payment_url($init_order->order_id, $init_order->amount); $payment_url = $data_payment['payment_url']; $replace_message = array( 'name' => $init_order->customer_name, 'payment_url' => $payment_url ); $update_order = array( 'payment_link' => $payment_url, 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->update("transactions", $update_order, $init_order->id); $keyword = "payment_url"; $this->send_bot_notify($keyword, $device, $phone, $inbound_id, $client, $replace_message); return 'proses payment'; }else { echo "masukan nomer X"; $keyword = "invalid_numeric"; $this->send_bot_notify($keyword, $device, $phone, $inbound_id, $client, null); return "masukan nomer"; } }else { echo "not match"; } } } }else { // return "13234456"; } } if($type == "text"){ } } // echo 'yakesma greeting'; $replace_header = array( 'name' => $customer_name, ); $this->send_greeting($keyword, $device, $phone, $inbound_id, $client, $replace_header); } // echo "tess $keyword"; // die(); // $needle = "qr"; if($keywordQrisCount == 2){ $word = $keywordQris[0]; $nominal = $keywordQris[1]; if($word == "qr" && $nominal > 0){ $bot_message = false; $device = $this->data->get('device', "WHERE name = '$client'"); if ($type == 'text' || $type == 'media') { $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => "", 'message' => $word.",".$nominal, 'message_footer' => "", 'button_1' => "", 'button_2' => "", 'button_3' => "", 'button_name' => "", 'button_list' => "", 'menu_title' => "", 'url' => "qris_message", 'type' => "media", 'client' => $client, ]; $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); } } } // if ($bot_message) { // $json = json_decode($responsex, true); // if($json['status'] == 'ok'){ // $data_message = array( // 'user_id' => $device->user_id, // 'device_id' => $device->id, // 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], // 'type' => $param_send['type'], // 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], // 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), // 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], // 'button_1' => $param_send['button_1'], // 'button_2' => $param_send['button_2'], // 'button_3' => $param_send['button_3'], // 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], // 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], // 'sender' => $json['from'], // 'receiver' => $phone, // 'status' => 'sender', // 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), // ); // if ($param_send['type'] == 'media') { // $data_message['url_image'] = $url_content; // } // // $this->data->set('message', $data_message); // $this->data->set('message_outbound', $data_message); // $phone_check = $this->data->get("customer", "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' AND phone = '$phone'"); // $customer_update = array( // 'status' => 'Reply', // 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), // ); // $this->data->update("customer", $customer_update, $phone_check->id); // $data_pusher = array( // 'user_key' => md5($device->user_id), // 'type' => $param_send['type'], // 'phone' => $phone, // 'message' => $param_send['message'], // 'time' => date('H:i'), // ); // $this->fx->pusherSend('wetalk_whatsapp', 'send-message', $data_pusher); // } // } } else if($type == 'list_response'){ $check_message = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' LIMIT 1"); $responsex = ""; if ( !is_null($check_message) && ($check_message->device_id == 'All' || $device->id == $check_message->device_id) && (($device->is_business == 1 && $check_message->type != 'list') || ($device->is_business == 0))) { $url_content = $check_message->content; $param_send = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $jsonz = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($jsonz['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message2 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 2"); if (!is_null($check_message2)) { $param_send2 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message2, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send2); $json2 = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($json2['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message3 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = '$keyword' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 3"); if (!is_null($check_message3)) { $param_send3 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message3, null, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send3); } } } } }else{ if ($keyword == 'kembali ke menu utama') { $check_message = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = 'yakesma_greeting' AND status = 'Active' LIMIT 1"); if ( !is_null($check_message) && ($check_message->device_id == 'All' || $device->id == $check_message->device_id) && (($device->is_business == 1 && $check_message->type != 'list') || ($device->is_business == 0))) { $url_content = $check_message->content; $param_send = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message, $replace_header, null, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $jsonz = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($jsonz['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message2 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = 'yakesma_greeting' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 2"); if (!is_null($check_message2)) { $param_send2 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message2, $replace_header, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send2); $json2 = json_decode($responsex, true); if ($json2['status'] == 'ok') { $check_message3 = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = 'yakesma_greeting' AND status = 'Active' AND sorting = 3"); if (!is_null($check_message3)) { $param_send3 = $this->param_send($client, $phone, $check_message3, $replace_header, $inbound_id, $keyword); $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send3); } } } } } } } if(isset($check_message)){ $data_msg_bot = [ 'phone' => $phone, 'user_id' => $check_message->user_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; $chat = $this->data->set("bot_message_use", $data_msg_bot); $bot_message = true; } } else if($type == 'location'){ $msg_check = $this->data->get("message_demo", "WHERE phone = '$phone' order by id desc limit 1"); if ($msg_check->bot_message_id == 37) { $data_order = $this->data->get('order_demo', "JOIN product_demo ON product_demo.sku = order_demo.product_id WHERE order_demo.phone = '$phone' ORDER BY order_demo.id DESC LIMIT 1", "product_demo.*"); if(!is_null($data_order)){ $msg_payment = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = 'payment method order success' AND status = 'Active'"); $param_send_payment = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => $msg_payment->message_header, 'message' => "Pembelian *Apparel*\n$data_order->title " . $this->fx->price($data_order->price) . "\nTotal " . $this->fx->price($data_order->price * 1) . "\n\nDikirim ke _Jl. Raya Kby. Lama, RT.6/RW.3, Grogol Utara, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11540_\n\nOngkos kirim *gratis*", 'message_footer' => $msg_payment->message_footer, 'button_name' => $msg_payment->button_name, 'button_list' => $msg_payment->button_list, 'menu_title' => $msg_payment->menu_title, 'type' => $msg_payment->type, 'client' => $client, ]; $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send_payment); } } if ($msg_check->bot_message_id == 259) { $data_order = $this->data->get('order_demo', "JOIN product_demo ON product_demo.sku = order_demo.product_id WHERE order_demo.phone = '$phone' ORDER BY order_demo.id DESC LIMIT 1", "product_demo.*"); if(!is_null($data_order)){ $msg_payment = $this->data->get('bot_message', "WHERE keyword = 'payment method order success' AND status = 'Active'"); $param_send_payment = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => $msg_payment->message_header, 'message' => "Pembelian \n$data_order->title " . $this->fx->price($data_order->price) . "\nTotal " . $this->fx->price($data_order->price * 1) . "\n\nDikirim ke _Jl. Raya Kby. Lama, RT.6/RW.3, Grogol Utara, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11540_\n\nOngkos kirim *gratis*", 'message_footer' => $msg_payment->message_footer, 'button_name' => $msg_payment->button_name, 'button_list' => $msg_payment->button_list, 'menu_title' => $msg_payment->menu_title, 'type' => $msg_payment->type, 'client' => $client, ]; $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send_payment); } } } echo 'ok'; } public function save_message_sender($device, $chat_response){ $json = json_decode($chat_response, true); $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->set('message', $data_message); } public function send_message_template($device, $client, $phone, $header, $message, $check_message, $table_name, $step_name) { $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => $header, 'message' => $message, 'message_footer' => $check_message->message_footer, 'button_1' => $check_message->button_1, 'button_2' => $check_message->button_2, 'button_3' => $check_message->button_3, 'button_name' => $check_message->button_name, 'button_list' => $check_message->button_list, 'menu_title' => $check_message->menu_title, 'url' => $check_message->content, 'type' => $check_message->type, 'client' => $client, ]; $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $data_msg_bot = [ 'phone' => $phone, 'user_id' => $check_message->user_id, 'bot_message_id' => $check_message->id, ]; $chat = $this->data->set("bot_message_use", $data_msg_bot); $json = json_decode($responsex, true); $acq_key = $this->randomg_string(); $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_1' => $param_send['button_1'], 'button_2' => $param_send['button_2'], 'button_3' => $param_send['button_3'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $step_name => 1, ); if ($param_send['type'] == 'media') { $data_message['url_image'] = $url_content; } $this->data->set($table_name, $data_message); $phone_check = $this->data->get("customer", "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' AND phone = '$phone'"); $customer_update = array( 'status' => 'Reply', 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->update("customer", $customer_update, $phone_check->id); } public function bot_message_donasi($client, $phone, $type, $message) { if ($type == 'text') { $keyword = str_replace("'", "", $message); $device = $this->data->get('device', "WHERE name = '$client'"); $check_message = $this->data->get('message', "WHERE receiver = '$phone' AND user_id = '$device->user_id' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); // print_r($this->db->last_query()); // die(); if($keyword == 'DONASI SEKARANG'){ // echo "donasi"; //generate list item denom $denoms = $this->data->gets('donasi', "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' ORDER BY nominal ASC"); if(!is_null($denoms)){ foreach ($denoms as $row){ $ar_list[]['title'] = $this->rupiah($row->nominal); } $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => "Jumlah Donasi", 'message' => "Silahkan pilih nominal donasi", 'message_footer' => "Pilih menu", 'button_name' => "List Nominal", 'button_list' => json_encode($ar_list), 'menu_title' => "Pilih Nominal", 'type' => 'list', 'client' => $client, ]; $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $json = json_decode($responsex, true); $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->set('message', $data_message); $phone_check = $this->data->get("customer", "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' AND phone = '$phone'"); $customer_update = array( 'status' => 'Reply', 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->update("customer", $customer_update, $phone_check->id); $data_pusher = array( 'user_key' => md5($device->user_id), 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'phone' => $phone, 'message' => $param_send['message'], 'time' => date('H:i'), ); $this->fx->pusherSend('wetalk_whatsapp', 'send-message', $data_pusher); } }else { $keywordArr = explode(" ", $keyword); if(count($keywordArr) == 2){ $keywordRp = $keywordArr[0]; if($keywordRp == "Rp"){ // proses untuk tampil metode pembayaran $keyword = str_replace(".", "", $message); $keyword = $this->rupiah_remove($keyword); if($keyword >= 10000){ $payment_methods = $this->data->gets('payment_method', "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' ORDER BY id ASC"); if(!is_null($payment_methods)){ foreach ($payment_methods as $row){ $ar_list[]['title'] = $row->title; // $ar_list[]['description'] = $row->desc; } $param_send = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => "Metode Pembayaran", 'message' => "Silaahkan pilih metode pembayaran", 'button_name' => "List Metode", 'button_list' => json_encode($ar_list), 'menu_title' => "Pilih Metode", 'type' => 'list', 'client' => $client, ]; $responsex = $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send); $json = json_decode($responsex, true); $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->set('message', $data_message); $phone_check = $this->data->get("customer", "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' AND phone = '$phone'"); $customer_update = array( 'status' => 'Reply', 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->update("customer", $customer_update, $phone_check->id); $data_pusher = array( 'user_key' => md5($device->user_id), 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'phone' => $phone, 'message' => $param_send['message'], 'time' => date('H:i'), ); $this->fx->pusherSend('wetalk_whatsapp', 'send-message', $data_pusher); } } } } } } echo 'ok'; } public function saveMessageData($data){ $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->set('message', $data_message); } public function bot_message_qris($client, $phone, $type, $message, $senderName) { $bot_message = false; $device = $this->data->get('device', "WHERE name = '$client'"); if ($type == 'text' || $type == 'media') { $param_send_tunggu = [ 'apikey' => 'we1232123talk', 'to' => $phone, 'message_header' => "", 'message' => "Mohon menunggu, pembuatan rekening anda segera proses ", 'message_footer' => "", 'button_1' => "", 'button_2' => "", 'button_3' => "", 'button_name' => "", 'button_list' => "", 'menu_title' => "", 'url' => "", 'type' => "text", 'client' => $client, ]; $this->fx->send_api($device->url_server . '/chats', $param_send_tunggu); } } public function saveBotReply($device, $phone, $responsex, $param_send, $url_content, $table_name, $step){ $json = json_decode($responsex, true); $data_message = array( 'user_id' => $device->user_id, 'device_id' => $device->id, 'message_id' => $json['message_id'], 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'message_header' => $param_send['message_header'], 'message' => $this->fx->check_message($param_send['message']), 'message_footer' => $param_send['message_footer'], 'button_1' => $param_send['button_1'], 'button_2' => $param_send['button_2'], 'button_3' => $param_send['button_3'], 'button_name' => $param_send['button_name'], 'button_list' => $param_send['button_list'], 'sender' => $json['from'], 'receiver' => $phone, 'status' => 'sender', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'step' => $step, ); if ($param_send['type'] == 'media') { $data_message['url_image'] = $url_content; } $this->data->set($table_name, $data_message); $phone_check = $this->data->get("customer", "WHERE user_id = '$device->user_id' AND phone = '$phone'"); $customer_update = array( 'status' => 'Reply', 'updated' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); $this->data->update("customer", $customer_update, $phone_check->id); $data_pusher = array( 'user_key' => md5($device->user_id), 'type' => $param_send['type'], 'phone' => $phone, 'message' => $param_send['message'], 'time' => date('H:i'), ); $this->fx->pusherSend('wetalk_whatsapp', 'send-message', $data_pusher); } function load_midtrans_config($is_prod){ $midtrans_keys = $this->data->get("midtrans_keys", "WHERE is_prod = '$is_prod'"); return $midtrans_keys; } function get_payment_url($order_id, $amount){ $midtrans_keys = $this->load_midtrans_config(false); $server_key = ""; $is_prod = false; $is_sanitized = false; $is_3ds = false; if(isset($midtrans_keys)){ if($midtrans_keys->name == 'development'){ $server_key = $midtrans_keys->key; $is_prod = false; $is_sanitized = true; $is_3ds = true; } } // \Midtrans\Config::$serverKey = 'SB-Mid-server-bi2idDTOOZw4CXXKLMuXX6OY'; // // Set to Development/Sandbox Environment (default). Set to true for Production Environment (accept real transaction). // \Midtrans\Config::$isProduction = false; // // Set sanitization on (default) // \Midtrans\Config::$isSanitized = true; // // Set 3DS transaction for credit card to true // \Midtrans\Config::$is3ds = true; \Midtrans\Config::$serverKey = $server_key; // Set to Development/Sandbox Environment (default). Set to true for Production Environment (accept real transaction). \Midtrans\Config::$isProduction = $is_prod; // Set sanitization on (default) \Midtrans\Config::$isSanitized = $is_sanitized; // Set 3DS transaction for credit card to true \Midtrans\Config::$is3ds = $is_3ds; $params = [ 'transaction_details' => [ 'order_id' => $order_id, 'gross_amount' => $amount, ], // 'item_details' => [ // [ // 'price' => 30000, // 'quantity' => 1, // 'name' => 'description', // ], // ], // 'customer_details' => [ // 'first_name' => '', // 'email' => $this->order['payer_email'], // ] ]; // $snapToken = Snap::getSnapToken($params); // return $snapToken; // $paymentUrl = \Midtrans\Snap::getSnapToken($params); $payment_url = \Midtrans\Snap::createTransaction($params)->redirect_url; $data_rerturn = array( "order_id" => $order_id, "payment_url" => $payment_url ); return $data_rerturn; } function rupiah($angka){ $hasil_rupiah = "Rp " . number_format($angka,0,',','.'); return $hasil_rupiah; } function rupiah_remove($angka){ return $x = preg_replace("([^0-9\.])","",str_replace(",",".",$angka)); } }
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