a month ago
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/* VamTam Check License */ /*global jQuery*/ (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; $('body').on('click', '#vamtam-check-license', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = $(this); if ( self.hasClass('disabled' ) ) return false; var result = $('#vamtam-check-license-result').html('').css( 'display', 'block' ); var $validMsg = $('#vamtam-license-result-wrap > .valid'); var $invalidMsg = $('#vamtam-license-result-wrap > .invalid'); var isUnregister = self.hasClass('unregister'); var $licenseInput = $('#vamtam-envato-license-key'); if ( isUnregister ) { if (confirm('You are about to unregister your purchase code. Are you sure you want to continue?')) { $licenseInput.attr('value', ''); } else { return; } } $licenseInput.prop('enabled', true); $validMsg.hide(); $invalidMsg.hide(); self.css('display', 'inline-block').addClass('disabled'); var spinner = $('#vamtam-check-license ~ span.spinner'); if ( spinner.length > 0 ) { spinner.show(); } else { if ( isUnregister ) { $('#vamtam-check-license').after('<span class="spinner is-active" style="display:inline-block;" />'); spinner = $('#vamtam-check-license ~ span.spinner'); } else { $licenseInput.after('<span class="spinner is-active" style="display:inline-block;" />'); spinner = $('#vamtam-envato-license-key ~ span.spinner'); } } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'vamtam-check-license', 'license-key': $licenseInput.val(), nonce: self.attr('data-nonce'), unregister: isUnregister ? true : true, }, success: function(data) { if ( data.includes( 'Valid Purchase Key' ) ) { window.location = window.location.href; } else if ( data.includes( 'Incorrect Purchase Key' ) ) { if ( isUnregister ) { window.location = window.location.href; } else { $invalidMsg.css('display', 'flex'); self.removeClass('disabled'); $licenseInput.prop('disabled', false); spinner.hide(); } } else if ( data.includes( 'Unregistered Key' ) ) { window.location = window.location.href; } else { result.append( $('<p />').addClass('vamtam-check-license-response').append(data) ); spinner.hide(); self.removeClass('disabled'); $licenseInput.prop('disabled', false); } } }); }); })( jQuery );
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