
3 months ago
3.9 kB
	// TEST 1:	
	//			- Create The FULL Tool bar of Design Mode, the grid area, the status bar
	//				and an empty command bar
	//			- This has already been done through the constrcutor of class Output

	pOut->PrintMessage("TEST1: Drawing Tool bar, Grid, Status bar and Empty Command bar, Click anywhere to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click

	// 1.1- Drawing the Command bar in the Game mode
	// =============================================
	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1- Drawing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click

	Command savedCommands[5];
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		savedCommands[i] = NO_COMMAND;
	Command availableCommands[10];
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		availableCommands[i] = MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP;
	pOut->CreateCommandsBar(savedCommands, 5, availableCommands, 10);
	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.1- Finished Drawing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.2- Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click

	///TODO: Draw the command bar with only 4 available commands and 4 empty slots for saved commands
	// saved commands are already as NO_COMMAND

	availableCommands[0] = MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP;
	availableCommands[1] = MOVE_BACKWARD_ONE_STEP;
	availableCommands[2] = MOVE_FORWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	availableCommands[3] = MOVE_BACKWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	pOut->CreateCommandsBar(savedCommands, 4, availableCommands, 4);

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.2- Finished Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.3- Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click

	///TODO: Draw the command bar with 5 saved commands and 7 available commands, 
	/// 	but the first saved command will be MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP
	///		and the first available command will be NO_COMMAND
	savedCommands[0] = MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP;
	savedCommands[1] = MOVE_BACKWARD_ONE_STEP;
	savedCommands[2] = MOVE_FORWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	savedCommands[3] = MOVE_BACKWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	savedCommands[4] = MOVE_FORWARD_THREE_STEPS;

	availableCommands[0] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[1] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[2] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[3] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[4] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[5] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[6] = NO_COMMAND;
	pOut->CreateCommandsBar(savedCommands, 5, availableCommands, 7);

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.3- Finished Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.4- Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click

	///TODO: Draw the command bar with 5 saved commands and 6 available commands,
	/// 	but the first saved command will be MOVE_FORWARD_TWO_STEPS
	///		and the first available command will be NO_COMMAND as previous test
	savedCommands[0] = MOVE_FORWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	savedCommands[1] = MOVE_BACKWARD_ONE_STEP;
	savedCommands[2] = MOVE_FORWARD_ONE_STEP;
	savedCommands[3] = MOVE_BACKWARD_TWO_STEPS;
	savedCommands[4] = MOVE_FORWARD_THREE_STEPS;

	availableCommands[1] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[2] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[3] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[4] = NO_COMMAND;
	availableCommands[5] = NO_COMMAND;

	pOut->CreateCommandsBar(savedCommands, 5, availableCommands, 6);

	pOut->PrintMessage("1.1.4- Finished Testing the Command bar in the Game mode, Click to continue");
	pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y);	//Wait for any click
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