
mail@pastecode.io avatar
18 days ago
2.4 kB
//Q1. Suspicious Activity. 
//A list of strings in the format [{"AA BB NN"}, {.. .. ..}, ....] sperated by whitespace, AA is the sender, BB Receiver, NN is the amount. Threshold is the minimum //number of occurences. Return a sorted list of sender/receiver with of occurences above threshold.

//My attempt with multiple TLE and WA (I was in a rush :')---

static List<string> processLogs(List<string> logs, int threshold)
    List<string> sus = new();
    Dictionary<int, int> dict = new();
    foreach (var entry in logs)
        string[] userList = entry.Split(" ");
        if(!dict.ContainsKey(Int32.Parse(userList[0]))) dict.Add(Int32.Parse(userList[0]), 1);
        else dict[Int32.Parse(userList[0])]++;
        if(userList[0] == userList[1]) continue;
        if(!dict.ContainsKey(Int32.Parse(userList[1]))) dict.Add(Int32.Parse(userList[1]), 1);
        else dict[Int32.Parse(userList[1])]++;

    foreach (KeyValuePair<int,int> kvp in dict)
        if(kvp.Value >= threshold) sus.Add(kvp.Key.ToString());
    return sus;

//Q2. Find Minimum Weight
//A list of integers w = {} denote the weights of chocolates. And an integer N for how many days they can be eaten. Each day only one chocolate can be eaten and half of
//it's weight will remain. One chocolate can be eaten multiple times. Find the minimum total weight of the chocolates

//a rough example w = {30, 20, 15}, N = 4

//  Day       Weights         After Eating
//  1         30, 20, 15      15, 20, 15
//  2         15, 20, 15      15, 10, 15
//  3         ..........      ..........
//  4         ..........      ..........

//My attempt---

public static int findMinWeight(List<int> weights, int d)
    int currentMinTotal = Int32.MaxValue;
    List<int> nw = weights.ToList();
    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
        var total = 0;
        foreach (var weight in nw)
            total += weight;

        var currentMin = total;
        for (int j = 0; j < nw.Count; j++)
            if (currentMin < (total - (nw[j] / 2)))
                currentMin = total - (nw[j] / 2);
                nw[j] = (nw[j] / 2) + 1;

        if (currentMinTotal > currentMin) currentMinTotal = currentMin;


    return currentMinTotal;

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