import os import json import asyncio async def install_packages(): pkgs = ["pyrogram==2.0.106", "TgCrypto", "openai"] print("Installing necessary packages", end="\r") for pkg in pkgs: os.system(f"pip install {pkg}") print("Installation Completed") try: asyncio.run(install_packages()) except: pass from pyrogram import Client, filters, idle from pyrogram.types import Message import openai from openai import api_key as API_KEY CREDENTIALS_FILE = "credentials.txt" async def load_credentials(): if os.path.exists(CREDENTIALS_FILE): with open(CREDENTIALS_FILE, "r") as file: credentials = json.load(file) API_KEY = credentials.get("api_key", "") BOT_TOKEN = credentials.get("bot_token", "") API_HASH = credentials.get("api_hash", "") API_ID = credentials.get("api_id", "") else: API_KEY = input("Enter your OpenAI API Key: ") BOT_TOKEN = input("Enter BOT Token: ") API_HASH = input("Enter Api hash: ") API_ID = input("Enter your Api id: ") credentials = { "api_key": API_KEY, "bot_token": BOT_TOKEN, "api_hash": API_HASH, "api_id": API_ID } with open(CREDENTIALS_FILE, "w") as file: json.dump(credentials, file) return API_KEY, BOT_TOKEN, API_HASH, API_ID async def start_bot(): print("Starting bot") API_KEY, BOT_TOKEN, API_HASH, API_ID = await load_credentials() AiBot = Client("AiBot", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=BOT_TOKEN, in_memory=True) @AiBot.on_message(filters.command("start")) async def start_command(_, message: Message): await message.reply_text("Hello! I am your AI bot. Send me any text, and I'll try to respond intelligently using OpenAI's GPT-3.") @AiBot.on_message(filters.text) async def reply_to_text(_, message: Message): txt = message.text resp = await gen_resp(txt) await message.reply_text(resp) async def gen_resp(input): prompt = f"User: {input}\nBot:" response = openai.Completion.create( engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, temperature=0.5, max_tokens=1000, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0.1, presence_penalty=0.0, ) return response.choices[0].text.strip() AiBot.start() print(f"{await AiBot.get_me().username} Started Successfully\n\n Coded by :- @CoderBoi_Ujjwal") idle() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(start_bot())
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