/** * Core plugin functionality. * * @package BmacxCore */ namespace BmacxCore\Core; use function BlackstoneCore\Utility\get_current_site; /** * Default setup routine * * @return void */ function setup() { $n = function( $function ) { return __NAMESPACE__ . "\\$function"; }; add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', $n( 'customize_gutenberg_template_options' ) ); do_action( 'bmacx_core_loaded' ); } /** * Customize Gutenberg Template Options for bmacx Site */ function customize_gutenberg_template_options() { $current_site = get_current_site(); $current_theme = wp_get_theme()->get( 'Name' ); // Check if we are on bmacx site and using the Blackstone V2 theme if ( $current_site === 'bmacx' && $current_theme === 'Blackstone V2' ) { // Enqueue the script that removes unwanted options wp_enqueue_script( 'bmacx-template-options', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'bmacx-template-options.js', [ 'wp-data', 'wp-edit-post', 'wp-hooks' ], null, true ); } } wp.data.subscribe(function () { // Ensure that the meta box is available and loaded const editor = wp.data.select('core/editor'); const meta = editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta'); // Define the keys we want to show: 'No Header Navigation' and 'No Footer Navigation' const allowedOptions = ['no_header_nav_key', 'no_footer_nav_key']; // Hide the unnecessary template options if they are present document.querySelectorAll('.components-panel__body .components-base-control').forEach(function (element) { const controlLabel = element.querySelector('.components-base-control__label')?.textContent; // If the control is not in the allowed options, hide it if (controlLabel && !allowedOptions.some(option => controlLabel.includes(option))) { element.style.display = 'none'; } }); }); bmacx-template-options.js
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