a year ago
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import random def game(choice, result) -> None: print() print("=====Start Game rock, paper, scissors=====") print() computer_choice = random.choice("rps") user_choise_filtered = str.lower(choice) print("--------------------------------") print("Your select – ", str.capitalize(choice)) print("Computer select —", str.capitalize(computer_choice)) if str.lower(choice) == computer_choice: print("Result of game – Draw") elif str.lower(choice) == "r" and computer_choice == "p": result["computer"] += 1 print("------Computer Wins------") elif str.lower(choice) == "r" and computer_choice == "s": result["player"] += 1 print("------Player Wins------") elif str.lower(choice) == "p" and computer_choice == "s": result["computer"] += 1 print("------Computer Wins------") elif str.lower(choice) == "p" and computer_choice == "r": result["player"] += 1 print("------Player Wins------") elif str.lower(choice) == "s" and computer_choice == "r": result["computer"] += 1 print("------Computer Wins------") elif str.lower(choice) == "s" and computer_choice == "p": result["player"] += 1 print("------Player Wins------") print("Score: computer", result["computer"], "—", result["player"], "Player") result = {"computer": 0, "player": 0} choise = input("Select R/P/S – ") game(choice=choise, result=result)
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