8 months ago
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import logging import pickle from collections.abc import Sequence from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Literal import datasets import fire import numpy as np import structlog from torch import cuda from tqdm import tqdm import bocoel from bocoel import ( AcquisitionFunc, Adaptor, AxServiceOptimizer, ClassifierModel, ComposedCorpus, DatasetsStorage, Distance, EnsembleEmbedder, GlueAdaptor, HnswlibIndex, HuggingfaceEmbedder, HuggingfaceLogitsLM, HuggingfaceSequenceLM, Index, KMeansOptimizer, KMedoidsOptimizer, Optimizer, PolarIndex, Sst2QuestionAnswer, Task, WhiteningIndex, ) structlog.configure( wrapper_class=structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger(logging.INFO), ) LOGGER = structlog.get_logger() def main( *, ds_path: Literal[ "SST2", "SetFit/mnli", "SetFit/mrpc", "SetFit/qnli", "SetFit/rte", "SetFit/qqp", "SetFit/sst2", ] = "SST2", ds_split: Literal["train", "validation", "test"] = "train", llm_model: str = "textattack/roberta-base-SST-2", batch_size: int = 16, index_name: Literal["hnswlib", "polar", "whitening"] = "hnswlib", sobol_steps: int = 5, index_threads: int = 8, optimizer_steps: int = 60, reduced: int = 32, device: str = "cpu", acqf: str = "ENTROPY", task: str = "EXPLORE", classification: Literal["logits", "seq"] = "seq", optimizer: Literal["ax", "kmeans", "kmedoids"] = "ax", corpus_cache_path: str | Path = "corpus.pickle", embedders: Sequence[str] = [ # "textattack/bert-base-uncased-SST-2", # "textattack/roberta-base-SST-2", # "textattack/albert-base-v2-SST-2", # "textattack/xlnet-large-cased-SST-2", # "textattack/xlnet-base-cased-SST-2", # "textattack/facebook-bart-large-SST-2", # "textattack/distilbert-base-uncased-SST-2", "textattack/distilbert-base-cased-SST-2" ], ) -> None: # The corpus part sentence, label = sentence_label(ds_path) corpus_cache_path = Path(corpus_cache_path) corpus: ComposedCorpus if corpus_cache_path.exists(): with open(corpus_cache_path, "rb") as f: corpus = pickle.load(f) else: corpus = composed_corpus( ds_path=ds_path, ds_split=ds_split, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, index_name=index_name, index_threads=index_threads, reduced=reduced, sentence=sentence, embedders=embedders, ) with open(corpus_cache_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(corpus, f) # ------------------------ # The model part task_name = ds_path.lower().replace("setfit/", "") lm: ClassifierModel LOGGER.info( "Creating LM with model", model=llm_model, device=device, task=task_name ) match classification: case "seq": lm = HuggingfaceSequenceLM( model_path=llm_model, device=device, choices=GlueAdaptor.choices_per_task(task_name), ) case "logits": lm = HuggingfaceLogitsLM( model_path=llm_model, batch_size=batch_size, device=device, choices=GlueAdaptor.choices_per_task(task_name), ) case _: raise ValueError(f"Unknown classification {classification}") # ------------------------ # Adaptor part LOGGER.info("Creating adaptor with arguments", sentence=sentence, label=label) adaptor: Adaptor if "setfit/" in ds_path.lower(): adaptor = GlueAdaptor.task(task_name, lm) elif ds_path == "SST2": adaptor = Sst2QuestionAnswer(lm) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {ds_path}") # ------------------------ # The optimizer part. LOGGER.info( "Creating optimizer with arguments", corpus=corpus, lm=lm, adaptor=adaptor, sobol_steps=sobol_steps, device=device, acqf=acqf, ) optim: Optimizer match optimizer: case "ax": optim = bocoel.evaluate_corpus( AxServiceOptimizer, corpus=corpus, adaptor=adaptor, sobol_steps=sobol_steps, device=device, task=Task.lookup(task), acqf=AcquisitionFunc.lookup(acqf), ) case "kmeans": optim = bocoel.evaluate_corpus( KMeansOptimizer, corpus=corpus, adaptor=adaptor, batch_size=batch_size, embeddings=corpus.index.embeddings, model_kwargs={"n_clusters": optimizer_steps, "n_init": "auto"}, ) case "kmedoids": optim = bocoel.evaluate_corpus( KMedoidsOptimizer, corpus=corpus, adaptor=adaptor, batch_size=batch_size, embeddings=corpus.index.embeddings, model_kwargs={"n_clusters": optimizer_steps}, ) scores: list[float] = [] for i in tqdm(range(optimizer_steps)): try: state = optim.step() LOGGER.info("iteration {i}: {state}", i=i, state=state) scores.extend(state.values()) except StopIteration: break # Performs aggregation here. print("average:", np.average(scores)) def sentence_label(ds_path: str) -> tuple[str, str]: if "setfit" in ds_path.lower(): sentence = "text" if ds_path == "SetFit/sst2" else "text1 text2" label = "label" elif ds_path == "SST2": sentence = "sentence" label = "label" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {ds_path}") return sentence, label def ensemble_embedder(embedders: Sequence[str], batch_size: int): LOGGER.info("Creating embedder") embs = [] cuda_available = cuda.is_available() device_count = cuda.device_count() for i, model in enumerate(embedders): # Auto cast devices if cuda_available: hf_device = f"cuda:{i%device_count}" else: hf_device = "cpu" embs.append( HuggingfaceEmbedder(path=model, device=hf_device, batch_size=batch_size) ) return EnsembleEmbedder(embs) def index_backend_and_kwargs( name: str, index_threads: int, batch_size: int, reduced: int ) -> tuple[type[Index], dict[str, Any]]: match name: case "hnswlib": return HnswlibIndex, {"threads": index_threads, "batch_size": batch_size} case "polar": return PolarIndex, { "polar_backend": HnswlibIndex, "threads": index_threads, "batch_size": batch_size, } case "whitening": return WhiteningIndex, { "whitening_backend": HnswlibIndex, "reduced": reduced, "threads": index_threads, "batch_size": batch_size, } case _: raise ValueError(f"Unknown index backend {name}") def composed_corpus( ds_path: str, ds_split: str, batch_size: int, device: str, index_name: str, index_threads: int, reduced: int, sentence: str, embedders: Sequence[str], ) -> ComposedCorpus: LOGGER.info("Loading datasets...", dataset=ds_path, split=ds_split) ds = datasets.load_dataset(ds_path)[ds_split] storage = DatasetsStorage(ds) embedder = ensemble_embedder(batch_size=batch_size, embedders=embedders) LOGGER.info( "Creating corpus with storage and embedder", storage=storage, embedder=embedder, device=device, ) index_backend, index_kwargs = index_backend_and_kwargs( name=index_name, index_threads=index_threads, batch_size=batch_size, reduced=min(reduced, embedder.dims), ) corpus = ComposedCorpus.index_storage( storage=storage, embedder=embedder, keys=sentence.split(), index_backend=index_backend, concat=" [SEP] ".join, distance=Distance.INNER_PRODUCT, **index_kwargs, ) return corpus if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(main)
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