20 days ago
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/* CODE BY FPERSON A comprehensive conference room reservation management system. Main functionalities: - Managing multiple conference rooms - Checking for time conflicts - Adding new reservations - Displaying schedule for each room System includes the following constraints and features: - Reservations available between 8-20 hours - Automatic sorting of reservations by time - Conflict checking before adding new reservations - Clear schedule display ------------------------------------------------------------ Added new functionalities: Reservation removal: - removeReservation method allows removing a reservation based on client name, date, and start time - System confirms deletion or notifies if reservation not found Finding available time slots: - findAvailableSlots method finds all available time slots for a given day - Shows available times for each room separately - Takes into account working hours (8-20) Notification system: - checkUpcomingReservations method checks for upcoming reservations - Sends notification one hour before reservation starts - Notification time can be easily modified Additional improvements: - Date handling in reservations - Better reservation sorting (first by date, then by time) - Extended schedule display with dates - More detailed user messages */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #include <chrono> using namespace std; // Structure storing reservation information struct Reservation { string clientName; int startTime; int endTime; string purpose; time_t date; // Reservation date }; // Structure representing an available time slot struct TimeSlot { int startTime; int endTime; }; // Class representing a conference room class ConferenceRoom { private: string name; int capacity; vector<Reservation> reservations; // Helper method for date to string conversion string dateToString(time_t date) const { char buffer[26]; strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(&date)); return string(buffer); } public: ConferenceRoom(string n, int c) : name(n), capacity(c) {} // Checks for conflicts with existing reservations bool hasConflict(int start, int end, time_t date) const { for (const auto& res : reservations) { if (res.date == date) { if ((start >= res.startTime && start < res.endTime) || (end > res.startTime && end <= res.endTime) || (start <= res.startTime && end >= res.endTime)) { return true; } } } return false; } // Adds a new reservation bool addReservation(const string& client, int start, int end, const string& purpose, time_t date) { if (start >= end || start < 8 || end > 20) { cout << "Error: Invalid reservation hours (available 8-20)" << endl; return false; } if (hasConflict(start, end, date)) { cout << "Error: Conflict with existing reservation" << endl; return false; } Reservation newReservation{client, start, end, purpose, date}; reservations.push_back(newReservation); sort(reservations.begin(), reservations.end(), [](const Reservation& a, const Reservation& b) { return (a.date < b.date) || (a.date == b.date && a.startTime < b.startTime); }); return true; } // Removes a reservation bool removeReservation(const string& client, time_t date, int startTime) { auto it = find_if(reservations.begin(), reservations.end(), [&](const Reservation& res) { return res.clientName == client && res.date == date && res.startTime == startTime; }); if (it != reservations.end()) { reservations.erase(it); cout << "Reservation has been removed" << endl; return true; } cout << "Reservation not found" << endl; return false; } // Finds available time slots for a given day vector<TimeSlot> findAvailableSlots(time_t date) const { vector<TimeSlot> availableSlots; vector<int> busyTimes; // Add all occupied hours for (const auto& res : reservations) { if (res.date == date) { for (int i = res.startTime; i < res.endTime; i++) { busyTimes.push_back(i); } } } // Find available slots int currentTime = 8; while (currentTime < 20) { if (find(busyTimes.begin(), busyTimes.end(), currentTime) == busyTimes.end()) { int startSlot = currentTime; while (currentTime < 20 && find(busyTimes.begin(), busyTimes.end(), currentTime) == busyTimes.end()) { currentTime++; } availableSlots.push_back({startSlot, currentTime}); } else { currentTime++; } } return availableSlots; } // Checks for upcoming reservations and sends notifications void checkUpcomingReservations() const { time_t now = time(nullptr); for (const auto& res : reservations) { // Check today's reservations if (res.date == now) { time_t currentHour = localtime(&now)->tm_hour; if (res.startTime - currentHour <= 1 && res.startTime - currentHour > 0) { cout << "NOTIFICATION: Upcoming reservation for " << res.clientName << " in room " << name << " at " << res.startTime << ":00" << endl; } } } } // Displays reservation schedule void displaySchedule() const { cout << "\nSchedule for room: " << name << " (Capacity: " << capacity << " people)" << endl; cout << string(70, '-') << endl; cout << setw(15) << "Date" << setw(15) << "Hours" << setw(15) << "Client" << setw(25) << "Purpose" << endl; cout << string(70, '-') << endl; for (const auto& res : reservations) { cout << setw(15) << dateToString(res.date) << setw(5) << res.startTime << "-" << setw(8) << res.endTime << setw(15) << res.clientName << setw(25) << res.purpose << endl; } cout << string(70, '-') << endl; } string getName() const { return name; } }; // Class managing all rooms class ReservationSystem { private: vector<ConferenceRoom> rooms; public: // Adds a new room to the system void addRoom(const string& name, int capacity) { rooms.emplace_back(name, capacity); } // Adds a reservation to selected room bool addReservation(const string& roomName, const string& client, int start, int end, const string& purpose, time_t date) { for (auto& room : rooms) { if (room.getName() == roomName) { return room.addReservation(client, start, end, purpose, date); } } cout << "Error: Room " << roomName << " not found" << endl; return false; } // Removes a reservation from selected room bool removeReservation(const string& roomName, const string& client, time_t date, int startTime) { for (auto& room : rooms) { if (room.getName() == roomName) { return room.removeReservation(client, date, startTime); } } cout << "Error: Room " << roomName << " not found" << endl; return false; } // Finds available slots in all rooms void findAvailableSlots(time_t date) const { cout << "\nAvailable slots for " << put_time(localtime(&date), "%Y-%m-%d") << ":" << endl; for (const auto& room : rooms) { cout << "\nRoom " << room.getName() << ":" << endl; auto slots = room.findAvailableSlots(date); if (slots.empty()) { cout << "No available slots" << endl; } else { for (const auto& slot : slots) { cout << slot.startTime << ":00 - " << slot.endTime << ":00" << endl; } } } } // Checks all upcoming reservations void checkAllUpcomingReservations() const { for (const auto& room : rooms) { room.checkUpcomingReservations(); } } // Displays schedule for all rooms void displayAllSchedules() const { for (const auto& room : rooms) { room.displaySchedule(); cout << endl; } } }; int main() { ReservationSystem system; // Add example rooms system.addRoom("Room A", 10); system.addRoom("Room B", 20); system.addRoom("Room C", 30); // Set example dates time_t now = time(nullptr); time_t tomorrow = now + 24*60*60; // Example reservations system.addReservation("Room A", "John Smith", 9, 11, "Team meeting", now); system.addReservation("Room A", "Anna Wilson", 14, 16, "Training", now); system.addReservation("Room B", "Peter Brown", 10, 12, "Presentation", now); // Display schedule system.displayAllSchedules(); // Find available slots for today system.findAvailableSlots(now); // Remove a reservation system.removeReservation("Room A", "John Smith", now, 9); // Check upcoming reservations system.checkAllUpcomingReservations(); return 0; }
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