2 months ago
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current_riddle_index = 0 attempts = 0 passes = 0 passed_riddles = [] def get_remaining_info(): remaining_riddles = (len(riddles) - current_riddle_index - 1) + len(passed_riddles) return remaining_riddles, passes async def start_game(): pyrandom.shuffle(riddles) await send_riddle() await handle_user_response() async def send_riddle(prefix="🧩 First riddle:"): global current_riddle_index, riddles, passed_riddles if current_riddle_index >= len(riddles): if passed_riddles: riddles, passed_riddles = passed_riddles, [] current_riddle_index = 0 else: await end_game(END_CONGRATS_MSG) return False question = riddles[current_riddle_index]['question'] remaining_riddles, passes_utilises = get_remaining_info() embed = Message( description=( f"{prefix}\n\n" f"❔ **{question}**\n\n" f"Remaining riddles: **`{remaining_riddles}`** | Passes used: **`{passes_utilises}`** out of **`{MAX_PASS}`**" ), color=0xff0080 ) send_message(channel.id, message=embed) return True async def handle_user_response(): if current_riddle_index >= len(riddles) and not passed_riddles: return response = await get_response() if response: await process_response(response.content.lower()) else: await end_game(END_TIMEOUT_MSG) return async def get_response(): def predicate(event): return event.author_id == user.id and event.channel_id == channel.id return await wait_for("message", timeout=TIMEOUT, predicate=predicate) async def end_game(message): update_server_var("riddle_game", "False") send_message(channel.id, message) async def process_response(response): global current_riddle_index, attempts, passes, passed_riddles current_riddle = riddles[current_riddle_index] answers = current_riddle["answers"] similarity = 0 def checker(correct_ans, index): nonlocal similarity result = fuzz.ratio(response, correct_ans.lower()) similarity = max(similarity, result) loop(answers, checker) is_good_match = similarity >= THRESHOLD if response in ["skip", "s"]: await handle_pass() elif is_good_match: await handle_correct_response() else: await handle_incorrect_response() async def handle_pass(): global current_riddle_index, attempts, passes, passed_riddles remaining_riddles, _ = get_remaining_info() if passes >= MAX_PASS or remaining_riddles == 0: send_message(channel.id, PASS_WARN_MSG) else: passes += 1 passed_riddles.append(riddles[current_riddle_index]) attempts = 0 current_riddle_index += 1 await send_riddle(prefix=PASS_MSG) await handle_user_response() async def handle_correct_response(): global current_riddle_index, attempts current_riddle_index += 1 attempts = 0 if await send_riddle(prefix=CORRECT_MSG): await handle_user_response() async def handle_incorrect_response(): global attempts attempts += 1 if attempts >= MAX_ATT: await end_game(END_MAX_ATT_MSG) return else: attempts_restants = MAX_ATT - attempts send_message(channel.id, INCORRECT_MSG.format(attempts_restants)) await handle_user_response() await start_game()
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