6 days ago
55 kB
/** @format */ //** @format */ const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const { Storage } = require("@google-cloud/storage"); const Aerospike = require("aerospike"); const lists = Aerospike.lists; const maps = Aerospike.maps; const { getAerospikeClient } = require("../../../../databases/aerospike"); const { removeStopwords, eng, fra } = require("stopword"); const now = require("nano-time"); const batchType = Aerospike.batchType; var createError = require("http-errors"); const { uploadImage } = require("../../../helper/uploadBucket"); const { populate } = require("../../../helper/populate"); const createNodeCache = require("../../../../node-cache"); const cacheGetTrending = createNodeCache(60 * 10); const { sendMessage } = require("../../../../kafka/old_folders/producer.js"); const { sendNotificationMessage } = require("../../../../kafka/producerNoti"); const { getRange, setDataWithTTL, getData, } = require("../../../helper/redisHelper"); const { socialBookmarkPost, socialPinnedPost, socialCreatePost, socialBookmark, socialHidePost, socialPostEdit, socialPostSpam, socialFlagPost, handleRepostPost, socialNewsFetch, socialfetchUserRelatedPosts, userProfilePosts, socialTreandingWords, socialTreandingCoinNames, socialDonatNft, socialDonationHistory, fetchDonationDetails, socialSharePost, socialSharePostPrivacy, socialCommentPostPrivacy, socialPostToNft, socialFetchFullPost, createNewGeneralPost, fetchSocialPostWithComment, updatePostViewCount, fetchActivityList, handleUploadNFT, handleFetchNFTs, handleLikeNFT, handleCreateNFTComment, handleNFTCommentPin, handleFetchNFTComments, updateNFTComment, deleteNFTComment, likeNFTComment, createNFTReply, likeNFTReply, editNFTReply, handleGetReplies, handleDeleteReply, handleReportPost, handleCreateNewPoll, handlePollVote, handleAddPostLike, handleRemovePostLike, fetchBlockFeedPosts, handleGetVoterLists, handleGetVotersList, handleGetMentionPosts, handleGetCoinPrice, handleFetchTrendingPosts, handleFetchTrendingCoinPost, handleFetchLikedUsers, handleGetAnalytics, handleDonateNFT, handleDislikeInnerReply, handleLikeInnerReply, handleSpamInnerReply, handleSearchPost, socialfetchUserFollowingsPosts, socialfetchUserAllPosts, } = require("../../../model/post/generalPost/postModel"); const { createPostComment, socialPinnedComment, socialDeleteComment, socialEditComment, socialSpamComment, socialLikeComment, socialRemoveLikeComment, fetchSocialComments, fetchSocialMyComments, } = require("../../../model/comment/generalComment/generalCommentModel.js"); const { socialCreatReply, socialCreatReplyInsideReply, socialFetchCommentReply, socialHideReply, socialDeleteReply, socialDislikeReply, socialLikeReply, } = require("../../../model/reply/generalReply/generalReplyModel.js"); class PostController { constructor() { // console.log("Post controller init"); } // *** Update post count async updateViewCount(req, res, next) { try { const data = await updatePostViewCount(req.body); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Create new post async ctrlCreateNewPost(req, res, next) { // console.log(req.file); try { console.log(req.user); const data = await createNewGeneralPost( req.user, req.body, req.file, req.query ); return res.status(201).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Pinned Post async pinnedPost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialPinnedPost(req.params.id); try { res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { throw createError.Conflict(error.message); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Bookmark post async bookmarkPost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialBookmark( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn, req.body.btnType ); try { res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { throw createError.Conflict(error.message); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } // *** Hide post async hidePost(req, res, next) { try { // const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await socialHidePost(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); try { res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { throw createError.Conflict(error.message); } } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch post analytics async fetchPostAnalytics(req, res, next) { // console.log("Came in backend"); try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { console.log(req.params.id); const post_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS, req.params.id ); const post_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META, req.params.id ); var post; client.exists(post_key, async (err, result) => { if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { if (!result) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { const mapOps = [ Aerospike.maps .getByKey("analytics", req.query.date) .andReturn(maps.returnType.KEY_VALUE), ]; client.operate(post_meta_key, mapOps, async (err, result) => { const post = await client.get(post_meta_key); if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { console.log({ metaData: post, analytics: result.bins.analytics, }); return res .status(200) .json({ metaData: post, analytics: result.bins.analytics }); } }); } } }); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Post edit async postEdit(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await socialPostEdit( req.body, req.params.id, req.user.handleUn ); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Post delete async deletePost(req, res, next) { console.log("req.params.id", req.params.id); try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { // const post_key = new Aerospike.Key( // process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, // process.env.SET_POSTS, // req.params.id.toString() // ); const post_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META, req.params.id.toString() ); const main_post_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_MAIN_POSTS, req.params.id.toString() ); client .exists(main_post_key) .then((data) => { if (data) { const ops = [Aerospike.operations.write("isDelete", true)]; client.operate(main_post_key, ops, async (err, result) => { if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { // await client.operate(main_post_key, ops); return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Post deleted" }); } }); } }) .catch((err) => { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); }); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Post spam async spamPost(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); var incrmentedBy = 0; if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await socialPostSpam(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } async flagPost(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); var incrmentedBy = 0; if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await socialFlagPost(req.params.id, req.user); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } async socialRepostPost(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); var incrmentedBy = 0; if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await handleRepostPost(req.params.id, req.user); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch news async fetchNews(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialNewsFetch(); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch feed posts // async fetchFeedPost(req, res, next) { // console.log("CAME TO THIS PONT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!"); // const client = await getAerospikeClient(); // var page = req.query.page || 0; // var posts = []; // var temp = []; // var limit = req.query.limit || 5; // let start = Number(limit) * Number(page); // let end = // page > 0 ? Number(limit) * Number(page) * 2 - 1 : Number(limit) - 1; // var result = []; // const data = await getRange("post", start, end); // console.log("test_redis", data); // for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // if (data[i].trim()) { // temp.push({ // key: new Aerospike.Key( // process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, // process.env.SET_POSTS, // data[i] // ), // type: batchType.BATCH_READ, // readAllBins: true, // }); // } // } // posts = await client.batchRead(temp); // for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { // posts[i].record.bins && result.push(posts[i].record.bins); // } // return res.status(200).json(result); // } async fetchFeedPost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialfetchUserAllPosts(req.query); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching feed posts", error); return res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" }); } } // *** Fetch for you feed posts async fetchForYouFeedPost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialfetchUserRelatedPosts( req.query, req.user.handleUn ); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch for your following feed posts async fetchForYourFollowingFeedPost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialfetchUserFollowingsPosts(req.body); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch user related posts async fetchUserRelatedPosts(req, res, next) { try { console.log(">>>>>>>"); const handleUn = req.params.handleUn; // const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!handleUn) { throw createError.BadRequest("User handle name is not present"); } else { const data = await userProfilePosts(req.params.handleUn, req.query); return res.status(200).json({ posts: data }); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch all trending key words async fetchTrendingWords(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialTreandingWords(); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } async trendingCoins(req, res, next) { try { const data = await socialTreandingCoinNames(); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch trending post async fetchTrendingPosts(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); const term = `#${req.query.key}`; const result = await handleFetchTrendingPosts(term); console.log("RESULTS::::::::" + result); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error); } } async fetchTrendingCoinPosts(req, res, next) { try { const term = `${req.query.key}`; const result = await handleFetchTrendingCoinPost(term); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Donate nft to the user /* async donateNft(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in the parameter"); } else { const id = req.params.id; const post_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META, id ); const post_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS, id ); const data = await client.get(post_key); try { let result = await client.operate(map_key, map_ops); client.exists(post_meta_key, async (err, result) => { if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { if (!result) { throw createError.BadRequest("No post found"); } else { // ** Generating time stamp const time = Date.now().toString(); let record = await client.get(post_meta_key); const bins = { id: time, amount: req.query.amount, s_name: `${req.user.fn} ${req.user.ln}`, s_handleUn: req.user.handleUn, s_pic: req.user.p_i || "", r_username: req.query.handleUn, postId: id, // message: req.query.message || "", }; const earn_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_EARNING, time ); const user_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_USER_META, req.query.handleUn ); client.put(earn_key, bins, async (err, result) => { if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { let record = await client.get(post_meta_key); if (record.bins.earn) { const ops = [ Aerospike.maps .getByKey("earn", time) .andReturn(Aerospike.maps.returnType.KEY_VALUE), ]; client.operate( post_meta_key, ops, async (err, result) => { if (err) { throw createError.BadRequest(err.message); } else { if (result.bins.earn[0] === time) { const value = Number(result.bins.earn[1]) + Number(req.query.amount); const ops = [ Aerospike.maps.put("earn", time, value, { order: maps.order.KEY_ORDERED, }), ]; let data = await client.operate( post_meta_key, ops ); try { const getPost = await client.get(post_key); const total = getPost.bins.earn + Number(req.query.amount); console.log(">> Total earning: ", total); const ops = [ Aerospike.operations.write("earn", total), ]; const notificationData = { id: id, ty: 5, vi: false, wo: req.user.handleUn, ti: Date.now(), nm: `${req.user.fn} ${req.user.ln}`, pi: req.user.p_i, cat: 1, amount: req.query.amount, postId: id, }; await sendNotificationMessage( "post_notification", notificationData ); return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Successfully donated", notificationData, }); } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } else { console.log( "This part - 2 *****************************************************" ); const ops = [ Aerospike.maps.put( "earn", time, req.query.amount, { order: maps.order.KEY_ORDERED, } ), ]; let result = await client.operate( post_meta_key, ops ); try { let result = await client.operate( user_meta_key, ops ); try { const notificationData = { id: id, ty: 5, vi: false, wo: req.user.handleUn, ti: Date.now(), nm: `${req.user.fn} ${req.user.ln}`, pi: req.user.p_i, cat: 1, amount: req.query.amount, postId: id, }; await sendNotificationMessage( "post_notification", notificationData ); return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Successfully donated", notificationData, }); } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } } } ); } // else { console.log( "This part - 3 *****************************************************" ); const ops = [ Aerospike.maps.put("earn", time, req.query.amount, { order: maps.order.KEY_ORDERED, }), ]; let result = await client.operate(post_meta_key, ops); try { let result = await client.operate(user_meta_key, ops); try { return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Success" }); } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } } }); } } }); } catch (error) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: error.message }); } } } catch (error) { next(error); } } */ // *** Fetch donation history async fetchDonationHistory(req, res, next) { try { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await socialDonationHistory(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch single donation details async fetchSingleDonationDetails(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.Conflict("Post id is not present in parameter"); } else { const data = await fetchDonationDetails(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Create and save nft post async createNft(req, res, next) { try { console.log(req.body); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Share social post async sharePost(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); try { const data = await socialSharePost(req.params.id, req.body, req.user); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Update post share privacy settings async sharePostPrivacy(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Post id is not present in params"); } else { const data = await socialSharePostPrivacy(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Update post comment privacy settings async commentPostPrivacy(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Post id is not present in params"); } else { const data = await socialCommentPostPrivacy(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(data); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } async emojiERemoveLikePost(req, res, next) { try { const data = await SocialEmojiRemoveLike( req.user.handleUn, req.params.id ); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch all users who like the post async fetchLikedUsers(req, res, next) { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const id = req.params.id; const type = req.query.type; const page = req.query.page; const result = await handleFetchLikedUsers(id, type, page); return res.status(200).json(result); /* const client = await getAerospikeClient(); let query = client.query( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META ); const tempBin = "ExpVar"; // this bin is to hold expression read operation output // query.select("likes", "heart", "haha", "party", "dislike"); //select single bin query.where(Aerospike.filter.equal("id", req.params.id)); const stream = query.foreach(); var arr = []; var temp = []; var users = []; stream.on("data", function (record) { if (req.query.type === "all") { arr = [ ...record.bins.likes, ...record.bins.haha, ...record.bins.angry, ...record.bins.dislikes, ]; } // Only likes else if (req.query.type === "likes") { arr = record.bins.likes; console.log("Likes ", arr); } // Only heart if (req.query.type === "heart") { arr = record.bins.heart; console.log("Heart ", arr); } // Only party else if (req.query.type === "angry") { arr = record.bins.angry; } // only haha else if (req.query.type === "haha") { arr = record.bins.haha; } // only dislikes else if (req.query.type === "dislikes") { arr = record.bins.dislikes; } for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { temp.push({ key: new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_USERS, arr[i] ), type: batchType.BATCH_READ, readAllBins: false, bins: [ "handleUn", "fn", "ln", "p_i", "flwr_c", "flw_c", "p_bio", "city", "country", "badges", "activity_status", "status_privacy", ], }); } }); stream.on("end", async function (record) { client.batchRead(temp, async (err, results) => { users = results; var page = req.query.page || 1; var limit = 5; var start = (page - 1) * limit; var end = page * limit; users = users.splice(start, end); return res.status(200).json(users); }); }); */ } } // **** Search post async searchPost(req, res, next) { const result = await handleSearchPost(req.query); return res.status(200).json(result); /*const exp = Aerospike.exp; const client = await getAerospikeClient(); let query = client.query(process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS); const sortType = req.query.sortType || "recent"; const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 10; const tempBin = "ExpVar"; // this bin is to hold expression read operation output const input_query = req.query.search; const search_query = req.query.search.slice(0, 2); //query.where(Aerospike.filter.equal("f_t", search_query)); const queryPolicy = new Aerospike.QueryPolicy({}); queryPolicy.filterExpression = exp.cmpRegex( Aerospike.regex.ICASE | Aerospike.regex.NEWLINE, // Case-insensitive, multiline match input_query, // Search for input_query anywhere in the content exp.binStr("content") // The bin to apply the regex on ); var arr = []; const stream = query.foreach(queryPolicy); stream.on("data", function (record) { arr.push(record.bins); }); stream.on("end", async function (posts) { return res.status(200).json({ posts: arr }); if (sortType === "recent") { arr = arr.sort((a, b) => b.id - a.id); } else { arr = arr.sort((a, b) => b.l_c - a.l_c); } var start = (page - 1) * limit; var end = page * limit; arr = arr.slice(start, end); //resolve({ block: arr }); return res.status(200).json({ posts: arr }); });*/ } // Repost post /* async repostPost(req, res, next) { const post_id = now.micro(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); const post_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS, post_id.toString() ); const post_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META, post_id.toString() ); const original_post_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS, req.params.id ); const original_post_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POSTS_META, req.params.id ); client .exists(original_post_key) .then(async (data) => { const postData = await client.get(original_post_key); console.log(postData.bins); const bins = { id: post_id, o_p_id: postData.bins.id, content: postData.bins.content, image: postData.bins.image || "", gif: postData.bins.gif || "", l_c: 0, d_c: 0, book: [], pinned: 0, u_id: postData.bins.u_id, u_fn: postData.bins.u_fn, u_ln: postData.bins.u_ln, u_dun: postData.bins.u_dun, u_img: postData.bins.u_img, hide: [], s_c: 0, c_t: postData.bins.c_t, u_t: postData.bins.u_t, postOf: postData.bins.postOf, c_c: 0, is_share: 1, is_poll: false, share: { u_id: req.user.u_id.toString(), // User id u_fn: req.user.fn, // Post user first name u_ln: req.user.ln, // Posted user last name u_dun: req.user.handleUn, // Post user display username u_img: req.user.p_i, // Post user profile image content: req.body.content, }, }; const post_meta_bins = { id: post_id, likes: [], dislikes: [], spam: [], share: [], }; await client.put(post_meta_key, post_meta_bins); // console.log(post_bins); await client.put(post_key, bins); const user_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_USER_META, req.user.handleUn ); const user_ops = [ Aerospike.lists.append(process.env.SET_POSTS, post_id), ]; client.operate(user_key, user_ops, (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { try { const ops = [Aerospike.operations.incr("share_c", 1)]; client.operate(original_post_key, ops, async (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { // ***** ADD ***** // const ops = [Aerospike.lists.append("share", post_id)]; let result = await client.operate( original_post_meta_key, ops ); return res .status(200) .json({ msg: "Successfully share this post" }); } }); } catch (error) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: error.message }); } } }); }) .catch((err) => { return res.status(401).json({ msg: err.message }); }); } } */ // *** fetch post for creating NFT async fetchPostToCreatNft(req, res, next) { const id = req.params.id; console.log("id of post -", id); if (!id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialPostToNft(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Fetch full post async fetchFullPost(req, res, next) { console.log("...."); const data = await socialFetchFullPost(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } async fetchFullPostWithComment(req, res, next) { try { const sortedBy = req.query.sortedBy || "pop"; const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 5; const data = await fetchSocialPostWithComment( req.user.handleUn, req.params.id, page, limit, sortedBy ); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (err) { next(err); } } /*** * @SOCIAL_POST_COMMENT */ async createComment(req, res, next) { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { console.log("createPostComment:", req.body); const data = await createPostComment( req.params.id, req.user, req.body, req.file, req.query ); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Fetch single comment async fetchsingleComment(req, res, next) { try { const data = await fetchSocialComments( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn, req.query.sortedBy, req.query.page, req.query.limit ); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Fetch user comment async fetchMyComments(req, res, next) { try { const data = await fetchSocialMyComments( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn, req.query.sortedBy, req.query.page, req.query.limit ); return res.status(200).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Pinned comment async pinnedComment(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialPinnedComment(req.params.id, req.user); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Delete comment async deleteComment(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialDeleteComment(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Edit comment async editComment(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialEditComment(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Comment dilike async commentDislike(req, res, next) {} // *** Comment haha async commentHaha(req, res, next) {} // *** Comment Angry async commentAngry(req, res, next) {} // *** Spam comment async spamComment(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { console.log(req.params.id); const data = await socialSpamComment(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); console.log(data); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Comment Like async commentLike(req, res, next) { if (!req.params.id || !req.params.username || !req.params.type) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialLikeComment( req.params.id, req.params.username, req.params.type, req.user ); console.log(data); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Comment like remove async commentLikeRemove(req, res, next) { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid parameter" }); } else { const data = await socialRemoveLikeComment( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn ); return res.status(200).json(data); } } /** * @POST_COMMENT_REPLY */ // *** create comment reply async createReply(req, res, data) { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialCreatReply(req.params.id, req.body, req.user); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Reply inside reply async createReplyInsideReply(req, res, data) { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialCreatReplyInsideReply( req.params.id, req.body, req.user ); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Fetch comment reply async fetchReplies(req, res, next) { console.log(">>>>"); const client = await getAerospikeClient(); const batchType = Aerospike.batchType; if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: "Invalid" }); } else { const data = await socialFetchCommentReply( req.params.id, req.query.page, req.query.limit ); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // **** Hide comment replies async hideReply(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialHideReply(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // *** Spam reply /** * * @SPLIT_THIS_CODE */ async spamReply(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const result = await handleSpamReply(req.params.id, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); /* const post_comment_reply_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POST_REPLY, req.params.id ); const post_comment_reply_meta_key = new Aerospike.Key( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POST_REPLY_META, req.params.id ); let query = client.query( process.env.CLUSTER_NAME, process.env.SET_POST_REPLY_META ); const tempBin1 = "ExpVar"; query.where(Aerospike.filter.equal("id", req.params.id)); const stream = query.foreach(); var data; stream.on("data", function (record) { data = record.bins; }); stream.on("end", function (record) { if (data.spam.includes(req.user.handleUn)) { const ops = [ Aerospike.lists.removeByValue("spam", req.user.handleUn), ]; client.operate(post_comment_reply_meta_key, ops, (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { const ops = [Aerospike.operations.incr("s_c", -1)]; client.operate(post_comment_reply_key, ops, (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Reply spam removed" }); } }); } }); } else { const ops = [Aerospike.lists.append("spam", req.user.handleUn)]; client.operate(post_comment_reply_meta_key, ops, (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { const ops = [Aerospike.operations.incr("s_c", 1)]; client.operate(post_comment_reply_key, ops, (err, result) => { if (err) { return res.status(400).json({ msg: err.message }); } else { return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Reply spam" }); } }); } }); } }); */ } } // *** Delete reply async deleteReply(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialDeleteReply(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // reply dislike async dislikeReply(req, res, next) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialDislikeReply(req.params.id, req.user); console.log("Result: ", data); return res.status(200).json(data); } } // Like reply async likeReply(req, res) { const client = await getAerospikeClient(); if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const data = await socialLikeReply(req.params.id, req.user); console.log("Result: ", data); return res.status(200).json(data); } } async getActivity(req, res, next) { try { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 10; const result = await fetchActivityList(page, limit); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async uploadNFT(req, res, next) { // console.log(req.file); try { const result = await handleUploadNFT(req.body, req.file, req.user); return res.status(200).json({ msg: "Updated" }); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async fetchNFTs(req, res, next) { // console.log(req.file); try { const result = await handleFetchNFTs(req.body, req.file, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async likeNFT(req, res, next) { // console.log(req.file); try { const result = await handleLikeNFT(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async commentNft(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request ID is not present"); } else { const result = await handleCreateNFTComment( req.params.id, req.body, req.user ); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (err) { next(err.message); } } async commentPinNft(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request ID is not present"); } else { const result = await handleNFTCommentPin(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async getNftCommants(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request ID is not present"); } else { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 10; const result = await handleFetchNFTComments(req.params.id, page, limit); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async commentEditNFT(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await updateNFTComment(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async commentDeleteNFT(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await deleteNFTComment(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async commentLikeNFT(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await likeNFTComment(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async nftCommentReply(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await createNFTReply(req.params.id, req.body, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async nftCommentReplyLike(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await likeNFTReply(req.params.id, req.user.handleUn); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async nftCommentReplyEdit(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await editNFTReply(req.params.id, req.body); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async getReplies(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 10; const result = await handleGetReplies(req.params.id, page, limit); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async nftCommentReplyDelete(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Request params is not present"); } else { const result = await handleDeleteReply(req.params.id); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async reportPost(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("Event id is not defined"); } else { const result = await handleReportPost( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn, req.body ); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } async createNewPoll(req, res, next) { try { const data = await handleCreateNewPoll(req.user, req.body); // console.log("BODY:", req.body); return res.status(201).json(data); } catch (error) { next(error); } } async votePoll(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("ID is note defined"); } else { const result = await handlePollVote(req.params.id, req.body, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Spam inner reply async spamInnerReply(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { return res.status(401).json({ msg: "Invalid request" }); } else { const result = await handleSpamInnerReply(req.params.id, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Like inner reply async likeInnerReply(req, res, next) { try { const id = req.params.id; const user = req.user; const result = await handleLikeInnerReply(id, user); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error); } } // *** Dislike inner reply async dislikeInnerReply(req, res, next) { try { const id = req.params.id; const user = req.user; const result = await handleDislikeInnerReply(id, user); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error); } } async addPostLike(req, res, next) { try { const result = await handleAddPostLike( req.params.id, req.body.value, req.user ); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async removePostLike(req, res, next) { try { const result = await handleRemovePostLike( req.params.id, req.user.handleUn ); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async handleFetchBlockFeedPosts(req, res, next) { try { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 5; const result = await fetchBlockFeedPosts(page, limit, req.user); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async getvotersLists(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("ID is not defined"); } else { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 5; const type = req.query.type || "opt1"; const id = req.params.id; const result = await handleGetVoterLists(id, page, limit, type); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { next(error.message); } } async getMentionPosts(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("User id is not present"); } else { const page = req.query.page || 1; const limit = req.query.limit || 10; const result = await handleGetMentionPosts(req.params.id, page, limit); return res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } async getCoinPrice(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("User id is not present"); } else { const result = await handleGetCoinPrice(req.params.id); res.status(200).json(obj); } } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } async getAnalytics(req, res, next) { try { if (!req.params.id) { throw createError.BadRequest("User id is not present"); } else { const result = await handleGetAnalytics(req.params.id); res.status(200).json(result); } } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } async donateNFT(req, res, next) { try { const user = req.user; const query = req.query; const id = req.params.id; const result = await handleDonateNFT(user, query, id); return res.status(200).json(result); } catch (error) { throw createError.BadRequest(error.message); } } } module.exports = new PostController();
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