
3 years ago
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text-shadow: 2px 1px #1D0137, 0 2px #1D0137, 2px 1px #1D0137, 0 2px #1D0137;]Faeryn Character Sheet[/div]
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text-shadow: 2px 1px #1D0137, 0 2px #1D0137, 2px 1px #1D0137, 0 2px #1D0137;]Mytiyelula Vickona[/div]
[icss="float: left; border: 2px ridge #8852B8; width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 11px;"]https://img.nickpic.host/qdi3Yq.jpg[/icss][b]Full Name:[/b]
Mytiyelula Vickona

[icss="float: right; border: 2px ridge #8852B8; width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 11px;"]https://img.nickpic.host/qdiaGd.jpg[/icss]Fae - [i]Lunar Elf[/i]


Dorcha Faction

[b]Faction Class:[/b]
Tomb Scavenger

Has an interest in the history behind the artifacts she steals. Prefers to play coy and not give away her true feelings. She has a secret sweet side that she keeps hidden away from the rest of Dorcha. Her feelings sometimes conflict with her faction ideals. Enjoys helping the youth and advancing their place in the ranks. She loves gardening and cooking meals for others. Overall she tends to be more open minded than her other faction mates and it can lead to some trouble.

[list=1][*] Reading and translating written languages
[*]Danger Sense
[*]Intermediate luna/dark magic
[*]Sleight of hand
[*]Phantom Hand
[*]Pick Pocketing Stealth
[*]Singing and dancing
[*]Gift of the gab
[*]feather touch
[*]Lock picking
[*] Intermediate knowledge about artifacts and history related to ruins
[*]Intermediate Appraisal. 
[*]Superior Dark vision 120 feet.[/list]

 Finds it hard to trust others. Has a tendency to be really cold and bitchy thus gets into a lot of fights mostly with women. Needs sleeping and calming tablets when her anxiety is in full swing. Apathetic, Overly meticulous.

To be revealed in the roleplay.
