2 years ago
15 kB
window.Webflow ||= []; window.Webflow.push(() => { window.formStep = 1; window.hairstyleId = ''; window.hairColour = ''; window.styleColourId = hairstyleId + '-' + hairColour; window.eyesId = ''; window.skinToneId = ''; window.userId = ''; window.sessionId = ''; window.sessionRow = ''; window.selectedBook = ''; window.currentCharacterName = ''; const masterplan = new MasterPlan(document.getElementById('masterplan'), { clientID: '5140', jobID: '2000', theme: 'light', embedType: 'frame', thumbWidth: '300', autoFullscreen: true, showLoginLink: false, clientNameLink: false, showSpreadNums: false, customCss: { nestedToc: true, }, }); // Block is executed on page load - sets up the data etc. window.onload = function () { Snipcart.events.on('snipcart.initialized', (snipcartState) => { $('.book-preview-container').hide(); $('.loading-section').hide(); toggleUiElements(); setFormStep('#step-1-button'); setInputValues(); // will need to do for logged in character latest too if (sessionStorage.getItem('currentCharacterId') === null) { // Gets random selection for each const randomHairColour = getRandomIndex('input[name="hair-colour"]'); const randomHairStyle = getRandomIndex('input[name="hair-style"]'); const randomEyeColour = getRandomIndex('input[name="Eye-Colour"]'); const randomSkinTone = getRandomIndex('input[name="skin-tone"]'); $('input[name="hair-colour"]').eq(randomHairColour).prop('checked', true); $('input[name="hair-style"]').eq(randomHairStyle).prop('checked', true); $('input[name="Eye-Colour"]').eq(randomEyeColour).prop('checked', true); $('input[name="skin-tone"]').eq(randomSkinTone).prop('checked', true); getSelectedStyles(); displaySelectedColour(); checkSelectedHairstyle(); renderCharacter(); } else { buildUserCharacter(); } // need a better way to handle this setTimeout(function () { document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; }, 500); }); }; $('.save-character-button').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); saveCharacter(); }); function saveCharacter() { // check if user is signed in let userSignedIn = Snipcart.store.getState().customer.status === 'SignedIn'; // if not, tell them they need to sign in and redirect to login page if (userSignedIn) { addOrUpdateCharacter(); } else { triggerAlert('error', 'You must be signed in to save a character'); } } function triggerAlert(alertType, message) { $('.alert-banner .alert-text-block').html(message); if (alertType === 'success') { $('.alert-banner').css({'display': 'block', 'background-color': 'green'}); } if (alertType === 'error') { $('.alert-banner').css({'display': 'block', 'background-color': '#e00c18'}); } setTimeout(function () { $('.alert-banner').hide(); }, 5000); } function addOrUpdateCharacter() { let currentCharacterId = sessionStorage.getItem('currentCharacterId'); sessionStorage.setItem('currentCharacterName', $('#hero-name-input').val()); currentCharacterId === null ? addCharacter() : updateCharacter(); } function toggleUiElements() { let userSignedIn = Snipcart.store.getState().customer.status === 'SignedIn'; if (userSignedIn) { $('.nav-login-btn').html('Profile'); } else { $('.nav-login-btn').html('Sign In'); } } /* /* Form Code */ $('#step-1-button').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setFormStep('#step-1-button'); $('.form-step-1-container').fadeIn('slow'); $('.form-step-' + formStep + '-container').css({ display: 'none', }); formStep = 1; }); $('#step-2-button').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setFormStep('#step-2-button'); $('.form-step-2-container').fadeIn('slow'); $('.form-step-' + formStep + '-container').css({ display: 'none', }); formStep = 2; }); $('#step-3-button').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setFormStep('#step-3-button'); $('.form-step-3-container').fadeIn('slow'); $('.form-step-' + formStep + '-container').css({ display: 'none', }); formStep = 3; }); /* * Build Character Functions */ window.buildUserCharacter = function buildUserCharacter() { const record = getRecord(); record.then((result) => { // go through each item of the result // if it has a value, check the box // otherwise random - but thinking about it, it's always going to have a value (once it's finished - so expect errors) sessionStorage.setItem('currentCharacterName', result['fields']['NAME']); const splitStyleColour = result['fields']['HAIR'].split('-'); $('input[value=' + splitStyleColour[1] + ']').prop('checked', true); $('input[value=' + result['fields']['HAIR'] + ']').prop('checked', true); $('input[value=' + result['fields']['EYES'] + ']').prop('checked', true); $('input[value=' + result['fields']['SKIN'] + ']').prop('checked', true); $('#hero-name-input').val(result['fields']['NAME']); getSelectedStyles(); displaySelectedColour(); checkSelectedHairstyle(); renderCharacter(); }); }; window.renderCharacter = function renderCharacter() { // Hair if (styleColourId) { $('.hair:visible').first().hide(); $('.' + styleColourId).show(); } else { // selects random from list const { length } = $('.hair-container img'); const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * length); $('.hair-container img').eq(random).show(); } // Eyes if (eyesId) { $('.eyes:visible').first().hide(); console.log('eyeid', eyesId); $('.' + eyesId).show(); } else { const { length } = $('.eyes-container img'); const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * length); $('.eyes-container img').eq(random).show(); } // Skin if (skinToneId) { $('.skin:visible').first().hide(); $('.' + skinToneId).show(); } else { const { length } = $('.skin-container img'); const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * length); $('.skin-container img').eq(random).show(); } }; function setInputValues() { $('input[name="hair-colour"]').each(function () { const colourLabel = $(this).closest('label').find('span').html(); $(this).val(colourLabel); }); $('input[name="hair-style"]').each(function () { const styleAndColourID = $(this).closest('label').find('span').html(); $(this).val(styleAndColourID); }); $('input[name="Eye-Colour"]').each(function () { const colourLabel = $(this).closest('label').find('span').html(); $(this).val(colourLabel); }); $('input[name="skin-tone"]').each(function () { const skinId = $(this).closest('label').find('span').html(); $(this).val(skinId); }); } /* * General Functions */ function displayBookControls() { $('.book-controls').each(function () { const currentId = $(this).attr('id'); currentId === selectedBook ? $(this).css('display', 'flex') : $(this).hide(); }); } function getRandomIndex(selector) { const { length } = $(selector); const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * length); return random; } function setFormStep(stepButtonID) { $('#step-' + formStep + '-button') .prop('disabled', false) .removeClass('selected-form-step'); $(stepButtonID).prop('disabled', true).addClass('selected-form-step'); } /* * Step 1 Functions */ /* On colour change, select the relevant hairstyle and colour */ $('input[name="hair-colour"]').change(function (e) { displaySelectedColour(); checkSelectedHairstyle(); updatestyleColourId(); renderCharacter(); }); $('input[name=hair-style]').change(function (e) { getSelectedStyles(); updatestyleColourId(); renderCharacter(); }); $('input[name=Eye-Colour]').change(function (e) { eyesId = $('input[name=Eye-Colour]:checked', '#character-creation-form').val().toLowerCase(); renderCharacter(); }); $('input[name=skin-tone]').change(function (e) { skinToneId = $('input[name=skin-tone]:checked', '#character-creation-form').val().toLowerCase(); renderCharacter(); }); /* Displays the hair styles for the selected colour */ window.displaySelectedColour = function displaySelectedColour() { hairColour = $('input[name=hair-colour]:checked', '#character-creation-form') .val() .toLowerCase(); $('input[name=hair-style]').each(function (index) { const elementColour = $(this).val().substring(6).toLowerCase(); $(this) .closest('div') .addClass('hairstyle-' + index); if (elementColour !== hairColour) { $('.hairstyle-' + index).hide(); } if (elementColour === hairColour) { $('.hairstyle-' + index).show(); } }); }; function updatestyleColourId() { styleColourId = hairstyleId + '-' + hairColour.toLowerCase(); } // Checks the selected hairstyle window.checkSelectedHairstyle = function checkSelectedHairstyle() { updatestyleColourId(); $('input[value="' + styleColourId + '"]').prop('checked', true); }; // Gets the ID of the selected hairstyle, e.g. hs001 window.getSelectedStyles = function getSelectedStyles() { const styleAndColourID = $('input[name=hair-style]:checked', '#character-creation-form').val(); hairstyleId = styleAndColourID.slice(0, 5); eyesId = $('input[name=Eye-Colour]:checked', '#character-creation-form').val().toLowerCase(); skinToneId = $('input[name=skin-tone]:checked', '#character-creation-form').val().toLowerCase(); }; /* * Pick a Book */ $('.pick-a-book').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); addOrUpdateCharacter(); $('.character-builder-container').hide(); $('.book-selector-container').show(); }); $('.edit-character').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.character-builder-container').show(); $('.book-selector-container').hide(); }); $('.book-item').each(function () { // lowercase and hyphenates an id, adds to each book item const id = $(this).closest('div').find('.book-title').html().toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-'); $(this).prop('id', id); }); $('.book-item').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); selectedBook = $(this).prop('id'); $('.generate-book-preview').prop('text', 'Generate Preview For ' + selectedBook); $('.generate-book-preview').show(); }); $('.generate-book-preview').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setSessionId(); displayBookControls(); // post to airtable postToAirTable(); // wait for response from circular software // when response received, display preview $('.book-preview-container').css('display', 'flex'); $('.book-selector-container').hide(); }); $('.edit-character-2').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.book-preview-container').hide(); $('.character-builder-container').show(); }); $('.select-story').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.book-preview-container').hide(); $('.book-selector-container').show(); }); /* * Session Functions */ function getSessionId() { return localStorage.getItem('sessionId'); } function setSessionId() { if (getSessionId() === null) { const uuid = uuidv4(); localStorage.setItem('sessionId', uuid); } } /* * AirTable Functions */ window.getRecord = function getRecord() { const currentCharacterId = sessionStorage.getItem('currentCharacterId'); const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); const requestOptions = { method: 'get', headers: myHeaders, redirect: 'follow', }; const record = fetch( `https://v1.nocodeapi.com/makebelieveme/airtable/nmeOnHAeFloOUpCL?tableName=Characters&filterByFormula={RECORD_ID}="${currentCharacterId}"`, requestOptions ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => { // might need to be refactored to get the most recent version, rather than just index 0 return result['records'][0]; }) .catch((error) => console.log('error', error)); return record; }; // Post Airtable Record function postToAirTable() { const testBody = [ { // need to factor in log in character stuff CHARACTER_ID: sessionStorage.getItem('currentCharacterId'), BOOK: '03', SESSION_ID: localStorage.getItem('sessionId'), USER_ID: sessionStorage.getItem('userId'), }, ]; const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); const requestOptions = { method: 'post', headers: myHeaders, redirect: 'follow', body: JSON.stringify(testBody), }; fetch( 'https://v1.nocodeapi.com/makebelieveme/airtable/nmeOnHAeFloOUpCL?tableName=Sessions', requestOptions ) .then((response) => response.json()) .catch((error) => console.log('error', error)); } function addCharacter() { const testBody = [ { NAME: $('#hero-name-input').val(), USER_ID: 'random', HAIR: styleColourId, EYES: eyesId, SKIN: skinToneId, }, ]; const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); const requestOptions = { method: 'post', headers: myHeaders, redirect: 'follow', body: JSON.stringify(testBody), }; fetch( 'https://v1.nocodeapi.com/makebelieveme/airtable/nmeOnHAeFloOUpCL?tableName=Characters', requestOptions ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => { // might need to be refactored to get the most recent version, rather than just index 0 sessionStorage.setItem('currentCharacterId', result[0]['fields']['RECORD_ID']); }) .catch((error) => console.log('error', error)); } function updateCharacter() { const testBody = [ { id: sessionStorage.getItem('currentCharacterId'), fields: { NAME: $('#hero-name-input').val(), USER_ID: 'random', HAIR: styleColourId, EYES: eyesId, SKIN: skinToneId, }, }, ]; const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); const requestOptions = { method: 'put', headers: myHeaders, redirect: 'follow', body: JSON.stringify(testBody), }; fetch( 'https://v1.nocodeapi.com/makebelieveme/airtable/nmeOnHAeFloOUpCL?tableName=Characters', requestOptions ) .then((response) => response.json()) .then(triggerAlert('success', 'Character saved successfully!')) .catch((error) => console.log('error', error)); } });