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                <h2 class="brix---heading-h2-size gg ff">INVESTING</h2>
                <h2 class="brix---heading-h2-size iui">How Rupert Murdoch&#x27;s Immediate Fortune is Changing Lives<br></h2>
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                    <h2 class="brix---heading-h2-size poo ffddd">By Anthony Anderson</h2>
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              <p class="paragraph-18 ddd pp"><span class="text-span-15 bold-text-8 lll ddd">April 11,2023</span><br></p>
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          </div><img src="images/rupert-murdoch.webp" loading="lazy" width="815" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 55vw, (max-width: 1439px) 57vw, 815px" srcset="images/rupert-murdoch-p-500.webp 500w, images/rupert-murdoch-p-800.webp 800w, images/rupert-murdoch.webp 1000w" alt="" class="image-3 dddd">
          <p class="paragraph-18"><span class="text-span-15 bold-text-8">Rupert Murdoch is a media mogul, and his latest venture, Immediate Fortune, has been changing the lives of Australians by giving them the opportunity to make money from home.</span><br></p><img src="images/seen.jpg" loading="lazy" width="807" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 55vw, (max-width: 1439px) 56vw, 807px" srcset="images/seen-p-500.jpg 500w, images/seen.jpg 750w" alt="" class="image-15"><img src="images/headshots_1617069529743.0.jpg" loading="lazy" width="815" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 55vw, (max-width: 1439px) 57vw, 815px" srcset="images/headshots_1617069529743.0-p-500.jpg 500w, images/headshots_1617069529743.0-p-800.jpg 800w, images/headshots_1617069529743.0-p-1080.jpg 1080w, images/headshots_1617069529743.0.jpg 1200w" alt="" class="image-3">
          <p class="paragraph-18"><span class="text-span-15">This platform is a game-changer for anyone looking to earn a secondary income or diversify their investments.<br><br>Immediate Fortune allows you to profit not only from stocks but from a basket of assets. <br><br>This can be done even in a bear market by selling high and buying low to reap rapid profits. <br><br>It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically handle long and short-selling for you so you can make money around the clock, even while you sleep (because the financial world doesn&#x27;t).<br><br>Since its creation, Immediate Fortune has been backed by some of the smartest tech minds to ever exist. <br><br>Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates are just a few of the many who support Rupert Murdoch&#x27;s latest venture.</span><br></p>
          <a href="/sign-in" class="button-3 fhf fhfh w-button"><strong class="bold-text-6">SEE THIS AMAZING<br> OPPORTUNITY &gt;</strong></a>
          <blockquote class="block-quote-3"><strong>Can Anyone Make Money with Immediate Fortune?</strong></blockquote>
          <p class="paragraph-14">Trust us, every question that’s going through your head right now, we didn’t hesitate to ask Rupert Murdoch about it, since he’s the mastermind behind Immediate Fortune.<br><br>And the first question on everyone’s minds was: What if I don’t know anything about stocks?<br><br> How will I know what to invest in?<br><br>Rupert Murdoch answered: “That’s the beauty of Immediate Fortune. You can go in completely blind and still come out on top, as it gives you a wide range of assets to choose from and automated trading features that you’ll be introduced to by the experts who developed them!”<br><br>“So, whether you’re an investor looking to diversify your investments or you’re an average 9-5 worker looking to secure a secondary source of income, you can use it to make winning gains regardless of your experience.”<br><br>&quot;I&#x27;m sharing this today because I&#x27;ve also already received dozens of calls and emails from friends and family thanking me for changing their lives. <br><br>My favorite one is from a distant relative who bought his little sister her dream car - a Lamborghini Aventador using the cash he made with Immediate Fortune. This platform is truly making the lives of everyone that&#x27;s using it a lot better.&quot;</p><img src="images/rupert-murdoch-news-photo-1679323889.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 55vw, (max-width: 1919px) 57vw, 1024px" srcset="images/rupert-murdoch-news-photo-1679323889-p-500.jpg 500w, images/rupert-murdoch-news-photo-1679323889-p-800.jpg 800w, images/rupert-murdoch-news-photo-1679323889.jpg 1024w" alt="" class="image-3">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="button-3 ffbf w-button"><strong class="bold-text-6">SEE HOW &gt;</strong></a>
          <p class="paragraph-17"><strong class="bold-text-8">Testing Immediate Fortune<br>‍</strong><br>Our senior editors  wouldn&#x27;t allow us to publish this interview with Rupert Murdoch until we verified that Immediate Fortune is a legitimate make-money-from-home opportunity.<br><br> Our corporate leadership did not want us releasing any information that could potentially cause citizens of Australia to lose their hard-earned money.<br><br>So, our editorial team tested Immediate Fortune to make sure it actually works like Rupert Murdoch described. One of our online editors, Sarah Jones, volunteered to risk her own money and test out Immediate Fortune.Sarah is a 29-year-old mother of 1 child whose husband lost his job last year due to the pandemic. <br><br>She admitted she was struggling financially and this investment opportunity could be the answer.</p><img src="images/1_JS107729208.jpg" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 51vw, 615px" srcset="images/1_JS107729208-p-500.jpg 500w, images/1_JS107729208.jpg 615w" alt="" class="image-3">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="button-3 ffbf w-button"><strong class="bold-text-6">VIEW IMMEDIATE FORTUNE</strong></a>
          <blockquote class="block-quote-2"><strong class="bold-text-8">Sarah reports:</strong></blockquote>
          <p class="paragraph-16">&quot;At first, when I learned about Immediate Fortune, I was skeptical. Making money from home seems too good to be true.<br><br> But, given our financial circumstances and for the sake of good journalism, I decided to try it out.&quot;<br><br>&quot;I watched an introductory video about the platform and then signed up. The video seemed to be over-promising but I put my skepticism aside. Within a few hours, I received a call from my personal manager. <br><br>He answered all questions and doubts I had, and assured me I was going to make money. Period.&quot;<br><br>&quot;My personal manager even promised that if I lose a single dime, he would promptly refund my deposit.<br><br> That&#x27;s how confident he was this was going to change my life. Now that’s customer service beyond anything I’ve seen.&quot;<br>‍</p>
          <p class="paragraph-17"><strong class="bold-text-8">Rupert Murdoch&#x27;s Final Words<br>on Immediate Fortune<br>‍</strong><br>&quot;Immediate Fortune is an incredible opportunity to make money from the comfort of your own home.<br><br> The AI algorithms and machine learning used by this platform make it easy for anyone to make money trading cryptocurrencies. It&#x27;s a risk-free investment, and you can start small and work your way up.&quot;<br><br>&quot;This platform has already made millionaires out of ordinary people, and I truly believe it can do the same for you. <br><br>But time is running out. Immediate Fortune can only accept a limited number of users to keep the profit per user high. As of today, there are only a few spots left for Australian residents.&quot;<br><br>&quot;Don&#x27;t wait any longer. Sign up now and start making money today. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime to build a fortune that will allow you to live the life you truly desire.&quot;</p><img src="images/Untitled-500-×-400-px-300-×-400-px-2.png" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 767px) 65vw, (max-width: 991px) 49vw, (max-width: 1279px) 53vw, 650px" srcset="images/Untitled-500-×-400-px-300-×-400-px-2-p-500.png 500w, images/Untitled-500-×-400-px-300-×-400-px-2.png 650w" alt="" class="image-3">
          <p class="paragraph-17"><strong class="bold-text-8">UPDATE<br>‍</strong><br>We just received word that as of today (Wednesday, 12 April 2023), almost all positions are filled up for Australian residents. <br><br>Immediate Fortune can only accept a limited number of total users per country to keep the profit per user high. <br><br>As of right now, there are (37) spots left. <br><br>We therefore recommend not to hesitate and to sign up now to secure your spot.<br><br></p><img src="images/everydayprofit_euro-1.gif" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-3">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="button-3 ffbf fhfh w-button"><strong class="bold-text-6">SEE THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY &gt;</strong></a>
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        <h3 class="heading-24">ACTUAL READER RESULTS</h3><img src="images/images-1.jpg" loading="lazy" width="285" alt="" class="image-12">
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          <h4 class="heading-25">PROFIT: <span class="text-span-15">$5,552</span></h4>
          <p><em class="italic-text-3">&quot;I&#x27;ve been using </em>
            <a href="/sign-in"><em class="italic-text-7">IMMEDIATE FORTUNE </em></a><em class="italic-text-3">for just over 2 weeks, I&#x27;ve taken my initial deposit from $400 to $5,952. That&#x27;s even more than I make at the office.&quot;</em>
          <a href="/sign-in" class="link-4">Kyle McLennan<br>Melbourne, Australia</a>
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          <h3>PROFIT: <span class="text-span-15">$9,284</span></h3>
          <p><em class="italic-text-3">&quot;I made over $9,200 after just a month of using . I can </em>
            <a href="/sign-in">use it on my laptop</a>,<em class="italic-text-3"> so I&#x27;ve been travelling the country and making money the whole time!&quot;</em>
          </p><img src="images/images-2.jpg" loading="lazy" width="285" alt="" class="image-13">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="link-3"><br>Sean Black<br>Perth, Australia</a>
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          <h3>PROFIT: <span class="text-span-15">$22,219</span></h3>
          <p><em class="italic-text-3">&quot;It&#x27;s so easy to use, even for me! I&#x27;ve never traded before, but I&#x27;ve been making $3,000+ a week and loving life!&quot;</em></p><img src="images/images.jpg" loading="lazy" width="285" alt="" class="image-11">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="link-4"><br>Lydia Bartlett<br>Sydney, Australia</a>
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          <h3>PROFIT: <span class="text-span-15">$41,943</span></h3>
          <p><em class="italic-text-3">&quot;Finally, </em>
            <a href="/sign-in"><em class="italic-text-5">I quit my job</em></a><em class="italic-text-3">! Entirely I&#x27;ve made soooo much, so quick, so easily!&quot;</em>
          </p><img src="images/t-mar-flxpoint-300x300-circle.jpg" loading="lazy" width="285" alt="" class="image-14">
          <a href="/sign-in" class="link-4"><br>Matthew Stephens<br>Canberram Australia</a>
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