package RaceCar; import bridges.base.NamedColor; import bridges.base.NamedSymbol; import bridges.games.NonBlockingGame; import credentials.User; import java.util.Random; class Racecar extends NonBlockingGame { static int gridCol = 30; // Grid width static int gridRow = 30; // Grid height private int carX, carY; // Car position private int leftWall, rightWall; // Road boundaries private int obstacleX, obstacleY; // Obstacle position private int score = 0; // Score tracking private int frameCounter = 0; // Frame counter for road movement private Random rand = new Random(); public Racecar(int assid, String login, String apiKey, int c, int r) { super(assid, login, apiKey, c, r); setTitle("Race Car"); setDescription("Drive the car and avoid obstacles!"); start(); } public void initialize() { leftWall = 8; rightWall = 22; carX = 15; carY = gridRow - 3; obstacleX = rand.nextInt(rightWall - leftWall - 1) + leftWall + 1; obstacleY = rand.nextInt(gridRow / 2) + 5; } public void handleInput() { if (keyLeft() && carX > leftWall + 1) { carX--; // Move left } else if (keyRight() && carX < rightWall - 1) { carX++; // Move right } } public void checkCollision() { if (carX <= leftWall || carX >= rightWall || (carX == obstacleX && carY == obstacleY)) { die(); // End the game } } private void moveRoad() { frameCounter++; if (frameCounter % 150 == 0) { if (leftWall < rightWall - 5) { leftWall++; rightWall--; } } if (frameCounter % 90 == 0) { int shift = rand.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1; if (leftWall + shift >= 3 && rightWall + shift <= gridCol - 3) { // Keep within bounds leftWall += shift; rightWall += shift; } } } public void paintScreen() { // Clear screen gamegrid.setBGColor(0, 2, NamedColor.purple); //fillGrid(NamedSymbol.none, NamedColor.black); for (int i = 0; i < gridRow; i++) { setBGColor(leftWall, i, NamedColor.gray); setBGColor(rightWall, i, NamedColor.gray); } drawSymbol(carX, carY, NamedSymbol.heart, NamedColor.yellow); setBGColor(carX, carY, NamedColor.red); drawSymbol(obstacleX, obstacleY, NamedSymbol.diamond, NamedColor.pink); setBGColor(obstacleX, obstacleY, NamedColor.orange); } public void die() { System.out.println("Game Over! Score: " + score); System.exit(0); } public void gameLoop() { handleInput(); checkCollision(); moveRoad(); checkCollision(); paintScreen(); score++; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Racecar game = new Racecar(21, User.USERNAME, User.APIKEY, gridCol, gridRow); } }
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