local m_combo = macro (500, "Combo UE", function() end) onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos) if m_combo.isOn() then if name:lower() == storage.leaderName:lower() and text:lower() == storage.leaderSpell:lower() and pos and pos.z == posz() and distanceFromPlayer(pos) < 5 then say(storage.comboSpell) end end end) addTextEdit("LeaderName", storage.leaderName or "Leader Name", function(widget, text) storage.leaderName = text end) addTextEdit("LeaderSpell", storage.leaderSpell or "Leader Spell", function(widget, text) storage.leaderSpell = text end) addTextEdit("comboSpell", storage.comboSpell or "Combo", function(widget, text) storage.comboSpell = text end)
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