
a year ago
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">Hi <b>{{event.name}}<b/> 👋,</p>
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">I’m Vu, CheckMate Product Manager. Congrats on your first product offer, you’re one step closer to growing your checkout conversion! </p>
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">I genuinely want to make sure CheckMate is a good match for you and your business. Could you please share some thoughts about your experience with CheckMate? It will take only 2 minutes of your time.</p>
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													<a href="https://app.satismeter.com/survey?token=clT5Wp4GRkdlXfdn&campaign=64a7728fa273fd6df5ad9dc4" style="font-size: 16px;
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																						text-decoration: none;">Submit Your Feedback</a>

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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">Anything you and your team might need, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team via 24/7 Live Chat in app or on our  <a href="https://ecomate.co/#support" style="text-decoration: underline !important;">website</a>.</p>
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">We are here to help you!</p>
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													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">Vu Nguyen</p>
												<td style="padding-bottom: 20px">
													<p style="margin: 0;line-height: 1.5;font-size:16px; color: #424353;">Product Manager @ Ecomate Team</p>
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													<p style="margin:0 0 10px; font-size:16px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">CheckMate Checkout Upsells</p>
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