2 years ago
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import random class Game: def __init__(self): self.day = 1 self.money = 1000 self.inventory = {} self.drugs = { 'Weed': { 'buy_price': 50, 'sell_price': 100, 'min_quantity': 5, 'max_quantity': 20, }, 'Cocaine': { 'buy_price': 200, 'sell_price': 400, 'min_quantity': 1, 'max_quantity': 5, }, 'Heroin': { 'buy_price': 300, 'sell_price': 600, 'min_quantity': 1, 'max_quantity': 3, }, } self.locations = { 'Home': {}, 'Subway Station': { 'drugs': ['Weed', 'Cocaine'], 'police_chance': 0.1, }, 'Park': { 'drugs': ['Weed', 'Heroin'], 'police_chance': 0.2, }, 'Alley': { 'drugs': ['Cocaine', 'Heroin'], 'police_chance': 0.3, }, 'Warehouse': { 'drugs': ['Weed', 'Cocaine', 'Heroin'], 'police_chance': 0.4, }, } self.generate_store() def generate_store(self): items = [] for drug in self.drugs: buy_price = random.randint(self.drugs[drug]['buy_price'] // 2, self.drugs[drug]['buy_price']) sell_price = random.randint(self.drugs[drug]['sell_price'], self.drugs[drug]['sell_price'] * 2) items.append({'name': drug, 'buy_price': buy_price, 'sell_price': sell_price}) self.locations['Store'] = {'items': items} def print_inventory(self): print('Your inventory:') for drug in self.inventory: print(f'{drug}: {self.inventory[drug]}') def print_store(self): store = self.locations['Store'] print('Store inventory:') for item in store['items']: print(f"{item['name']}: Buy for {item['buy_price']}, sell for {item['sell_price']}") def print_money(self): print(f'You have ${self.money}') def print_day(self): print(f'Day {self.day}') def print_location(self, location): print(f'You are at {location}') def get_location(self): return random.choice(list(self.locations.keys())) def get_drug_quantity(self, drug): return random.randint(self.drugs[drug]['min_quantity'], self.drugs[drug]['max_quantity']) def get_price(self, drug, buy=True): price = self.locations['Store']['items'][self.drugs.index(drug)][buy ? 'buy_price' : 'sell_price'] return price def buy_drug(self, drug, quantity): if self.money >= self.get_price(drug, True) * quantity: if drug in self.inventory: self.inventory[drug] += quantity else: self.inventory[drug] = quantity self.money -= self.get_price(drug, True) * quantity print(f'You bought {quantity} {drug}(s) for ${self.get_price(drug, True) * quantity}') else: def sell_drug(self, drug, quantity): if drug in self.inventory and self.inventory[drug] >= quantity: self.inventory[drug] -= quantity self.money += self.get_price(drug, False) * quantity print(f'You sold {quantity} {drug}(s) for ${self.get_price(drug, False) * quantity}') else: print('You do not have that much of that drug to sell') def travel(self, location): if location in self.locations: self.day += 1 self.print_day() self.print_location(location) self.locations[location]['police_chance'] = random.uniform(0, 0.5) drugs = self.locations[location]['drugs'] for drug in drugs: quantity = self.get_drug_quantity(drug) price = self.get_price(drug, True) print(f'{drug} is available for ${price} per unit (quantity: {quantity})') else: print('Invalid location') def run(self): print('Welcome to Dope Wars RPG') print('------------------------') while True: self.print_day() self.print_money() self.print_inventory() location = self.get_location() self.print_location(location) self.print_store() action = input('What do you want to do? (buy, sell, travel, quit) ') if action == 'buy': drug = input('What drug do you want to buy? ') quantity = int(input('How many units do you want to buy? ')) self.buy_drug(drug, quantity) elif action == 'sell': drug = input('What drug do you want to sell? ') quantity = int(input('How many units do you want to sell? ')) self.sell_drug(drug, quantity) elif action == 'travel': location = input('Where do you want to travel? ') self.travel(location) elif action == 'quit': print('Thanks for playing!') break else: print('Invalid action')