2 months ago
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using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FluentAssertions; using Moq; using Xunit; public class SaveMethodTests { private readonly Fixture fixture; public SaveMethodTests() { fixture = new Fixture(); // Using the existing fixture setup } [Fact] public async Task Save_ShouldReturn_Status403Forbidden_WhenUserIsNotOwner() { // Arrange var setupId = 1; var user = "testuser"; var request = new NodeValuesRequest(); var setup = new Setup { WhoStored = "anotheruser" }; fixture.setupServiceMoq.Setup(s => s.FindSetupById(setupId, user)) .ReturnsAsync(setup); var service = new SetupService(fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Object, fixture.configurationMock.Object); // Act var act = async () => await service.Save(setupId, request, user); // Assert await act.Should().ThrowAsync<InvalidSetupOwnership>() .WithMessage("You are not the owner of this setup."); } [Fact] public async Task Save_ShouldReturn_Status404NotFound_OnInexistentSetup() { // Arrange var setupId = 1; var user = "testuser"; var request = new NodeValuesRequest(); fixture.setupServiceMoq.Setup(s => s.FindSetupById(setupId, user)) .Throws(new EntityNotFoundException("Setup", null)); var service = new SetupService(fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Object, fixture.configurationMock.Object); // Act var act = async () => await service.Save(setupId, request, user); // Assert await act.Should().ThrowAsync<EntityNotFoundException>(); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Verify(u => u.RollbackAsync(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once); } [Fact] public async Task Save_ShouldReturn_Status500InternalServerError_OnDbException() { // Arrange var setupId = 1; var user = "testuser"; var request = new NodeValuesRequest(); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Setup(u => u.BeginTransactionAsync()) .Throws(new DbException("Database error")); var service = new SetupService(fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Object, fixture.configurationMock.Object); // Act var act = async () => await service.Save(setupId, request, user); // Assert await act.Should().ThrowAsync<DbException>() .WithMessage("Database error"); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Verify(u => u.RollbackAsync(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once); } [Fact] public async Task Save_ShouldReturn_Status200OK_WhenSaveIsSuccessful() { // Arrange var setupId = 1; var user = "testuser"; var request = new NodeValuesRequest(); var setup = new Setup { WhoStored = user, Version = "v5" }; fixture.setupServiceMoq.Setup(s => s.FindSetupById(setupId, user)) .ReturnsAsync(setup); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Setup(u => u.SaveSetup(setup, user, It.IsAny<CancellationToken>())) .Returns(Task.CompletedTask); var service = new SetupService(fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Object, fixture.configurationMock.Object); // Act var result = await service.Save(setupId, request, user); // Assert result.Should().NotBeNull(); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Verify(u => u.CommitAsync(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once); } [Fact] public async Task Save_ShouldReturn_Status500InternalServerError_OnUnhandledException() { // Arrange var setupId = 1; var user = "testuser"; var request = new NodeValuesRequest(); fixture.setupServiceMoq.Setup(s => s.FindSetupById(setupId, user)) .Throws(new Exception("Unexpected error")); var service = new SetupService(fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Object, fixture.configurationMock.Object); // Act var act = async () => await service.Save(setupId, request, user); // Assert await act.Should().ThrowAsync<DbException>() .WithMessage("An unhandled error occured when trying to add/update SetupValues"); fixture.setupValuesUOWMock.Verify(u => u.RollbackAsync(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once); } }
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