a year ago
10 kB
--[[ Gesior Shop System v2.0 Originally written by Gesior, modified by slawkens for MyAAC. This script should work with ANY distro. don't forget to paste this into globalevents.xml: <globalevent name="gesior-shop-system" interval="30000" script="gesior-shop-system.lua" /> change 30000 to 30 if other values in this file are low ]]-- local messageType = MESSAGE_EVENT_ORANGE local displayExecutionTime = true -- how time script took in console (true/false) -- don't edit anything below this line if(displayExecutionTime) then function doSecondsFormat(i) local str, found = string.gsub(i, "(%d)(%d%d%d)$", "%1.%2", 1), 0 repeat str, found = string.gsub(str, "(%d)(%d%d%d),", "%1.%2,", 1) until found == 0 return str end end if(not messageType) then messageType = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE if(not messageType) then messageType = MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR end end if(not getPlayerByName) then function getPlayerByName(name) local p = Player(name) return p ~= nil and p:getId() or false end end if(not isPlayer) then function isPlayer(cid) return Player(cid) ~= nil end end if(not doPlayerSave) then function doPlayerSave(cid) if(Player and type(Player) == "table" and Player.save and type(Player.save) == "function") then local player = Player(cid) if(player) then player:save() end end return true end end function getResults() if(db.storeQuery ~= nil and result.free ~= nil) then -- TFS 1.0+ local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication;") if(resultId == false) then return false end local results = {} repeat local tmp = {} tmp.name = result.getDataString(resultId, "name") -- better performance when no player found tmp.exist = false tmp.cid = getPlayerByName(tmp.name) if(tmp.cid and isPlayer(tmp.cid)) then tmp.exist = true tmp.id = result.getDataInt(resultId, "id") tmp.action = result.getDataString(resultId, "action") tmp.delete_it = result.getDataInt(resultId, "delete_it") tmp.param1 = result.getDataInt(resultId, "param1") tmp.param2 = result.getDataInt(resultId, "param2") tmp.param3 = result.getDataInt(resultId, "param3") tmp.param4 = result.getDataInt(resultId, "param4") tmp.param5 = result.getDataString(resultId, "param5") tmp.param6 = result.getDataString(resultId, "param6") end table.insert(results, tmp) until not result.next(resultId) result.free(resultId) return results else -- TFS 0.3 if(db.getResult ~= nil) then local result_plr = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication;") if(result_plr:getID() == -1) then return false end local results = {} repeat local tmp = {} tmp.name = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("name")) -- better performance when no player found tmp.exist = false tmp.cid = getPlayerByName(tmp.name) if(tmp.cid and isPlayer(tmp.cid)) then tmp.exist = true tmp.id = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("id")) tmp.action = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("action")) tmp.delete_it = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("delete_it")) tmp.param1 = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param1")) tmp.param2 = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param2")) tmp.param3 = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param3")) tmp.param4 = tonumber(result_plr:getDataInt("param4")) tmp.param5 = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param5")) tmp.param6 = tostring(result_plr:getDataString("param6")) end table.insert(results, tmp) until not(result_plr:next()) result_plr:free() return results else print('[ERROR - gesior-shop-system.lua] Your distribution is not supported') end end return false end function doQuery(query) if(db.asyncQuery ~= nil) then db.asyncQuery(query) elseif(db.query ~= nil) then db.query(query) elseif(db.executeQuery ~= nil) then db.executeQuery(query) else return false end return true end if(not getItemWeightById) then getItemWeightById = getItemWeight end if(not doCreateItemEx) then function doCreateItemEx(itemid, count) if(Game and type(Game) == "table" and Game.createItem and type(Game.createItem) == "function") then local item = Game.createItem(itemid, count) if item then return item:getUniqueId() end return false else print("[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Error code: 1. Please contact slawkens at www.otland.net") end end end local globalshop = GlobalEvent("globalshop") function globalshop.onThink(interval) if(interval > 1000) then interval = interval / 1000 end local started = os.mtime and os.mtime() or os.time() local addedItems, waitingItems = 0, 0 local added = false local results = getResults() if(not results) then return true end for i, v in ipairs(results) do added = false local id = v.id local action = v.action local delete = v.delete_it if(v.exist) then local cid = v.cid local player = Player(cid) local param1, param2, param3, param4 = v.param1, v.param2, v.param3, v.param4 local add_item_type = v.param5 local add_item_name = v.param6 local received_item, full_weight, items_weight, item_weigth = 0, 0, 0, 0 local item_doesnt_exist = false if(add_item_type == 'container' or add_item_type == 'item') then local item_weigth = getItemWeightById(param1, 1) if(type(item_weigth) == 'boolean') then -- item doesn't exist print("[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Invalid item id: " .. param1 .. ". Change/Fix `itemid1` in `z_shop_offers` then delete it from `z_ots_comunication`") item_doesnt_exist = true else if(add_item_type == 'container') then container_weight = getItemWeightById(param3, 1) if(type(container_weight) == 'boolean') then -- container item doesn't exist print("[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Invalid container id: " .. param3 .. ". Change/Fix `itemid2` in `z_shop_offers` then delete it from `z_ots_comunication`") item_doesnt_exist = true else if(isItemRune(param1)) then items_weight = param4 * item_weigth else items_weight = param4 * getItemWeightById(param1, param2) end full_weight = items_weight + container_weight end elseif(add_item_type == 'item') then full_weight = getItemWeightById(param1, param2) if(isItemRune(param1)) then full_weight = getItemWeightById(param1, 1) end end end local inbox = player:getInbox() local parcel = Game.createItem(3504, 1) --local letter = Game.createItem(3506, 1) local text_letter = ("Hola bebesita") if(not item_doesnt_exist) then if(add_item_type == 'container') then local new_container = doCreateItemEx(param3, 1) for x = 1, param4 do doAddContainerItem(new_container, param1, param2) end received_item = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, new_container) else local new_item = doCreateItemEx(param1, param2) ---???? --received_item = doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, new_item) ----- No llega el item al parcel ----- parcel:addItemEx(new_item) inbox:addItemEx(parcel, 1, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT) end if(received_item == RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, "Congratulations you have received >> ".. add_item_name .." <<, go to inbox to pick up the package.") doQuery("DELETE FROM `z_ots_comunication` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. ";") doQuery("UPDATE `z_shop_history` SET `trans_state`='realized', `trans_real`=" .. os.time() .. " WHERE comunication_id = " .. id .. ";") doPlayerSave(cid) added = true end end elseif(add_item_type == 'addon') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, "You received >> ".. add_item_name .." <<, now you can equip the outfit with addon included.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, param1, param3) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, param2, param4) doQuery("DELETE FROM `z_ots_comunication` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. ";") doQuery("UPDATE `z_shop_history` SET `trans_state`='realized', `trans_real`=" .. os.time() .. " WHERE comunication_id = " .. id .. ";") doPlayerSave(cid) added = true elseif(add_item_type == 'mount') then if(not doPlayerAddMount) then print("[ERROR - gesior-shop-system] Your server doesn't support mounts. Remove all items in database from your `z_shop_offers` table where `offer_type` = mount and also in `z_ots_comunication` where `param5` = mount.") else doPlayerAddMount(cid, param1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, "You received >> ".. add_item_name .." <<, now you can equip the mount.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS) doQuery("DELETE FROM `z_ots_comunication` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. ";") doQuery("UPDATE `z_shop_history` SET `trans_state`='realized', `trans_real`=" .. os.time() .. " WHERE comunication_id = " .. id .. ";") doPlayerSave(cid) added = true end end end if(added) then addedItems = addedItems + 1 else waitingItems = waitingItems + 1 end end local message = ">> Shopsystem, added " .. addedItems .. " items. Still waiting with " .. waitingItems .. " items." if(displayExecutionTime) then local done, str = os.time() - started, "" if(os.mtime) then done = os.mtime() - started if(done < 100) then str = "0.0" .. done elseif(done < 1000) then str = "0." .. done else str = doSecondsFormat(done) if(str:len() == 0) then str = "0.0" end end end message = message .. " Done in: " .. str .. "s." end print(message) return true end globalshop:interval(3000) globalshop:register()